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Topic: Tramvaie

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Tramvaie PTMZ

Alstom va livra inca 60 de tramvaie Flexity catre TTC:
2 June 2021 – Alstom will supply a total of 60 Flexity 100% low-floor, zero-emission light rail vehicles (LRVs) to the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) in Ontario, Canada, under a contract valued at over €275 million. The new streetcar order will be used to meet Toronto’s ridership demands and growth needs.

“Alstom would like to thank our customer, the TTC, for their continued confidence in our zero-emission Flexity streetcars,” said Jérôme Wallut, President, Alstom Americas. “Over the years, our innovative, reliable, Made-in-Canada rail products have established themselves as a signature element of Toronto’s iconic cityscape and contribute daily to the sustainable economic and social development of our Canadian cities.”

The Flexity LRVs for the TTC are five-module, uni-directional vehicles with all-wheel drive. They are based on light rail technology modified to TTC specifications and special requirements of Toronto’s streetcar network. To date, 204 streetcars have been delivered to the TTC, and the additional order of 60 streetcars will help maintain jobs and expertise, particularly at Alstom’s site in Thunder Bay, Ontario, which has experience assembling and testing previously delivered streetcars to the TTC.

The streetcar project will be supported by Alstom sites in St-Bruno and La Pocatière, Quebec, which will provide project management and certain component sub-assembly, respectively. It will allow Alstom to maintain 400 jobs at the Thunder Bay and La Pocatière facilities.

Sursa: Alstom


Re: Canada PTMZ

The last section of track of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT has been laid on November 1, when Crosslinx Transit Solutions constructor fastened the final clip, reaching a 100 per cent rail installation for the new transit line in Toronto.

To mark the achievement, the clip was special gold-painted and was installed at Eglinton Station, located at the intersection of Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue. With that last clip, all of the tracks along the LRT are now in place between Mount Dennis Station in the west and Kennedy Station in the east.

Within the next period, the light rail vehicles will test the infrastructure across the entire line.

Installation of the overhead catenary system, train signals, communications systems, and other features to enable safe train movement will continue into 2022.

The Eglinton Crosstown LRT project covered the construction of a 19 km line (installation of 40 km of tracks) including a 10 km underground section between Keele Street and Laird Drive. The line has 25 stops and stations, offering connection to 54 bus routes, three TTC metro stations and various GO Transit lines providing important transit connections. The project also includes a maintenance and storage facility at Weston Road.

In 2015, Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario awarded Crosslinx Transit Solutions a CAD 9.1 billion (USD 7.3 billion, in current prices) design, build, finance and maintenance contract for the project.

The new light rail line is expected to be completed in 2022 providing up to 60% faster transport services than current travel times.

The new line will be extended towards west, forming the co-called Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) for which this year a USD 605 million contract was awarded for the construction of its tunnels. The line will be up to 13.9 km-long with more than 10 stations providing a continuous rapid transit line into Mississauga. 4.7 km of the line would provide transport connection to the Pearson Airport in Toronto. The ECWE will travel underground from Mount Dennis Station onto an elevated guideway between Jane Street and Scarlett Road, then continuing underground to Renforth Drive.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Canada PTMZ

Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the second advance tunnel contract (ATC2) package on the Eglinton Crosstown West extension (ECWE) in Toronto.

Following this procedure, the authorities will select the contractor to deliver the ATC2 work on the project.

The extension of the Eglinton Crosstown West covers the construction of a 9.2 km light rail section with 7 stops, of which approximately 6 km will be underground. The new line will be known as the future TTC Line 5. The extension will run mostly underground, westward from the future Mount Dennis station to Renforth Drive.

The Ontario Province will also release a RFQ for the transit project’s elevated section of tracks between Scarlett Road and Jane Street in the coming weeks. IO and Metrolinx will evaluate the submissions and announce a shortlist of qualified proponents for both contracts in the first quarter of 2022.

These will be followed by a separate contract for the balance of the work, which includes building the stations, fitting-out the tunnels and installing and commissioning the systems. The Advanced Tunnel Contract 1 (Renforth Drive to the extraction shaft at Scarlett Road) project is currently under construction. The contract for the first advance tunnel between Renforth Drive and Scarlett Road was awarded in May to the West End Connectors. The design build finance contract includes the construction of launch and extraction shafts, tunnels, and headwalls for emergency exit buildings and stations, the supply of the TMBs and install segmental precast concrete tunnel liners.

The Eglinton Crosstown West extension is being delivered in four separate procurement contracts comprising the first and the second advanced tunnels, the elevated guideway between between Scarlett Road and Jane Street and the stations, rail and systems.

Once complete, the ECWE will connect to different transit services, including the GO Kitchener Line and UP Express train service at Mount Dennis, TTC bus services at transit stops in Toronto, and GO and MiWay bus services via the Mississauga Transitway.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Toronto - tramvaie WT_fan06

Proiectul Finch West LRT prinde contur, apropiindu-se de finalizare:


Re: Toronto - tramvaie PTMZ

Linia 6 Finch West pare să repare o parte din greșelile trecutului, în condițiile în care lucrările au fost începute în 2019 și linia e programată să fie dată în utilizare anul acesta. Este drept, proiectul e pe hârtie încă din 2009-2010.

Prin "greșelile trecutului" mă refer la cealaltă linie LRT aflată în construcție, linia 5 Eglinton, care a început să fie construită în 2011 (deodată cu M5-ul nostru) și nici acum nu a fost dată în exploatare. Au fost întârzieri majore cu ani la rândul, din varii motive:
- pe de-o parte, Crosslinx, trustul guvernamental care se ocupă de execuția liniei, a întârziat nepermis de mult lucrările din lipsă de personal, finamțare, materiale sau alte resurse. 260 de milioane de dolari sunt în joc în procesele Crosslinx cu Metrolinx (operatorul provincial din Ontario).
- pe de altă parte, Bombardier a avut nenumărate probleme cu livrarea tramvaielor. Metrolinx a trimis prototipul Flexity Freedom înapoi la fabrică, spunând că era atât de incomplet încât nici măcar nu pornea. Evident că Bombardier a avut întârzieri peste întârzieri.

Ce este interesant este că aceste linii LRT sunt realizate pe ecartamentul standard, 1435 mm, în condițiile în care Toronto are un ecartament mai lat pentru rețeaua sa de tramvaie și metrou, 1495 mm. (Excepție linia 3 Scarborough de metrou, care are 1435).


Re: Tramvaie WT_fan06

Linia 5 Eglinton (Crosstown LRT) a intrat în probe, iar personalul TTC este instruit pentru a opera noua rută și noile tramvaie. În același timp, se lucrează la finisaje și la rezolvarea problemelor cu infiltrațiile.

Data inaugurării n-a fost anunțată încă, lucrările continuând și în 2024.


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