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Topic: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70)

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) Utilizator anonim


85-0042-3 02.08.2010.JPG (208.19 KB; downloaded 8793 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) Gabi23

85-0135-5 - In conservare de ani buni in curtea societatii Bega Grup, langa curtea Dep. Timisoara Nord

85-0135-5 - Timisoara Nord - 16.07.2010_001.JPG (773.17 KB; downloaded 8861 times)


Re: LDH 25,25M,45,M45,70,80 stakee

LDH 70

112 323 432 602 720 729

LDH70-112 I.C.S.I.M. Bucuresti.jpg (248.97 KB; downloaded 5158 times)
LDH70-323 F.C. Turda 1.jpg (253.77 KB; downloaded 5160 times)
LDH70-323 F.C. Turda 2.jpg (227.59 KB; downloaded 5159 times)
LDH70-323 F.C. Turda 3.jpg (217.05 KB; downloaded 5164 times)
LDH70-432 Fabrica Sticla Turda 1.jpg (247.92 KB; downloaded 5162 times)
LDH70-602 Intreprinderea Ape Minerale Vatra Dornei.jpg (251.23 KB; downloaded 5160 times)
LDH70-720 Sectia L4 Oradea 1.jpg (328.97 KB; downloaded 5161 times)
LDH70-720 Sectia L4 Oradea 2.jpg (336.65 KB; downloaded 5159 times)
LDH70-729 I.U.C.N.I. Tr.Magurele 1.jpg (261.66 KB; downloaded 5160 times)
LDH70-729 I.U.C.N.I. Tr.Magurele 2.jpg (303.74 KB; downloaded 5165 times)
LDH70-729 I.U.C.N.I. Tr.Magurele 3.jpg (233.28 KB; downloaded 5163 times)


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) Dr2005

85-0149-6 - Cluj-Napoca
85-0149-6-Cluj.jpg (394.43 KB; downloaded 9028 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) didi

E cumva fostu ldh 70 557 in schema aceea frumoasa rosu-albastru?


Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) Chev Celios

85-0163-7 in Gara Busteni.
Picture 124.jpg (140.38 KB; downloaded 8992 times)


119 stakee


119a.jpg (430.47 KB; downloaded 5156 times)
119b.jpg (240.12 KB; downloaded 5158 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) Aron

Iata ce am gasit eu intr-un videoclip:

untitled.JPG (46.5 KB; downloaded 8764 times)

85-119-9. Sunt curios la ce firma este, ca fata este acoperita cu un cearceaf iar dupa cum se vede LANOY e facut pe calculator, sau poate ma inseala ochii nu stiu. Oricum cert e ca apare de multe in videoclip:


Re: Locomotive seria 85 (LDH70) Elful

Masina apartine Constantin Grup, dupa schema de vopsire iti dai seama, iar daca te uit cu atentie in videoclip la minutul 2:17 se vede la unul din capete scris: RO BEU.


Re: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) ANDU2100HP

85-2000-4 a GFR


Re: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) ANDU2100HP

85-0102-5 al Metrorex alturi de REM-115 , o rama IVA facuta la Arad in 1986


Re: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) ANDU2100HP

85-2001-2 a GFR


Re: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) Andi782

92 53 0 85-0163-2 RO-ISAF ~ Dumbraveni station

14755445731_8ea268f120_c.jpg (199.34 KB; downloaded 5628 times)


Re: Locomotive clasa 85 (LDH70) 19jimmy84

2000 in Chitila

85 2000-4 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


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