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Topic: Metroul

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Re: Suedia - Metroul din Stockholm Robert24

Statia Sundbybergs centrum
- este situata pe ramura T10 a liniei albastre, fiind inaugurata in 1985

Sundbybergs centrum 01.jpg (315.57 KB; downloaded 5284 times)
Sundbybergs centrum 02.jpg (305.76 KB; downloaded 5280 times)
Sundbybergs centrum 03.jpg (341.86 KB; downloaded 5275 times)
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Sundbybergs centrum 09.jpg (330.97 KB; downloaded 5272 times)


Re: Suedia - Metroul din Stockholm Robert24

Statia T-Centralen (T-Central)
- este punctul de intalnire al celor 3 linii
- statia situata pe linia albastra (in imaginile de mai jos) este considerata cea mai frumoasa din tot sistemul si a fost votata in top 5 din intreaga lume.

Din pacate, in 2010 am prins-o in renovare...
T-Centralen 01.jpg (431.4 KB; downloaded 5274 times)
T-Centralen 02.jpg (447.52 KB; downloaded 5277 times)
T-Centralen 03.jpg (378.72 KB; downloaded 5273 times)
T-Centralen 04.jpg (412.13 KB; downloaded 5274 times)
T-Centralen 05.jpg (297.68 KB; downloaded 5272 times)

Iata si o imagine dupa renovare preluata de pe site-ul


Re: Suedia - Metroul din Stockholm Robert24

Statia Tensta
- este situata pe ramificatia T10 a liniei albastre, si a fost inaugurata in 1975

Tensta 01.jpg (334.92 KB; downloaded 5275 times)
Tensta 03.jpg (363.16 KB; downloaded 5273 times)
Tensta 04.jpg (359.01 KB; downloaded 5275 times)
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Tensta 11.jpg (381.06 KB; downloaded 5275 times)
Tensta 12.jpg (390.36 KB; downloaded 5276 times)


Re: Suedia - Metroul din Stockholm Robert24

In fine, ultima statie prezentata

Statia Västra skogen (Padurea din Vest)
- este locul de despartire a celor doua ramuri ale liniei albastre
- statia a fost inaugurata in 1975
- detine cea mai lunga scara rulanta din Europa de Vest - 66 metri, cu o diferenta de nivel de 33 metri

Vastra skogen 01.jpg (390.1 KB; downloaded 5272 times)
Vastra skogen 02.jpg (343.06 KB; downloaded 5282 times)
Vastra skogen 03.jpg (395.63 KB; downloaded 5277 times)


Re: Metroul din Stockholm punmeister

In perioada 2019-2022 o sa se pregateasca un redesign interior al trenurilor C20. Sunt curios cand sa vina vremea si pentru trenurile BM2/BM21.



Re: Metroul din Stockholm punmeister

C30-urile au inceput probele:


Re: Metroul din Stockholm PTMZ

The Stockholm Regional Council awarded Skanska a SEK 1.2 billion (EUR 119.4 million) contract for the construction of Stockholm Metro extension to Nacka section, part of Blue Line.

The project includes the construction of a new metro tunnel of 1.2 km, including platform space and two ticket halls for Nacka station. This is part of the expansion of the new metro’s Blue Line, where Nacka is the last station on the eastern extension. The work mainly includes rock tunnels and shafts, rock above-ground, earthwork in the tunnels, concrete work, temporary installations, and temporary traffic diversions.

The construction is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022 and the project is expected to be completed during the first quarter of 2026.

The city is currently expanding the metro system by 11 km to Nacka, Södermalm and Söderort. The project consists of three main sections covering the Sickla – Järla – Nacka extension, the Kungsträdgården – Sofia – Hammarby kanal extension and Gullmarsplan – Slakthusområdet – Sockenplan extension.

The Stockholm Metro expansion begins at Kungsträdgården station, where the tunnel is already prepared for a future extension. From there a new tunnel will be constructed through the rock below water level, the first station being Sofia on Södermalm. South of Sofia station, the tunnel spits in two directions, one to Sockenplan and one to Nacka.

The extension to Sockenplan will run from Sofia station to Gullmarsplan, where a new platform is being built below the existing one. The metro line then continues southwards with new station Slakthusområdet that will replace the present stations at Globen and Enskede gård. North of station Sockenplan, the new line connects with the existing Hagsätra branch line, incorporating it into the Blue Line.
The new extensions are expected to enter passenger operation in 2030.

Stockholm Metro plans further expansions comprising four new sections totalling 30 km of new tracks and 18 new stations. The Blue Line will be also extended in west by constructing a 4.1 km of line to Barkarby and two stations. The city will also build the Arenastaden section on the Yellow Line. The 4.1 km -long line and three stations will be constructed within eight years.

The metro development project also includes the Högdalen depot expansion by constructing a 2.5 km track connection, 23 staging spaces and 2 workshop spaces.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Metroul Dragos31

In privinta metroului, reteaua ramane si in anul 2023 identica cu cea prezentata de catre @Robert24 in urma cu 9 ani in primul mesaj din topic (3 linii, 100 de statii).

In prezent sunt in constructie atat mai multe extensii ale liniilor existente, cat si o linie noua (galbena).

Harta metrou - 2023.png (342.41 KB; downloaded 750 times)

Tabel linii.png (27.7 KB; downloaded 750 times)


Ramele vechi, produse de ASEA, sunt destul de scumpe la vedere (circula doar la orele de varf pe linia albastra si ocazional pe linia rosie).


Bombarider Movia C20:

Au fost fabricate in total 270 de rame intre anii 1997-2004. In prezent sunt majoritare in reteaua de metrou, pe toate cele 3 linii. Pe parcursul zilei un tren este format din 3 rame cuplate, iar dimineata devreme/seara tarziu din cate doua.

2005 ''Örjan''

2006 ''Astrid''

2024 ''Ulla''

2039 ''Adrian''

2043 ''Carl Gustav''

2059 ''Arvid''


Re: Metroul Dragos31

2078 ''Felicia'' + 2316

2100 ''Nils''

2102 ''Hegart''

2127 ''Birgitta''

2136 ''Emmelie''

2143 ''Dagny''

2146 ''Martin''

2150 ''Jenny''


Re: Metroul Dragos31

2151 ''Matilda''

2153 ''Magnus''

2160 ''Leif''

2161 ''Melker''

2186 ''Kay''

2203 ''Diego''

2204 ''Kajsa''

2205 ''Gustav''


Re: Metroul Dragos31

2241 ''Sahand''

2249 ''Sixten''

Interiorul - versiunea clasica.

Varianta modernizata.


Re: Metroul Dragos31

Bombardier Movia C30:

Au intrat in circulatie in anul 2020, fiind produse 96 de trenrui a cate 4 vagoane (numerotate 2301–2396). Circula exclusiv pe linia rosie (cate doua rame cuplate pe parcursul zilei, respectiv o singura rama la orele cu trafic redus de pasageri).










Re: Metroul Dragos31



Re: Metroul Dragos31

Diverse statii.

Akalla (T11):

Alby (T13):


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