Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: V3A-93

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

103, 111, 193, 325

103.JPG (438.67 KB; downloaded 3438 times)

111.JPG (392.34 KB; downloaded 3434 times)

193.JPG (399.74 KB; downloaded 3436 times)

325.JPG (341.05 KB; downloaded 3434 times)


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23


153 - 11 - 28.05.2014.jpg (323.04 KB; downloaded 3288 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

104, 113, 171

104.JPG (398.25 KB; downloaded 3340 times)

113.JPG (380.9 KB; downloaded 3341 times)

171.JPG (396.98 KB; downloaded 3342 times)


Re: V3A-93 Citelis5400

Salutare tuturor, scuze in caz de off topic dar eram curios sa stiu ce s a intamplat cu tramvaiul de pe linia 1 implicat in coliziunea cu acel taxi de acum cateva zile, daca stie cineva?  :?:


Re: V3A-93 Victor92

153 IP11.JPG (251.44 KB; downloaded 3978 times)


Re: V3A-93 Victor92

277.JPG (319.91 KB; downloaded 3863 times)


Re: V3A-93 DAF SB220


SAM_0044 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 DAF SB220

"Agentul" 007 la datorie si 214 + 157 in Depoul Victoria, 239 in zilele cand linia 1 a fost deviata si 253 la capat

SAM_0144 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

SAM_0019 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

SAM_0053 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

SAM_0034 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 DAF SB220


SAM_0033 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23


115 - 36 - 15.07.2014.jpg (383.4 KB; downloaded 3517 times)


Re: V3A-93 DAF SB220

120,167 si 236

IMG_0030 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

IMG_0005 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr

IMG_0049 by kaba_adrian97, on Flickr


Re: Poze cu mijloace de transport ANDU2100HP


V3A #110.jpg (185.11 KB; downloaded 3429 times)


Re: V3A-93 Victor92

167.JPG (264.2 KB; downloaded 3460 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

A revenit la traseu si #163 dupa montarea camerelor video in cadrul programului SecurED.



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