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Topic: Metroul

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Re: Metroul din Paris cris_m

Cateva chestii le remarc in film:
1. interstatia Porte de Clichy - Saint Ouen este extrem de lunga pentru Paris, ma surprinde putin.
2. se merge pe interstatia asta cam incet pentru un tren automat (probabil doar o impresie)
3. nu tin minte sa fi vazut pe M1 angajati care sa verifice inchiderea usilor (minutul 5:42)


Re: Metroul din Paris Dragos31

M14 a fost construita de la bun-inceput cu statiile mai indepartate fata de celelalte magistrale, fiind o linie hibrida metrou-RER. Probabil au vrut sa "respecte" acest aspect și pe noul tronson.

In ceea ce priveste angajatii care verificau inchiderea usilor, am impresia ca sunt doar la orele de varf in statiile foarte aglomerate - spre exemplu, pe linia 13 la Saint-Lazare.


Re: Metroul din Paris cris_m

Merci beaucoup! :)


Re: Metroul din Paris Dragos31

Pe 28 Ianuarie a fost deschisa si statia Porte de Clichy.


Re: Metroul din Paris PTMZ

Île-de-France Mobilités ordered from Alstom 19 additional five-car MP14 metro trains with driver’s cab for Line 11 operated by RATP. EUR 132 million is the value of the contract which is 100% funded by Île-de-France Mobilités and is part of a framework agreement signed in March 2015 between RATP and Alstom. The agreement covers the supply of 217 MP14 metro trains over 15 years, worth EUR 2 billion. This contract is part of the Île-de-France Mobilités strategy for the modernisation of all rolling stock on the Île-de-France Mobilités network.

An initial tranche of the MP14 contract included 35 automated metros for Paris Line 14, consisting of eight cars each. A first conditional tranche for 20 additional automated metros, consisting of six cars each, was exercised in January 2017 for Line 4. A second option of 20 additional five-car trains with driver’s cabs was exercised in February 2018 for Line 11. The design of the driver’s cab incorporates feedback from previous generations of cabs. Their design features the latest developments in ergonomics and has been validated by RATP drivers and occupational physicians.

“The progressive arrival of MP14 metros on lines 14, 11, and 4 (in that chronological order) will directly improve the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of passengers in Paris and the Île-de-France region. Alstom is delighted with the renewed confidence of its customers, Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP,” said Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom France.

The first MP14 eight-car trains were put into commercial operation in October 2020 on Line 14.  About 20 automated metros for Line 14, consisting of eight cars each, will be delivered by the end of 2021. The first six-car automated metros for Line 4 are currently being tested. Production of the first five-car metros for line 11 began in the last quarter of 2020 and the first metro will begin validation tests on RATP tracks this summer.

The MP14 rubber-tyred metro train offers an unprecedented level of comfort and safety thanks to its interior layout and seats with a design based on the theme of the alcove, creating both hospitality and privacy.

Vast reception areas offer accessibility to all passengers, with dedicated areas and boomerang-shaped seats to improve the passenger flow and the capacity of the trains. MP14 also has LED lighting efficiently distributed throughout the entire metro to provide a sense of security while eliminating darkly shadowed areas. The supports and steadying points are compliant with safety standards and further increase comfort inside the train. Warm and cool ventilation helps to provide temperature balance, whatever the season. MP14 also provides comprehensive video protection and dynamic passenger information on board.

The metro trains have 100% electric braking system that recuperates the energy and re-injects it into the network as electricity, while limiting the emission of fine particles caused by the mechanical brakes. The system reduces the energy consumption of the metros, as well as air pollution, by up to 20%. MP14 is also 40% quieter than the metros currently in service on Line 11, with a 95% recyclability rate.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Metroul din Paris PTMZ

RATP has announced the completion of 3 km tunnel excavation of Paris Line 11 extension which will be 6 km – long connecting Mairie des Lilas and Rosny-Bois Perrier station.

The Sofia tunnel boring machine has arrived the site of the new Serge Gainsbourg station (Les Lilas) marking the end of the tunnel digging and structural work for the entire 6 km extension.

The Sofia TBM took 15 months to complete the excavation of 3 km travelling at around 14 metres per day. It will connect the 4 future stations Serge Gainsbourg, Place Carnot, Montreuil-Hôpital and La Dhuys. To connect the current line and the extension line, a 250-meter tunnel had been previously dug using a traditional method from the Mairie des Lilas station to the future Serge Gainsbourg station. In addition, the viaduct of the future Coteaux Beauclair station and the rectangular Rosny-Bois Perrier tunnel are also connected.

The future Serge Gainsbourg station, situated in the heart of a large residential area offering access to the metro system to the inhabitants of Les Lilas, in the northern-eastern suburbs of Paris, will accommodate 15,000 passengers per day.

The track laying has started between the future train maintenance workshop and the future Rosny-Bois Perrier station for which the construction of has been completed. A 600-metre viaduct and the Côteaux-Beauclair station’s glass roof have been installed.

Two new entrances were constructed, and numerous modernisation works were carried out on the existing stations of the Line 11, to accommodate the future five-car trains. By the autumn, RATP is expected to complete the modernisation of four existing stations along the line (Goncourt, Châtelet, Jourdain and Place des Fêtes).

The line will be operated by the M14 five-car trains delivered by Alstom to replace the existing four-car trains. The new metro trains are currently tested on the Line 1 and when completed, they will also enter trials on the Line 11 extension.

The current train maintenance workshop, located in Les Lilas, will be moved to the newly built Rosny-sous-Bois that will be operational by the end of his year. The new workshop is designed to accommodate the new high -capacity trains.

The Paris Line 11 extension project involves an investment of EUR 1.3 billion (in 2014 prices) and is carried out by the RATP responsible for the designs and works while Île-de-France Mobilités organise the transport services to ensure the compliance with the train schedule and the costs. The project is financed by the State, Île-de-France Region, Société du Grand Paris, Seine Departmental Council Saint-Denis, RATP and the City of Paris.

The extension, served by six new stations is expected to enter passenger operation in 2023 when will reduce the travel time between Rosny-Bois Perrier and Châtelet to 24 minutes, from currently 55 minutes.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Metroul din Paris Hawkuletz

Acum cativa ani, cu ocazia unei renovarilor, cineva (simplu calator) a avut ocazia sa fotografieze cate ceva din ce era pe peretii statiei de metrou in 1959. Peretii noi au fost pusi direct peste ce era acolo in trecut, construind fara sa vrea o capsula a timpului


Re: Metroul din Paris Dragos31

Astazi, 13 Ianuarie 2022, a fost deschisa extensia magistralei M4 spre sud, fiind date in folosinta statiile ''Barbara'' si ''Bagneux - Lucie Aubrac''.

Barbara - 0:01
Bagneux - Lucie Aubrac - 3:45

Harta M4 - 13.01.2022.png (145.44 KB; downloaded 2752 times)


Re: Metroul din Paris REDX

Anul 2022,unul dintre ultimii ai de exploatare a vehiculelor MP59 și MP73.
Acestea vor fi retrase etapizat, în vederea casării,ceva similar cu Tatrele la noi în București


Re: Metroul din Paris Costin

Si din 2002 pana acum ce a circulat, daca urmeaza sa fie retrase?


Re: Metroul din Paris REDX

Scrisesem din greșeală 2002,dar din cauză că,pe linia 6 vor veni MP89-urile,iar pe linia 11,vor intra MP14 conduse de un mecanic,cu 5 vagoane, în scopul înlocuirii vagoanelor MP59

(Aveți subtitrare în engleză,o puteți activa ca să înțelegeți)


Re: Metroul din Paris Dragos31

Ieri au fost deschise publicului doua noi statii pe magistrala M12 (Aimé Césaire si Mairie d'Aubervilliers), la nord de vechiul capat - Front Populaire.

Aimé Césaire - 0:01
Mairie d'Aubervilliers - 3:38

M12 harta - 01.06.2022.png (140.15 KB; downloaded 2239 times)


Re: Metroul din Paris REDX

După 10 ani de așteptare,s-a deschis frate.Sunt curios dacă s-au mai schimbat plăcuțele cu afișajul pe direcția Mairie d' Aubervilliers,sau dacă au rămas aceleași, și doar au fost adăugate în stațiile Aubervilliers-Front Populaire și Aime Cesaire


Re: Metroul din Paris shoppy

Terminalul de la Mairie d'Aubervilliers ar trebui studiat si aplicat la M2(bine, nu este o noutate, aceeasi schema exista la Front Populaire dar a trebuit desfintat).
MAUB, AICE, FRON, CHAP, amintiri...


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