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Topic: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5

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Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 Orgonon

Aglaia, Marghioala si Aspazia. Daca tot mergem pe traditii romanesti...


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 Gentoo

Tmb Galben      -- spre Eroilor
Tmb Rosu         -- spre Ghencea
Tmb Albastru    -- spre Ghencea

Ultimele doua tot merg spre stadion :)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 autob368

Off topic: La RATB statiile sunt: Drumul Taberei 35 (pe partea cu LaserMed) si Drumul Taberei 34 (pe partea cu Policlinica, Complexul, str. Pravat etc). In general locuitorii cartierului sunt obisnuiti sa zica DOAR Drumul Taberei 34, nu conteaza partea unde au nevoie sa ajunga  ;)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 bekxy

Nadia (Comăneci),
Ana (Aslan)
şi Ileana (Cosânzeana)

fără bătrâneţe
şi viaţă fără de moarte.

şi mitologie.

Nadia şi Ana în pereche, Ileana... de capul ei, în căutarea lui Făt Frumos.  :D
Vin naş la botez.  :)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 subway guru

Am continuat munca de 'documentare' prin vecini...privind 'botezarea' TBM-urilor...
La Budapesta linia 4, vecinii unguri le-au botezat "Bochkor" si "Boros"...
Habar nu am cum s-ar traduce, cu ungureasca stau relativ prost... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Poate ne ajuta un 'cunoscator'... :mrgreen:
Informatii suplimentare aici: ... %5D=1022
E vorba de masinile S354/355 folosite de Strabag...
Ala din dreapta, nu e tricolorul nostru, e tricolorul Budapestei cu stema lor...
HK_S-354_S-355_Maschine01_W.jpg (44.03 KB; downloaded 5468 times)
HK_S-354_S-355_k9114.jpg (35.76 KB; downloaded 5471 times)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 subway guru

De peste mari si tzari...
Los Angeles Metro...
Doua TBM-uri botezate "Lola" and "Vicki"...curat 'americaneste'... :lol:
Masinile S297/298
Detalii aici: ... d%5D=556
S297_298_Maschinen01_587x33.jpg (44.54 KB; downloaded 5463 times)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 subway guru

Obiceiuri de pe Mapamond:
According to tunnelling tradition, a TBM cannot start work until it is given a name. This tradition is carried out throughout the world and a TBM is generally named after a lady as a sign of good luck for the project ahead.
Often the naming of a TBM involves a competition which requires the community to make suggestions. The Gautrain project held a competition amongst its staff after which the name Imbokodo was chosen for the project’s TBM.
In the spirit of 9 August 1956 Gautrain is joining the women who sang “Wathinta abafazi, wathinta imbokodo” – “If you strike a woman, you strike a rock” in naming the Gautrain tunnel boring machine. The project salutes the brave women warriors who lead the march to the union buildings – Lillian Ngoyi, Helen Joseph, Sophia Williams and Rahima Moosa.
But it is also a time, by naming this massive machine Imbokdo, to honour our continent’s mothers, sisters, and grandmothers. Ordinary women that make things happen – also on Gautrain.
Here are some examples of TBM names from around the world:
In Hong King, a 80-metre long TBM for the Kowloon Southern Link is named Xiaolongnu. The TBM is named after a famous heroine of the popular Chinese martial arts book, “The Return of the Condor Heroes”.
Project officials held a competition and chose the name Xiaolongnu because they believed the TBM will do her work with the agility and effect of a super kung fu master, yet with a feminine touch of tenderness and softness as she tunnels her way through soft ground and hard rock.
Terra Nautilus and Pipi
These are the names given by two primary school children for two TBM’s that will used in the Gold Coast Desalination Project, Australia. Assembled at Herrenknecht, the TBM’s will bore 1.5km long tunnels under the sea.
School children from Queensland participated in the TBM name giving competition. They also listened to educational presentations on TBM’s. The winning students received cash prizes for themselves and their schools. They also participated in a TBM naming ceremony on the project site, before the TBMs were lowered into the shafts.
Emerald Mole
A seven year old boy gave the name Emerald Mole for a TBM that will be used to bore light rail tunnels in Seattle. Children under the age of 12 participated in the competition.
Emerald Mole is compared to the length of a football field. When the Central Link project is completed in 2020, it will carry more than 45,000 riders daily between downtown Seattle and the airport.
In Canada, the name Envira was given to a TBM used to bore tunnels for a wastewater system. Envira was chosen during a competition as the judges believed the TBM to be female. They liked the fact that the name is a cross between Elvira and Environment as a TBM does not disturb the environment.
Delilah is used to bore tunnel for a sewage improvement project in the United Kingdom. The name was given by three primary school pupils in the town Lewes. The name Delilah was painted on the machine along with a traditional Japanese dragon face. The pupils attended a TBM launching ceremony along the town’s Mayor. The winning school also received some prize money.
Aurora was named after the Roman goddess of Daybreak.  This custom-made, 120 metre long TMB bore the Green Heart Tunnel for a high speed rail project in the Netherlands, spanning more than 7 kilometres. When Aurora’s work in the Netherlands was completed, she was disassembled and transported to China to bore two tunnels under a river in Shanghai.

Alte exemple aici: ... 26_eng.pdf ... achine.asp ... index.html ... her40.html ... %20res.pdf ... 8&Itemid=8 ... hive06.htm


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 subway guru

Inapoi printre vecini...
Cum fac cehii la Praga?
Tonda si Adéla ... il?id=2223
TBMs for Prague metro have their names

Released: 4. 3. 2011

Two 6m-diameter tunnel boring machines (EPB TBMs) will be used on the project extending the metro line A from the district of Dejvice to the district of Motol. They have been given names of Tonda and Adéla. The names were chosen by children patients from the Clinic of Paediatric Surgery, the Faculty Hospital in Motol. The winning proposals were announced today, during an event held by the Motol Hospital in the presence of Mr. Bohuslav Svoboda, the Lord Mayor of the Capital City Prague. Mr. Pavel Pilát, the CEO of Metrostav a.s., handed over a small gift intended to express thanks for the collaboration of the hospital ward on naming the machines, to make a little bit more pleasant the time spent by young patients in the hospital.

The new stretch of Prague metro, terminating in Motol Station, will be brought into service in 2014. Its length will amount to 6,134 m. Four new stations are planned to be built on the route: Červený Vrch, Veleslavím, Petřiny and Motol. The majority of running tunnels will be driven using the environmentally friendly TBM technique. The contractor for the Metro Line V A Extension (Dejvice – Motol) Project is a consortium consisting of Metrostav a.s. and Hochtief a.s.

For more information contact:
Frantisek POLAK
spokesman Metrostav a.s.
Tel.: +420-266 709 294


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 subway guru

Sper ca am reusit sa va conving ca treaba cu 'botezul' TBM-urilor nu e de 'floare la ureche' si nici 'pana la palarie', e lucru 'de nadejde' si e tratat ca atare in toata lumea 'civilizata'...
Sa avetzi 'inspiratie' si sa fie intr-un ceas bun, cu toate ursitoarele 'binevoitoare'...adunate! :ugeek: altfel, Gaia ne ia!... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
TBM-urile sunt...masini de forat gen feminin...o masina/doua masini...asa ca 'fara nume barbatesti', ca nu sunt nici dorite si nici nu se potrivesc...
Stie cineva cum sta treaba la Sofia, la vecinii mie-mi e mai greu sa 'descifrez' in chirilice... :lol:


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 bercenicity

Au numit-o SOFIA  :roll: (o singura TBM mai mare pentru M2 - tunel "double track" de 9.5m) - vezi stirea din 28 Decembrie 2010


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 Dominatrix

Apropo de metroul din Sofia:

Citat din articol:
The new deadline is ahead of the previous schedule, after it became clear at the end of 2011 that the segment between the main Sofia thoroughfare "Tsarigradsko Shosse" boulevard and the airport will be included in the current program period of the EU operational program "Transport" and a public procurement tender for a construction contractor was announced.

Other lines of the capital's metro will also be finished several months ahead of schedule, according to Borisov, who spoke during a tour and inspection of construction works.


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 ontheroadsrl

Trei nume romanesti, cu rezonante mitologico-folclorice: Doina, Mioara si Ileana (sa nu fie Elena, ca iese cu paruiala politica)


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 ontheroadsrl

Pentru varianta prenumele unor romance celebere:
- Eliza (Leonida Zamfirescu) - prima femeie inginer din Europa; astia de la Bucuresti de la Scoala de Poduri si Sosele n-au primit-o drept studenta, asa ca ar fi o reparatie frumoasa.
- Ella (Negruzzi) - prima femeie avocat din Romania dar si din Estul Europei
- Ana (Aslan)
- Elena (Caragiani-Stoenescu) - prima licentiata in drept din Romania si prima femeie aviator din Romania;
- Elena (Vacarescu)
- Elena (Gonta) - prima femeie inginer care a absolvit in Romania, sectia de constructii
- Elvira (Popesco)
- Hariclea (Darclee)
- Elizabeta (Rizea)
- Smaranda (Braescu) - prima femeie parasutist din Romania
- tot Smaranda (Gheorghiu) - prima romanca la Polul Nord
- Virginia (Andreescu Haret) - prima arhitecta din Romania
- Marina (Stirbei) - prima (si pana acum ultima?) femeie pilot militar
- Sofia Ionescu - prima femeie neurochirurg din lume
- Maria (Cutarida Craciunescu) - prima femeie medic din Romania
- Sarmiza (Bilcescu) - prima femeie doctor in drept din lume
- Nadia, fara alte explicatii, e oricum cea mai faimoasa romanca in intreaga lume

Dintre astea, as vota pentru Eliza, Elena si Virginia pentru motive de legatura cat de cat cu subiectul  (inginera si arhitecta), dar ar merge si Smaranda (exploratoarea de la Polul Nord, ca si TBMurile sunt tot niste exploratoare).


Re: Botezati cele 3 TBMuri care vor lucra la M5 survola

Bine v-am găsit.
Mă înscriu şi eu cu o prupunere pentru botez:
- Haricleea (Darclee)
- Ecaterina (Teodoroiu)
- Domnişoara Pogany


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