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Topic: Autobaza Alexandria

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Re: Autobaza Alexandria Mariusv

4345 era azi pe 222.


  • V2A
  • Posted:

Re: Autobaza Alexandria V2A

Turația autobazei Alexandria în februarie 2020 (zi lucrătoare/zi nelucrătoare):

104 - 3/2
105 - 19/11
117 - 24/12
122 - 12/6
168 - 12/7
185 - 5/3
221 - 3/1
222 - 7/4
226 - 22/13
227 - 3/1
303 - 1/1
327 - 4/0
368 - 11/7
385 - 21/12
668 - 7/4
781 - 4/3
T11 (363) - 2/0
R421 - 6/3
R424 - 5/2
R426 - 5/3
R427 - 2/2
R464 - 3/3

Total: 181/100

Autobuze indisponibile: cel puțin 4104, 4153, 4154, 4178, 4184, 4201, 4215, 4251, 4256, 4295, 4304, 4306, 4309, 4313, 4314, 4341, 4346, 4457, 4471, 4699, 4702, 4719, 4720, 6570.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

6570 era astazi in 105. A fost reparat dupa cel putin o luna de absenta.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

Indisponibile in acest moment:
Mercedes (41) : 4184, 4185, 4215, 4217, 4224, 4226, 4229, 4251, 4256, 4299, 4304, 4306, 4309, 4313, 4314, 4319, 4341, 4345, 4411, 4449, 4457, 4471, 4497, 4590, 4651, 4679, 4693, 4699, 4700, 4705, 4708, 4710, 4711, 4719, 4720, 4725, 4726, 4738, 4870, 6203, 6227.
Otokar (2) : 6493, 6642.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria cris_m

Cam multe, mai ales E4...


Re: Autobaza Alexandria Mariusv

barbuandrei wrote:
Indisponibile in acest moment:
Mercedes (41) : 4184, 4185, 4215, 4217, 4224, 4226, 4229, 4251, 4256, 4299, 4304, 4306, 4309, 4313, 4314, 4319, 4341, 4345, 4411, 4449, 4457, 4471, 4497, 4590, 4651, 4679, 4693, 4699, 4700, 4705, 4708, 4710, 4711, 4719, 4720, 4725, 4726, 4738, 4870, 6203, 6227.
Otokar (2) : 6493, 6642.

Plus 4178, minus 4738 si 6493 (le-am vazut ieri, nu mai stiu pe ce linii)!


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

Mereu uit de 4178. Este de mult pe dreapta, incat am uitat ca exista.  :lol:

Ca o actualizare 4309, 4693, 4710, 4726, 4738 si 6203 au revenit zilele acestea.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria hADRIAN

De ieri a revenit si 4705.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

Din pacate situatia parcului la aceasta autobaza se agraveaza, lucru cu care nu am fost obisnuiti in trecut.
In acest moment, indisponibile se afla:
4101, 4178, 4184, 4217, 4221, 4224, 4226, 4229, 4244, 4251, 4256, 4290, 4295, 4299, 4304, 4306, 4313, 4314, 4319, 4327, 4341, 4345, 4365, 4411, 4449, 4457, 4471, 4491, 4590, 4610, 4679, 4688, 4699, 4708, 4714, 4719, 4720, 4725, 4737, 4870, 6227, 6491, 6640, 6642.

Total 44 / 223.

Turatia in acest moment:
104 - 3
105 - 4
117 - 24
122 - 9
168 - 9
185 - 4
221 - 3
222 - 6
226 - 19
227 - 3
303 - 1
368 - 11
385 - 19
R421 - 6
R424 - 5
R426 - 4
R427 - 2
R464 - 3
605 - 7
667 - 3
668 - 6
781 - 4

Total parc: 155 ture.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

Turația autobazei Alexandria incepand cu 14.09.2020

104 - 5
105 - 5
117 - 24
122 - 11
168 - 11
185 - 4
221 - 3
222 - 7
226 - 20
227 - 3
303 - 1
327 - 4
368 - 16
385 - 20
605 - 7
667 - 1
668 - 6
781 - 4
T11 (363) - 2* (incepand cu 16.09.2020)
R421 - 6
R424 - 5
R426 - 5
R427 - 2
R464 - 3

Total: 174 ture


Re: Autobaza Alexandria cris_m

Turatia la data de 26.01.2021:

117 - 25/12
122 - 11/6
168 - 12/7
185 - 4/3
221- 3 /1
222 - 7/4
226 - 21/12
227 - 3/1
303 - 1/1
368 - 19/11
385 - 20/12
R421 - 6/3
R424 - 5/2
R426 - 4/2
R427 - 2/2
R464 - 3/3
668 - 5/3
781 - 4/3


  • V2A
  • Posted:

Re: Autobaza Alexandria V2A

Turația valabilă din 3.03.2021:

117 - 25/12
122 - 11/6
168 - 12/7
185 - 2/2 (+ 2/1 Militari)
221- 3/1
222 - 7/4
226 - 21/12
227 - 3/1
302 - 4/3 (+ 4/1 Ferentari)
303 - 1/1
368 - 19/11
385 - 20/12
781 - 4/3
327 - 3/0
R421 - 6/3
R424 - 5/2
R426 - 4/2
R427 - 3/2
R464 - 3/3

Total: 156/87 ture.


Re: Autobaza Alexandria barbuandrei

Turatia incepand cu 07.06.2021 :
117 - 19
122 - 7
168 - 9
185 - 3 (+1 Militari)
221 - 2
222 - 4
226 - 17
227 - 2
302 - 2 (+2 Ferentari)
303 - 1
327 - 1
368 - 16
385 - 17
R421 - 6
R424 - 5
R426 - 4
R427 - 3
R464 - 3
610 - 8
781 - 2

Total ture : 131 ture


Re: Autobaza Alexandria Papagalul_07

Off-Topic: Parcul Rece al Autobazei Alexandria se poate vizita?


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