Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: V3A-93

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Re: V3A-93 ikarus13

338 la finalul unei frumoase zile de sâmbătă.

338-11.01.2014 by ikarus260, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

073.jpg (157.72 KB; downloaded 3017 times)

127.jpg (216.12 KB; downloaded 3016 times)

127 (1).jpg (160.5 KB; downloaded 3015 times)


Re: V3A-93 Victor92

159, 220
159.JPG (233.15 KB; downloaded 2925 times)
220 Vasile Milea.JPG (183.82 KB; downloaded 2938 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

220 si 239
Picture 127.jpg (166.63 KB; downloaded 3883 times)

Picture 126.jpg (161.63 KB; downloaded 3884 times)


Re: V3A-93 ikarus13

312 la Piata Delfinului.

312-25.01.2014 by ikarus260, on Flickr
314 la Faur poarta 4

314-25.01.2014 by ikarus260, on Flickr
337 la caputul de la Faur poarta 4.

337-25.01.2014 by ikarus260, on Flickr

337-25.01.2014 (2) by ikarus260, on Flickr
360 la Delfinului.

360-25.01.2014 by ikarus260, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

249 la AFI

249 - 11 - 26.01.2014.jpg (388.62 KB; downloaded 3639 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

Picture 233.jpg (163.33 KB; downloaded 3561 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim


DSC_1117.JPG (409.65 KB; downloaded 3481 times)

DSC_1137.JPG (387.97 KB; downloaded 3470 times)


Re: V3A-93 Victor92

215, 315
215.JPG (240.14 KB; downloaded 3447 times)
315.JPG (211.13 KB; downloaded 3449 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

291.JPG (206.06 KB; downloaded 3211 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

057 si 167 in Depoul Dudesti
DSCN0389.jpg (165.64 KB; downloaded 3183 times)


Re: V3A-93 macheta218

Poate va era dor. :D
ratb 2010 085.jpg (186.7 KB; downloaded 3084 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

186 pe linia 1, cand Depoul Titan a avut ture in aceasta linie
186.jpg (73.74 KB; downloaded 3665 times)


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