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Topic: Ikarus 415T

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Re: Ikarus 415T Rathgeber2523

Picture 009.jpg (179.22 KB; downloaded 4719 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T ikarus13

5247 .
5247-14.12.2013.JPG (220.77 KB; downloaded 4700 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Gabi23


5148 - 86 - 16.12.2013.jpg (391.1 KB; downloaded 4724 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5238.JPG (182.22 KB; downloaded 4543 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5273, 5283, 5294, 5297
5273.JPG (170.69 KB; downloaded 4496 times)
5283 93.JPG (204.09 KB; downloaded 4489 times)
5294.JPG (232.18 KB; downloaded 4491 times)
5297.JPG (302.12 KB; downloaded 4492 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T DAF SB220

5250, 5251, 5265, 5290:
Imaginile au fost incarcate pe flickr!


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

Inca un Craciun pentru Ikarusurile 5248 si 5293.
DSC_0098.JPG (220.94 KB; downloaded 5132 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5115, 5130, 5131, 5231, 5244

Astazi, 26 Decembrie 2013, au fost repartizate in Cartierul Berceni:

Linia 73 (3 ture) : 5125, 5130, 5227
Linia 74 (3 ture) : 5115, 5131, 5247
Linia 77 (8 ture) : 5127, 5224, 5231, 5233, 5239, 5240, 5244, 5246
5115.JPG (222.62 KB; downloaded 5128 times)
5130.JPG (172.36 KB; downloaded 5129 times)
5131.JPG (225.46 KB; downloaded 5144 times)
5231.JPG (188.74 KB; downloaded 5130 times)
5244.JPG (206.48 KB; downloaded 5128 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T DAF SB220

5244, 5243 :P


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

Ikarusuri in ultima zi de traseu pe anul 2013.

5117, 5125, 5138, 5157, 5169, 5182, 5190, 5204, 5228
5117.JPG (178.12 KB; downloaded 4936 times)
5125 74.JPG (185.59 KB; downloaded 4973 times)
5138.JPG (222.18 KB; downloaded 4949 times)
5157.JPG (158.26 KB; downloaded 4932 times)
5169.JPG (184.64 KB; downloaded 5095 times)
5182.JPG (204.34 KB; downloaded 5097 times)
5190.JPG (174.83 KB; downloaded 4934 times)
5204.JPG (167.75 KB; downloaded 4935 times)
5228.JPG (183.16 KB; downloaded 4937 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5110.JPG (205.63 KB; downloaded 4800 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5136, 5161, 5214, 5223, 5259
5136 86.JPG (213.62 KB; downloaded 4762 times)
5161.JPG (176.78 KB; downloaded 4763 times)
5214.JPG (218.1 KB; downloaded 4761 times)
5223.JPG (135.15 KB; downloaded 4760 times)
5259.JPG (173.35 KB; downloaded 4770 times)


Re: Ikarus 415T Gabi23

Fostele troleibuze "Şcoală", 5132 şi 5249, acum din nou la traseu cu călători.

5132 - 79 - 10.01.2014 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

5132 - 79 - 10.01.2014 (2) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

5249 - 65 - 10.01.2014 by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr

5249 - 65 - 10.01.2014 (1) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Ikarus 415T Victor92

5134, 5278, 5279
5134 Retragere.JPG (175.64 KB; downloaded 4636 times)
5278.JPG (160.69 KB; downloaded 4642 times)
5279.JPG (158.76 KB; downloaded 4636 times)


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