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Topic: V3A-93-CH-PPC

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Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati 3mil

Ca tot ati pomenit de #4012, a revenit si acesta in traseu.
IMG00801-20120301-0941.jpg (125.72 KB; downloaded 2665 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Utilizator anonim

In probe, prin locuri mai exotice  :ugeek:

4005-PROBE-02.09.08d.JPG (430.25 KB; downloaded 2682 times)

4007-PROBE-190208b.JPG (491.38 KB; downloaded 2683 times)

4011-URAC-27.08.08i.JPG (444.6 KB; downloaded 2681 times)

4025 PROBE.JPG (399.21 KB; downloaded 2688 times)

4029-PROBE-29.10.2008c.JPG (385.49 KB; downloaded 2684 times)

4029-PROBE-29.10.2008d.JPG (362.74 KB; downloaded 2682 times)

4030-PROBE-18.06.08a.JPG (392.16 KB; downloaded 2681 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Victor92

Pe vremea cand litrul de benzina 95 la Petrom era 4,12 lei. Acum e 5,76  :evil:


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Utilizator anonim

4024, 4031, 4005, 4018

IMG_3731.JPG (282.24 KB; downloaded 2590 times)

IMG_3759.JPG (248.24 KB; downloaded 2590 times)

IMG_3762.JPG (241.51 KB; downloaded 2590 times)

IMG_3763.JPG (246.92 KB; downloaded 2595 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Utilizator anonim

4002 merge de nu are treaba, nu stiu ce ai cu el.  :roll:
4026 a fost in uzina pentru reparatia unei tamponari.

IMG_4268.JPG (322.61 KB; downloaded 2227 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Utilizator anonim

De asemenea vagonul 4010 a revenit in traseu dupa incidentul de acum doua saptamani.


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Utilizator anonim

4032, 4012, 4027, 4016

IMG_4558.JPG (393.21 KB; downloaded 2161 times)

IMG_4568.JPG (380.58 KB; downloaded 2159 times)

IMG_4583.JPG (371.81 KB; downloaded 2159 times)

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Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Aron

#4025 s-a retras la depou in jurul orei 17:30 din linia 41 cu firma DEFECT....sigur e ceva minor ca nu a trebuit sa fie impins sau tractat


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Gabi23

Poate cineva isi aminteste cine trebuie, sa achizitioneze 2 parbrize, pentru vagoanele 131 si 4006 :roll:.
131 il are crapat si lipit cu folie dupa ce in urma cu vreo 3 luni i-a cazut tencuiala din pasajul Lujerului.
4006 in are carapat destul de serios din anul 2009 si de atunci tot "se rezolva"!

131 - 41 - 16.03.2012.jpg (204.96 KB; downloaded 2574 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Aron

#4017 si #4019 pe linia 1

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Photo0087.jpg (248.7 KB; downloaded 2520 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Aron

#4046 si #4032

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DSCN1716.JPG (259.1 KB; downloaded 2383 times)


Re: V3A-93-CH-PPC - Evolutie, istorie, noutati Gabi23

De mentionat ca vagonului4046 i-au fost curate botul si spatele, prin revopsire la URAC, dupa ce niste infantili isi exersasera markerele pe el.


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