Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: Tatra T4R

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Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

Tatra 3348 este de astazi la traseu. Solo in 35.


Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

DSC_2904.JPG (248.56 KB; downloaded 2299 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

3308  :roll:
DSC_3005.JPG (224.22 KB; downloaded 3432 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Gabi23


3338 - 25 - 16.10.2013.jpg (386.72 KB; downloaded 3358 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Robert24

3378 in linia 47
3378_47.jpg (300.29 KB; downloaded 3205 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

3403 + 3404 la Razoare.
DSC_3467.JPG (260.76 KB; downloaded 3062 times)


Re: Tatra T4R Rathgeber2523

3348 in seara asta pe 47

3348.jpg (121.67 KB; downloaded 3319 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R Utilizator anonim


DSC_7054.JPG (444.39 KB; downloaded 3176 times)

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Re: Tatra T4R Rathgeber2523

Picture 184.jpg (171.33 KB; downloaded 3062 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: Tatra T4R 133 313

Tatrele astea solitare sunt foarte curatele. Cele de pe 47 ma incanta.


Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

3403 + 3404
DSC_3996.JPG (280.39 KB; downloaded 2904 times)


Re: Tatra T4R stefan_br

IMG_1869.jpg (262.69 KB; downloaded 2846 times)
IMG_1875.jpg (279.22 KB; downloaded 2845 times)
IMG_1878.jpg (257.07 KB; downloaded 2845 times)


Re: Tatra T4R florin.lifticariu

Nu stiu daca s-a mai postat pina acum, dar ieri pe 25 era un cuplu care mirosea a vopsea: 3411-3412


Re: Tatra T4R Victor92

florin.lifticariu wrote:
Nu stiu daca s-a mai postat pina acum, dar ieri pe 25 era un cuplu care mirosea a vopsea: 3411-3412

Inseamna ca a venit de la RK.


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