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Topic: Emiratele Arabe Unite - Dubai

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Emiratele Arabe Unite - Dubai adrian buda

Am venit de curand din Dubai si pot spune ca a fost una din cele mai frumoase vacante. Infrastructura este foarte buna (autostrazi de 6-8 benzi), iar mijloacele de transport de ultima generatie.
    Metroul din Dubai merge in cea mai mare parte pe la suprafata, fiind subteran doar in zona veche a orasului. Exista doua linii de metrou: linia rosie si cea verde, linia rosie fiind cea mai lunga linie de metrou automatizata din lume (52,1 km). Cele doua linii au fost inaugurate in anul 2009, iar acum reprezinta principalul mijloc de transport in comun din Dubai. Cateva poze cu trenurile de metrou si statiile retelei (ultima poza este facuta din Burj Khalifa).
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Re: Arabia Saudita si Emiratele Arabe Unite adrian buda

RTA (Roads & Transport Authority) detine un numar foarte mare de autobuze : Mercedes Citaro, Solaris Urbino 12 si 18, VDL Citea, Neoplan articulate si Neoplan etajate care circula pe liniile din Dubai. Absolut toate autobuzele (e si normal) au parasolare si aer conditionat. Cateva poze cu autobuzele si interiorul unui Mercedes Citaro.
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Re: Arabia Saudita si Emiratele Arabe Unite adrian buda

Statiile sunt si ele foarte interesante, fiind amenajate cu aer conditionat.
Continuare pozelor cu autobuze si cateva poze cu statiile.
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Re: Arabia Saudita si Emiratele Arabe Unite adrian buda

Datorita infrastructurii foarte bune, in Dubai poti face 30 km prin oras in doar 20 de minute. Cateva poze cu autostrada principala Sheikh Zayed Road si un Interchange pozat din Burj Khalifa.
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Re: Emiratele Arabe Unite - Dubai PTMZ

A fost inaugurată linia de metrou Dubai Route 2020. Comunicatul Alstom:
20210216_PR_Dubai_Metro_Revenue_Service_EN.pdf (88.64 KB; downloaded 405 times)


Re: Emiratele Arabe Unite - Dubai PTMZ

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and Zhong Tang Sky Railway Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of a sky rail system as part of city’s commitment to develop innovative and futuristic transport network.

The agreement was signed by Abdul Mohsen Ibrahim Younes, CEO of Rail Agency, on behalf of RTA, and Tang Tong, Chairman of Zhong Tang Sky Train, signed on behalf of the Group. Attendees included Jaber Al Bahandi, Chairman of Centurion Company, the UAE representative of Zhong Tang Sky Railway Group,  and Tariq Al Bahandi, Head of Development at Centurion.

“The signing of this MoU is part of RTA’s ongoing efforts to increase public transport trips to 26 per cent by 2030. Realising this objective requires developing advanced futuristic transport systems and improving the sustainable transport network in Dubai to encourage people and visitors to use public transport,” Abdul Mohsen Ibrahim Younes said.

Through this agreement, Zhong Tang Sky Railway Group will implement the project by delivering innovative technologies needed to develop a sky rail system. “We will be able to screen and obtain the best technologies and select the best systems for implementation in Dubai,” Younes commented.

The use of monorail system in Dubai aims to accelerate the mobility of people, provide affordable mobility solutions, encourage community members to use them, and curb traffic congestion.

The Roads and Transport Authority is seeking to consolidate the integration of the mass transit systems towards realising its vision to become ‘the world leader in seamless and sustainable mobility. It also contributes to realising the Dubai Self – Driving Transport Strategy aimed to convert 25 per cent of the total mobility journeys in Dubai into self – driving transport by 2030.

The city is implementing innovative technologies to deliver high quality services and to reduce costs. For example, RTA has started last year drone trial run to inspect the metro tunnels to enable precise and fast inspection of the condition of assets, a project which is part of Smart Dubai Strategy 2021.

Dubai public transport development entered a new phase as in February inaugurated the commercial passenger services on the 15-km Route 2020 metro line.

Sursa: Railway Pro


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