Topic: Troleibuze
12 posts, 1875 views-
- WT_fan06
Filmări de la parada troleibuzelor istorice (atât deținute de muzeul din Praga, cât și aduse din alte părți ale Cehiei) din data de 15 octombrie 2022:
Filmări de la parada troleibuzelor istorice (atât deținute de muzeul din Praga, cât și aduse din alte părți ale Cehiei) din data de 15 octombrie 2022:
- ByOnu
Re: Troleibuze
Deci, ce urmeaza pentru troleibuzul praghez? Este deja in exploatare cu calatori?
Deci, ce urmeaza pentru troleibuzul praghez? Este deja in exploatare cu calatori?
Re: Troleibuze
Momentan, doar în weekend-uri și cu scop experimental. Pe 3 decembrie 2022, transportul cu troleibuzul a intrat în teste cu pasageri. Prima linie este 58 (de facto linia 140 de autobuz; Palmovka - Cakovice). Pentru moment, Praga tot închiriază câteva trolee din orașele vecine, până vor ajunge cele 15 troleibuze SOR TNS 18 și, mai târziu, cele 20 de Solaris Trollino 24 comandate.
Momentan, doar în weekend-uri și cu scop experimental. Pe 3 decembrie 2022, transportul cu troleibuzul a intrat în teste cu pasageri. Prima linie este 58 (de facto linia 140 de autobuz; Palmovka - Cakovice). Pentru moment, Praga tot închiriază câteva trolee din orașele vecine, până vor ajunge cele 15 troleibuze SOR TNS 18 și, mai târziu, cele 20 de Solaris Trollino 24 comandate.
Prague's first trolleybus line in 50 years went into trial operation this morning as line 58 officially began taking passengers between Palmovka and Čakovice. Buses on the line will use electric cables for roughly half of the journey, and electric batteries power the buses for the other half.
The new line is part of a project to power the previous 140 bus line between Palmovka and Miškovice by electricity, and can be ridden over the next two weekends in trial operation.
"It's a celebratory moment, because after 50 years we have successfully established this new trolleybus line," Prague Deputy Mayor Adam Scheinherr told journalists yesterday while introducing the new line.
"Trolleybuses are on roughly 50 percent of the track. This means that we are not going back to completely conventional trolleybuses, but using a hybrid bus that also utilizes battery power."
According to Scheinherr, the trolleybuses are preferable for passengers as they offer a smoother and more comfortable journey. They also benefit the areas surrounding the line.
"At the same time, it is an improvement for the neighborhood because, unlike the bus, it is not as noisy and does not produce any emissions in the area" he said.
Politicians and officials mark the start of construction of a trolleybus line. Photo: Facebook.
Construction starts on Prague’s first trolleybus line in half a century
While the line itself is new, the trolleybus itself isn't... yet. Prague has borrowed a Škoda 30Tr trolleybus from nearby Hradec Králové to ride the line over the next two weeks, but the city will return it on December 18.
After a Christmas break, Prague will put a Škoda 24Tr into operation, as well as another trolleybus that it will lease temporarily. Eventually, 15 new SOR TNS 18 articulated trolleybuses built for the Czech capital by SOR Libchavy will be put into operation.
Full construction of the trolleybus line began in January of this year. A portion of the line from Letňany to Čakovice was symbolically put into operation on October 15, which marked the 50th anniversary of the last trolleybus to ride in Prague.
In 2017, a one-kilometer portion of the line on Prosecká street was electrified as a test operation, enabling hybrid buses to gain electric power for a demanding uphill portion of the line.
The first trolleybus on the new line took off at 9:06 a.m. this morning from Letňany to Čakovice, then continued in the opposite direction from Čakovice to Palmovka at 9:26 a.m. The final trolleybus on the line will leave from Palmovka at 4:55 p.m. and from Čakovice at 5:26 p.m.
- punmeister
Re: Troleibuze
Stiu ca mai aveau comandate si niste troleibuze Skoda pe noile caroserii de Temsa.
Stiu ca mai aveau comandate si niste troleibuze Skoda pe noile caroserii de Temsa.
Re: Troleibuze
Nu, acele troleibuze sunt pentru Ostrava. Praga a comandat E'City, deci autobuzele electrice, nu troleibuzele.
Nu, acele troleibuze sunt pentru Ostrava. Praga a comandat E'City, deci autobuzele electrice, nu troleibuzele.
- Adrian.B
- punmeister
Re: Troleibuze
Siiiii surpriza. Bozankaya va livra 70 de bi-articulate. ... mov_lvot
Siiiii surpriza. Bozankaya va livra 70 de bi-articulate. ... mov_lvot
- Andrei Andraș
Andrei Andraș
Nu știu unde se menționează de "bi-articulate", dar aceste 70 de troleibuze vor fi de 12 metri.
Nu știu unde se menționează de "bi-articulate", dar aceste 70 de troleibuze vor fi de 12 metri.
- punmeister
- gintaras663
Re: Troleibuze
Parcul de troleibuze noi al DPP este alcătuit din:
20 troleibuze dublu articulate de tip Škoda-Solaris 38tr Trollino 24 - Numere de parc: 401 - 420 - Circulă pe linia 59;
15 troleibuze articulate de tip SOR TNS 18 Cegelec - Numere de parc: 101 - 115 - Circulă pe linia 58.
Câteva imagini cu 101, 103, 115, 404 și 409, la începutul lunii iulie. Mi-au lăsat o impresie foarte bună
Parcul de troleibuze noi al DPP este alcătuit din:
20 troleibuze dublu articulate de tip Škoda-Solaris 38tr Trollino 24 - Numere de parc: 401 - 420 - Circulă pe linia 59;
15 troleibuze articulate de tip SOR TNS 18 Cegelec - Numere de parc: 101 - 115 - Circulă pe linia 58.
Câteva imagini cu 101, 103, 115, 404 și 409, la începutul lunii iulie. Mi-au lăsat o impresie foarte bună

101_58.jpg (1.09 MB; downloaded 580 times)
103_58.jpg (1.99 MB; downloaded 580 times)
115_58_1.jpg (1.69 MB; downloaded 579 times)
115_58_2.jpg (1.54 MB; downloaded 580 times)
409_59.jpg (1.28 MB; downloaded 581 times)
404_59.jpg (1.98 MB; downloaded 580 times)
- Andrei Andraș
Andrei Andraș
Prague plans to purchase up to 180 more trolleybuses
The Prague Public Transport Company (DPP) today announced a public tender for the supplier of up to 180 more low-floor battery trolleybuses, of which 90 are articulated and 90 are standard type. DPP will conclude a framework contract with the winning bidder for five years. The estimated total value of the public tender is 3.465 billion crowns. DPP will apply for a contribution to the purchase of these vehicles from the prepared subsidy titles of the European Union.
In addition to the purchase of up to 180 battery trolleybuses, the subject of this public tender is also the purchase of up to 180 spare traction batteries, 35 hardware and software sets for vehicle diagnostics, 20 portable chargers and, last but not least, spare parts.
“The framework agreement with the winning bidder will allow DPP to order vehicles to cover transport services on the gradually expanding trolleybus network, depending on the implementation of individual electrification projects for selected bus lines in Prague, according to its operational needs. DPP currently has a total of 13 projects in various stages of development to transform existing bus lines into trolleybuses”, adds Jan Šurovský, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and Technical Director of DPP – Surface.
The trolleybuses will be equipped as standard with full-vehicle air conditioning, a check-in and information system according to the PID Quality Standards, a passenger counting device and a camera system with recording capabilities. For every fifth trolleybus purchased, the DPP requires the vehicle to be equipped with a device for spraying trolleys against icing. Within one binding order, the DPP can order one to twenty trolleybuses according to its needs. The required delivery date is then within 12 months of the conclusion of the implementation contract.
Prague plans to purchase up to 180 more trolleybuses
The Prague Public Transport Company (DPP) today announced a public tender for the supplier of up to 180 more low-floor battery trolleybuses, of which 90 are articulated and 90 are standard type. DPP will conclude a framework contract with the winning bidder for five years. The estimated total value of the public tender is 3.465 billion crowns. DPP will apply for a contribution to the purchase of these vehicles from the prepared subsidy titles of the European Union.
In addition to the purchase of up to 180 battery trolleybuses, the subject of this public tender is also the purchase of up to 180 spare traction batteries, 35 hardware and software sets for vehicle diagnostics, 20 portable chargers and, last but not least, spare parts.
“The framework agreement with the winning bidder will allow DPP to order vehicles to cover transport services on the gradually expanding trolleybus network, depending on the implementation of individual electrification projects for selected bus lines in Prague, according to its operational needs. DPP currently has a total of 13 projects in various stages of development to transform existing bus lines into trolleybuses”, adds Jan Šurovský, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and Technical Director of DPP – Surface.
The trolleybuses will be equipped as standard with full-vehicle air conditioning, a check-in and information system according to the PID Quality Standards, a passenger counting device and a camera system with recording capabilities. For every fifth trolleybus purchased, the DPP requires the vehicle to be equipped with a device for spraying trolleys against icing. Within one binding order, the DPP can order one to twenty trolleybuses according to its needs. The required delivery date is then within 12 months of the conclusion of the implementation contract.