Transportul în lumeEuropaOlanda / Nederland


Topic: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam)

9 posts, 4003 views
Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92

Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) este operata de catre EBS (EBS Public transportation BV). Ruta este incadradata in formatul R-net (proiect de cooperare intre guverne și companiile de transport din Randstad in domeniul transportului public de inalta calitate).

Traseul traverseaza orasul Volendam - unul dintre cele mai vizitate localitati din Olanda de catre turisti.

Incepand cu data de 31 Octombrie 2018, EBS a introdus in exploatare 10 autobuze electrice VDL Citea SLFA-181 Electric. Acestea sunt numerotate de la 1030 la 1039.

La capatul din Edam, se afla o statie de incarcare rapida ce permite o autonomie necesara efectuarii a doua curse. Timpul de incarcare este de maxim 20 de minute.

Linia 316.jpg (136.38 KB; downloaded 3737 times)

1031 - 316 - 08.11.2018 (4).JPG (221.49 KB; downloaded 3732 times)

1032 lateral - 07.11.2018.JPG (344.03 KB; downloaded 3741 times)

1034 lateral - 08.11.2018.JPG (274.45 KB; downloaded 3740 times)

1035 - 316 - 07.11.2018.JPG (278.88 KB; downloaded 3729 times)

1039 - 316 - 07.11.2018 (3).JPG (288.47 KB; downloaded 3733 times)

1039 inteior - 07.11.2018.JPG (269.63 KB; downloaded 3735 times)

1039 interior1 - 07.11.2018.JPG (187.84 KB; downloaded 3737 times)

1039 interior4 - 07.11.2018.JPG (266.29 KB; downloaded 3732 times)

Citea-SLFA-181-Electric.jpg (140.49 KB; downloaded 3739 times)


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) punmeister

Victor92 wrote:
(proiect de cooperare intre guverne și companiile de transport din Randstad - regiune din Tara Lalelelor - in domeniul transportului public de inalta calitate).

Randstad nu e o regiune, e un Megalopolis :D


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92

Corectat. Multumesc  :D


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Utilizator anonim

Un autobuz a ars zilele trecute in timpul incarcarii in zona Edam, autobuzele diesel au revenit pe linia 316 pana la finalizarea unei anchete. Naspa.

Stirea originala in Olandeza. ... qsfEFKWCrU

Sursa foto:

362417.w1600.r16-9.9afbbf4.q90.jpg (264.36 KB; downloaded 3621 times)


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92

Autobuzele electrice VDL au revenit pe linia 316 imediat dupa acel incident.

Cele 10 autobuze circula tot intre Amsterdam si Edam-Volendam - ruta operata de catre EBS.

1036 - Linia 316 - Centraal Station (Amsterdam) - 17.10.2019


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92

Doua autobuze din zona Centraal Station fotografiate saptamana trecuta.




Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92

Prin colectia personala de poze, am gasit unele cu autobuzele electrice articulate de la VDL pe care nu postasem pe forum din Noiembrie 2018  :oops:


1031 detalii - 08.11.2018.JPG (183.44 KB; downloaded 2810 times)

1031 bord - 08.11.2018.JPG (251.22 KB; downloaded 2812 times)

1031 usa 2 - 08.11.2018.JPG (241.01 KB; downloaded 2811 times)

1031 usi 2+3 - 08.11.2018.JPG (264.4 KB; downloaded 2805 times)


1032 corpA - 07.11.2018.JPG (365.62 KB; downloaded 2810 times)

1032 corpB - 07.11.2018.JPG (329.98 KB; downloaded 2812 times)

1032 spate - 07.11.2018.JPG (317.56 KB; downloaded 2814 times)


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92


1034 corp A - 08.11.2018.JPG (239.57 KB; downloaded 2811 times)

1034 corp B - 08.11.2018.JPG (239.43 KB; downloaded 2809 times)

1034 usa 3 - 08.11.2018.JPG (235.72 KB; downloaded 2811 times)


1035 spate - 07.11.2018.JPG (224.74 KB; downloaded 2809 times)


Re: Linia 316 (Edam-Volendam - Amsterdam) Victor92


1039 - 316 - 07.11.2018 (5).JPG (217.74 KB; downloaded 2814 times)

1039 interior - 07.11.2018.JPG (280.75 KB; downloaded 2812 times)

1039 interior2 - 07.11.2018.JPG (255.38 KB; downloaded 2809 times)

1039 interior3 - 07.11.2018.JPG (291.62 KB; downloaded 2809 times)

1039 interior5 - 07.11.2018.JPG (236.13 KB; downloaded 2812 times)

1039 prizaUSB - 07.11.2018.JPG (176.52 KB; downloaded 2811 times)

Un autobuz electric la iesire din Volendam spre Amsterdam.


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