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Topic: Rusia - alte orase

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Re: Rusia - altele Aron

Umm...putina explicatie va rog ca sa mor mai destept?  :D

PS poza e din orasul Crasnodar, Rusia.


Re: Rusia - altele crocodil

Cu siguranta e un vagon ce transporta nisip, pietris etc. Ceva de genul am vazut si pe la noi pana prin anul 1991 in dreptul fostei betoniere da la Barajul Dunarii. Imi aduc perfect aminte ca era un macaz inainte de statie,se intra pe o linie secundara unde se incarcau respectivele tramvaie. Ceea ce este in poza cum am zis e un vagon ce presupun ca i sa rupt "tamponul". Initial am zis ca e un cardan,dar dupa marirea imaginii se vede clar ca asta a fost cauza ramanerii in mijlocul strazii.


Re: Rusia - altele Aron

:shock:  :o


P.S: are tot 2 pantografe :lol:


Re: Rusia - altele Aron

Super, multumesc.
M-am gandit eu ca e ceva pentru muncitori daca nu turistic, dar acuma am aflat mai multe. :D


  • Tom
  • Posted:

Re: Rusia - altele Tom

Mai multe date despre rețeaua de tramvaie: aici.
În 2009 a avut loc o puternică explozie care a afectat întreaga centrală și a provocat moartea a 75 de persoane, iar reparațiile au durat peste 5 ani. Efectele acesteia asupra liniei de tramvai nu sunt cunoscute.
Off-topic: încă un tramvai cu două pantografe :D


Re: Rusia - alte orase ByOnu


Oricum, nu cautati numele localitatii pe internet deoarece nu o sa gasiti nimic, autorul articolului nu stie cum se scrie numele. Uitati aici.


Re: Rusia - alte orase PTMZ

Mosproekt-3 Group has been awarded a contract to extend the Avtozavodskaya line of Nizhny Novgorod metro, from the Gorkovskaya station to the Sennaya station.

The project covers the construction of a 3 km line extension and two stations crossing a dense urban areas and the company will work to minimise the impact on the surface transport. “Our specialists will offer detailed technological solutions after the design and survey study,” Anna Merkulova, the General Director of the Mosproekt-3 said.

The two new metro stations will be designed as transfer stations and will be constructed at Opera Theater and Freedom Square.

The line will cross from the historic centre to the mountainous part of the city (Upper City) an area situated hilly eastern bank of the Oka which includes three of the eight city districts.

Mosproekt-3 has become the first contractor to implement the metro project under the infrastructure development programme launched by the federal government and supported by the President of Russia.

The funding of the project is provided from the development programme as the Nizhny Novgorod region was among the first to submit a proposal for participation in the mechanism of infrastructure budget loans, and the extension of the metro is a necessary component for the further development of the city,” the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin said.

The metro extension will improve the transport accessibility and capacity and will reduce road traffic in the city and its centre areas.

Avtozavodskaya Line (M1) is 15.1 km long with 11 stations and it crosses the city on a northwest-southeast axis.

Nizhny Novgorod metro system comprises two lines with a total length of 21.6 km and 15 stations, 14 of which are underground. They connect the city rail system at Moskovskaya interchange station providing fast change between the two lines. The hub also provides passengers rapid transfer to the city’s main train station.

Sursa: Railway PRO


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