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Topic: International trains

4 posts, 2730 views
International trains treinreiziger

Hi, i don't know if this is the right place. Can somebody help me with make a overview with al international trains?

Night trains / trenurile de noapte (IRN/EN)
Wien - Arad - Bucuresti
Budapest - Arad - Sibiu - Bucuresti
Budapest - Cluj Napoca - Brasov
Bucuresti - Istanbul
Varna - Bucuresti - Minsk
Bucuresti - Kiev
Bucuresti - Chişinau

Day Trains:
Wien - Budapest - Cluj Napoca
Budapest - Oradea - Cluj Napoca - Brasov
Budapest - Arad - Timisoara - Bucuresti
Budapest - Arad - Sibiu - Brasov
Budapest - Arad - Timisoara
Bucuresti - Vadul-Siret
Bucuresti - Sofia

Regional Trains:
Püspökladany - Oradea (- Salonta)
Suceava - Vadul-Siret (or is it a IR-train?)
Iasi - Ungheni


Re: International trains SirVlady

Hello, I can help you with the overview of international trains.

IRN/EN trains:
EN 346/347, nicknamed "Dacia": Bucharest - Brașov - Sighișoara - Arad - Wien
The EN 347 is the same train, but coming from Wien, on the same route (Wien - Arad - Sighișoara - Brașov - Bucharest)

EN 472/473, nicknamed "Ister": Bucharest - Sibiu - Simeria - Arad - Budapest

IRN 366/367, nicknamed "Corona": Brașov - Cluj Napoca - Budapest

IRN 461/460: Bucharest - Sofia (one of the 461's goes to the Istanbul, the other one goes to Thessaloniki)

IRN 1003/1004: Varna - Bucharest - Buzău - Focșani - Bacău - Pașcani - Suceava - Vadul-Siret - Kiev - Minsk

IRN 380/381: Bucharest - Buzău - Focșani - Bacău - Pașcani - Suceava - Vadul-Siret - Kiev (it is the same train that brings you to Vadul-Siret, but I know it's just once per week, in the rest of the week, goes just to Vadul-Siret, that's all I know, i don't want to misinform you)

IRN 402/401, nicknamed "Prietenia", or "Friendship": Bucharest - Buzău - Bacău - Iași - Ungheni - Chișinău

The day trains:
IR 144/143: Cluj Napoca - Oradea - Budapest - Wien

IR 72/73, nicknamed "Traianus": Bucharest - Craiova - Timisoara - Arad - Curtici - Budapest

IR 78/79: Timișoara Nord - Arad - Curtici - Budapest Keleti

And regional trains:
The single international regional train that I know it is the R 1062.

R 1062: Iași - Ungheni Prut border.

I hope I helped you with this information, and not misinformed you!  :)


Re: International trains treinreiziger

Thanks :D


Re: International trains BGP2597

These are some pages from the schedule book for 2018/2019 with all international connexions.

Table A1: Trains to/from Budapest Keleti / Wien Hbf. going through Curtici / Lökösháza. All trains run as InterRegio (IR)

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Table A1.1: Trains R1090 / R1091 Craiova - Vidin (BG) and further connexions to Sofia.
Table A2: Trains to / from Hungary going through Episcopia Bihor / Biharkeresztes. Trains 364 / 365 and 368 / 369 run as Regio (R). The rest run as IR.

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Tables A3, A4 and E: Local traffic across the border RO/HU. All trains run as R. Trains on tables A3 and A4 are operated by MAV-Start.
Table C: Trains to/from Moldova. Only 401/402 run as IR, the others run as R.
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Table B: Trains to/from Ukraine. 380/381 run as IR and 1380/1381 as R.The others are connexions of Ukrainian Railways to Kiev.
Table D: Trains to/from Bulgaria and further connexions to Greece and Turkey. All trains run as IR on Romanian territory.

BD.jpg (87.44 KB; downloaded 2303 times)


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