Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: Bucur LF-CH (#402 - #405)

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Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

401.JPG (223.5 KB; downloaded 4789 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) ikarus13

403  :)
403-10 iulie 2013.JPG (360.15 KB; downloaded 4653 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

404 a efectuat ieri noapte PROBE, dar a ramas pe separator :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

403 8-)
403.jpg (185.56 KB; downloaded 4544 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

402(salutari vatmanului) si 403
402.JPG (266.12 KB; downloaded 4406 times)

403.JPG (283.32 KB; downloaded 4406 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

A revenit si 404 in circulatie.
403.jpg (220.22 KB; downloaded 4303 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

402+401.jpg (205.54 KB; downloaded 4199 times)

404+402.jpg (220.85 KB; downloaded 4217 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

Picture 006.jpg (230.11 KB; downloaded 4133 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) MariusCFRBucuresti

403 azi pe 1.

LF 403 by mariuscfrbucuresti, on Flickr


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) ikarus13

402-21.09.2013.JPG (355.66 KB; downloaded 4023 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Gabi23


404 - 1 - 22.09.2013.jpg (401.17 KB; downloaded 4174 times)

404 - 1 - 22.09.2013 (2).jpg (339.04 KB; downloaded 4162 times)


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

Apte de traseu : 401, 402, 404.
403 - Pantograf rupt
405 - A efectuat Probe


Re: Bucur LF-CH (402-405 produse in 2011) Rathgeber2523

403 si 405
403.jpg (191.31 KB; downloaded 4322 times)

405.jpg (180.16 KB; downloaded 4323 times)


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