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Topic: V3A-93

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Re: V3A-93 SprinterXP

261 la Grozavesti
261 - 1 - 8.09.2011 (1024x768).jpg (474.31 KB; downloaded 3078 times)


Re: V3A-93 Gabi

Iar au aparut reclame pe tramvaie :lol:


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Dr2005

Măcar de ar fi fost reclame pe bani, să ia şi RATB-ul ceva.


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

Eh macar sa puna reclame pe vagoane care arata mai rau estetic, ca de RK-uri sau revopsiri vor astepta mult si bine. La Victoria au pus foarte bine reclamele pe vagoanele 191, 261, 344.


Re: V3A-93 SprinterXP

272 si 346 pe Bd. Camil Ressu
272 - 27 - 9.09.2011 (1024x768).jpg (578.73 KB; downloaded 2990 times)
346 - 23 - 9.09.2011 (1024x768).jpg (536.95 KB; downloaded 2990 times)


Re: V3A-93 Axel

Vineri, 09.09.2011.

Vagoanele 099,145,153,239,260,313,342 la statia ''Aprodex''.
099-11,09.09.2011..JPG (158.65 KB; downloaded 3685 times)
145-25,09.09.2011..JPG (123.28 KB; downloaded 3683 times)
153-11,09.09.2011..JPG (135.49 KB; downloaded 3685 times)
239-1,09.09.2011..JPG (130.11 KB; downloaded 3683 times)
260-1,09.09.2011..JPG (118.52 KB; downloaded 3685 times)
313-11,09.09.2011..JPG (156.63 KB; downloaded 3683 times)
342-11,09.09.2011..JPG (136.04 KB; downloaded 3684 times)


Re: V3A-93 adrian buda

3-10.09.2011 - PARTEA 1

067, 113, 125, 126, 155, 169, 212, 222, 261, 274
067.JPG (230.41 KB; downloaded 3742 times)
113.JPG (241.73 KB; downloaded 3740 times)
125.JPG (231.7 KB; downloaded 3741 times)
126.JPG (237.81 KB; downloaded 3741 times)
155.JPG (235.04 KB; downloaded 3742 times)
169.JPG (243.54 KB; downloaded 3741 times)
212.JPG (244.97 KB; downloaded 3741 times)
222.JPG (226.47 KB; downloaded 3742 times)
261.JPG (237.21 KB; downloaded 3740 times)
274.JPG (234.41 KB; downloaded 3741 times)


Re: V3A-93 adrian buda

3-10.09.2011 - PARTEA 2
294, 315
294.JPG (234.6 KB; downloaded 3672 times)
315.JPG (232.99 KB; downloaded 3672 times)


Re: V3A-93 Axel

Vagonul 100 inca mai are vechiu model de ceas in salon. :)
DSC03310.JPG (124.3 KB; downloaded 3544 times)
DSC03313.JPG (62.69 KB; downloaded 3545 times)
DSC03317.JPG (110.35 KB; downloaded 3545 times)


Re: V3A-93 Aron

astazi l-am vazut pe #305(pe inia 41) cu o tamponare destul de urata pe lateral dreapta la prima usa.....era zgariat foarte urat...la cat vopsea s-a luat de pe el ma gandesc ca s-o fi tamponat cu un tir ceva ca inaltimea la care ajung zgarieturile este prea inalta pentru o masina normala...dar totusi a continuat sa circule pana cad s-a terminat programul...


Re: V3A-93 3mil

Vagonul #362, proaspat iesit de la RK a inceput sa circule pe liniile Dep. Bucurestii Noi. Azi era pe 20.


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

3mil wrote:
Vagonul #362, proaspat iesit de la RK a inceput sa circule pe liniile Dep. Bucurestii Noi. Azi era pe 20.

Ieri a fost prima sa zi de traseu, fiind trimis chiar pe linia 41 8-).


Re: V3A-93 SprinterXP

221 la Dr. Felix

221 - 42 - 10.10.2011 (800x600) by SprinterXP, on Flickr


Re: V3A-93 Axel

250 - Depoul Colentina - Linia 16 - 11.10.2011
DSC03845.JPG (116.17 KB; downloaded 3087 times)


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