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Topic: Volvo 7900 Electric

2 posts, 1558 views
Volvo 7900 Electric punmeister

Volvo a prezentat zilele trecute la UITP Stockholm noul 7900 Electric articulat. Acesta va fi disponibil in variante de 18m respectiv 18,75m si va avea o capacitate maxima de 150 de calatori.
In toamna acestui an o sa inceapa productia de serie.
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Pana in momentul de fata Volvo a produs doua prototipuri care circula in Göteborg pe linia 16 incepand din luna Iunie 2018.
volvo-7900-electric-articulated-7900-electric-gelenkbus-schweden-sweden-goeteborg-gothenburg-2019-02-min.png (454.85 KB; downloaded 1436 times)


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