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Topic: Karsan ATAK Electric Autonomous

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Karsan ATAK Electric Autonomous punmeister

KARSAN started working for public transportation vehicles with autonomous driving characteristics. KARSAN, who first worked on ATAK Electric, announced that it would bring ATAK Electric toLevel-4 Autonomous driving features.

KARSAN, which has studies on autonomous vehicles and cooperates with ADASTEC, plans to complete the first Autonomous ATAK Electric vehicle at the prototype level in August 2020.

The test and validation studies of ATAK Electric will be continued until the end of the year by integrating Level-4 Autonomous software developed by ADASTEC into the ATAK Electric electrical-electronic architecture and electric vehicle software.

The prototype will be completed in August

Emphasizing that they continue to invest in technology and R&D despite the coronavirus epidemic, KARSAN CEO Okan Baş said,

“At ATAK Electric, which was developed by our R&D team and started mass production in September 2019, it is dynamic without Level A-4 Autonomous driver assistance. Our work has begun to ensure that all driving requirements are met by an automatic driving system. In this regard, we also use special equipment, such as RADAR, LiDAR, thermal camera, to detect all living and inanimate assets around the vehicle in order to perform automatic driving functions.

We will perform the simulation and validation tests of autonomous ATAK Electric, whose first prototype will be completed in August 2020, in our Hasanağa factory in Bursa, Turkey.

As of the end of the year, we will bring Autonomous ATAK Electric to the ready-to-use level. ” ... y-adastec/ ... -electric/


Re: Karsan ATAK Electric Autonomous punmeister

Prima comanda vine din.... Ploiesti. Insa nu din partea primariei/TCE ci din partea BSCI.

Karsan announces the signature of thefirst order for its Autonomous Atak Electric. BSCI, a leading technology company in Romania, ordered one Autonomous Atak Electric to use it in the Industry Park in the city of Ploiești. Autonomous Atak Electric will be on pilot service in a pre-designated project area and will be delivered to BSCI by the end of the year.

Autonomous Atak Electric ready by August 2020

The Turkish manufacturer announced in April 2020 that it is developing an autonomous version of its 8-meter city electric bus Atak Electric. The Turkish manufacturer announced it will bringSAE Level-4 Autonomous driving skills in the electric vehicle. Prototype is scheduled to be completed by August 2020. Technological system for driverless operations is provided by California-based company Adastec.

Autonomous Atak Electric for BSCI

Karsan CEO Okan Baş said: “We quickly attracted attention in Europe with our Autonomous Atak Electric to which we aim to bring Level-4 autonomous driving skills, and received an order from BSCI, one of Romania’s important technology companies. This order further reinforces our faith in the project. The prototype of Autonomous Atak Electric will be concluded in August and this will be the first electric bus featuring autonomous driving skills adapted to real road conditions. Moreover, this order which we expect to deliver by the end of the year will mark Karsan’s first European autonomous project sales for the 8-meter bus class». ... rst-order/


Re: Karsan ATAK Electric Autonomous PTMZ

Compania tucească Karsan Atak Electric este gata să livreze primul autobuz electric fără șofer – transmite agenția Anadolu.

Cumpărătorii ar fi chiar din România, a relatat Okan Bas, CEO al companiei Karsan Atak Electric, fără, însă, a oferi prea multe detalii despre locul în care va ajunge autobuzul.

„Am vândut unul României, urmând să funcționeza ca o cursă pentru navetă într-un parc tehologic”, s-a limitat să spună Okan Bas, conform Anadolu.

Al doilea autobuz electric fără șofer va ajunge în SUA, undeva prin vară, a mai dezvăluit Okan Bas.

Autobuzul electric fără șofer este primul produs autohton de acest gen, fabricat de compania turcească Karsan Atak Electric, care până în prezent are încheiate două acorduri de export. „Avem două acorduri încheiate, dar mai suntem în discuții și cu alte țări”, a spus Okan Bas.

Compania turcească vinde vehicule electrice pe piață de trei ani, atât în SUA cât și în Europa.

Pentru autobuzul electric fără șofer, testul de conducere al autobuzului a fost finalizat luni,  în prezența președintelui Turciei, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mai relatează Agenția Anadolu.

„Automatizat Atak Electric” – autobuzul electrict fără șofer conștientizează împrejurimile sale, poate detecta entitățile vii și non-vii cu mai multă acuratețe decât simțurile umane datorită diferiților senzori, puterii de calcul din vehicul, tehnologiei HD-Map și platformei software de conducere autonomă – transmite Anadolu.

Sursa: G4 Media


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