Zona metropolitană BucureștiParcul de vehicule al operatorilor din București și IlfovTramvaie STB


Topic: V3A-93

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  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 133 313

Afara cu 092 din traseu! La RK cu el.


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

202.JPG (162.47 KB; downloaded 2523 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

#207 are si el mai bine de o luna de cand circula dupa RK.

DSC_4336.JPG (224.26 KB; downloaded 2447 times)


  • 133 313
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 133 313

Rathgeber2523 wrote:

Ah... 202 si 092, ruinele liniei 16... vad ca i-au 'reparat' afisajul de ieri pana azi... Niste vagoane dupa sufletul calatorilor din Tei Toboc...


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

207 (1).JPG (130.75 KB; downloaded 2364 times)

207 (2).JPG (136.57 KB; downloaded 2365 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

013.JPG (125.14 KB; downloaded 2316 times)

066.JPG (200.58 KB; downloaded 2314 times)

153.JPG (147.09 KB; downloaded 2315 times)

301.JPG (144.11 KB; downloaded 2313 times)


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

189.JPG (141.94 KB; downloaded 2203 times)


Re: V3A-93 ikarus13

030, 168, 177, 188, 209, 212, 230, 258 si 348 la datorie pe 15 iunie.
030-15-06-2013 092.JPG (372.01 KB; downloaded 2249 times)

168-15-06-2013 004.JPG (371.94 KB; downloaded 2250 times)

177-15-06-2013 023.JPG (331.97 KB; downloaded 2249 times)

188-15-06-2013 099.JPG (413.1 KB; downloaded 2249 times)

209-15-06-2013 033.JPG (334.84 KB; downloaded 2250 times)

212-15-06-2013 060.JPG (348.66 KB; downloaded 2249 times)

230-15-06-2013 003.JPG (344.54 KB; downloaded 2250 times)

258-15-06-2013 007.JPG (344.77 KB; downloaded 2250 times)

348-15-06-2013 005.JPG (393.45 KB; downloaded 2250 times)


Re: V3A-93 georgica2704

Dar oare ce s-a intamplat cu afisajul unicat al lui 310?  :x  Ca doar a venit recent de la RK cu acesta.


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim

georgica2704 wrote:
Dar oare ce s-a intamplat cu afisajul unicat al lui 310?

Cum zice un prieten, e PA.  :twisted:


Re: V3A-93 Rathgeber2523

069.JPG (117.54 KB; downloaded 2298 times)

121.JPG (139.79 KB; downloaded 2307 times)

347.JPG (145.99 KB; downloaded 2303 times)


Re: V3A-93 3mil

Vagonul #100 pe linia 46, in data de 16 iunie.
rsz_img01708-20130616-1829.jpg (129.79 KB; downloaded 2642 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: V3A-93 Utilizator anonim


DSC_5046.JPG (189.34 KB; downloaded 2596 times)


Re: V3A-93 Gabi23

121 - cel mai recent reparat vagon de la Colentina

121 - 21 - 18.06.2013.jpg (407.95 KB; downloaded 2552 times)

202 - un veteran al depoului, anul acesta făcând 18 ani de la modernizare.

202 - 21 - 18.06.2013.jpg (525.5 KB; downloaded 2559 times)

112 de la admin la admin  :o  :ugeek:  :D  :twisted:  :lol:

112 - 1 - 18.06.2013.jpg (463.49 KB; downloaded 2562 times)


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