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Topic: Bucur LF-CH (#402 - #405)

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Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 3mil

LF, #405 dimineatza,
Pe negura si pe ceatza
IMG00810-20120309-0736.jpg (117.04 KB; downloaded 2786 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Utilizator anonim

402 si 405 dimineata, mai era si 403.

IMG_4397.JPG (385.46 KB; downloaded 2742 times)

IMG_4401.JPG (373.14 KB; downloaded 2741 times)

IMG_4403.JPG (329.69 KB; downloaded 2742 times)

IMG_4517.JPG (368.91 KB; downloaded 2742 times)

IMG_4519.JPG (341.68 KB; downloaded 2741 times)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Axel

404 pe Bd.G-ral.Vasile Milea. 8-)
404-1,12.03.2012..JPG (104.33 KB; downloaded 2637 times)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Aron

#405 coborand de pe Pasajul Basarab peste camera mea :D  :lol:

Untitled.jpg (70.64 KB; downloaded 2407 times)

A se observa codul de la youtube.....raTB 8-)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Gabi23

Frumos unghi de filmare, like :)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Axel

405 la statia '' Piata Danny Huwe ''.
Pe langa 405 mai era si 404 mai in spate. :ugeek:
405-1,17.03.2012..JPG (141.19 KB; downloaded 3286 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Utilizator anonim

Astazi cel putin la sch2 a circulat doar vagonul 402.

IMG_6767.JPG (437.16 KB; downloaded 3113 times)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Aron

Si de la mine...#402

Photo009.jpg (135.26 KB; downloaded 3056 times)

Si mai pe seara mai pun un filmulet cu el coborand de pe pasaj, asta pentru ca ii place lui Gabi, si de data asta fara zgaltaiala :D


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Aron

Video-ul promis :D


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Utilizator anonim

Dimineata erau toate 4 in traseu.

403-001-26.03.2012.JPG (208.32 KB; downloaded 2988 times)

404-001-26.03.2012.JPG (283.17 KB; downloaded 2986 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Utilizator anonim


IMG_6986.JPG (206.93 KB; downloaded 2910 times)


Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 SprinterXP

402 pe Bd. Octavian Goga

402 - R - 27.03.2012 (800x600) by SprinterXP, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Seria Bucur LF 402-405 Utilizator anonim

405 la datorie in aceasta seara pana in jurul orei 21:30.

405-001-31.03.2012 (6).JPG (356.99 KB; downloaded 2779 times)

405-001-31.03.2012 (5).JPG (354.21 KB; downloaded 2777 times)

405-001-31.03.2012 (7).JPG (377.12 KB; downloaded 2786 times)

405-001-31.03.2012 (12).JPG (346.99 KB; downloaded 2777 times)


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