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Topic: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji

9 posts, 5440 views
Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji vlaicuandrei

In acest topic voi posta poze cu diferite locomotive, vagoane (material rulant in mare parte) ce se gaseste in Serbia.

Garnitura pentru Skopje
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Vagon de dormit al ZS, care facea la un moment si pe relatia Bucuresti Nord-Belgrad
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Vagon cuseta, apartinand MZ (cailor ferate macedonene) pe relatia Belgrad-Skopje
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In planul indepartat al aceste poze se poate observa depoul de vagoane al garii din Belgrad.

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Re: Trenuri din Serbia vlaicuandrei

Pozele urmatoare au fost facute in iarna trecuta, pe vremea cand in Romania mai mult se statea din cauza caderilor abundente de zapada. Nici la ei situatia nu era mai roza, iar eu am avut noroc  pentru ca m-am intors exact in ultima zi cand a circulat trenul IR360/1 datorita zapezii.
In pozele urmatoare se poate observa cum un tren de 4 vagoane este tras de 2 diesele.

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O prima poza cu depoul de locomotive din Belgrad (sau ce a ramas din el dupa razboi).
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Partea bombardata de americani in timpul razboiului a ramas si acum la fel, ca in dimineata zile cand a fost bombardata. Din cate am inteles vagonul acela trebuia sa iasa la tren dupa reparatii cand a inceput totul.
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Plecarea din Belgrad se facea de obicei prin impingerea trenului din gara, si plecarea in directia Beograd Donji Grad- Beograd Dunav- Pancevo- Vrsac. Linia nu era electrificata si la un moment dat trece si pe dedesubtul cetatii medievale din Belgrad. Se pot observa tot cele 2 locomotive diesel care trag trenul, iar undeva in departare si tunelul (unul din multele) pe sub oras.
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Re: Trenuri din Serbia vlaicuandrei

Locomotiva de productie americana, 661-256 (serii poreclite "Kennedy" pentru ca atunci au fost cumparate de la GM), proaspat iesita de la RR-u. Se poate observa in poza si cam cati oameni erau interesati de ea. Iar la ei fumatul este permis in tren...
Date tehnice despre locomotiva:
Formula osiilor: Co-Co;
Putere: 1433 kW;
V. Max: 110 km/h;
Tip: Diesel-Electica
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Inca o poza cu al doilea depou de vagoane din Belgrad, pozitionat vis-a-vis de depoul de locomotive. Interesant la ei este ca nu se fac manevre ca la noi la Bucuresti Nord (desi si eu au gara terminus) cu locomotiva pentru a prelua trenul. Ei au o locomotiva de manevra cu care imping trenul in gara, il preseaza de tampoane (care sunt elastice si gliseaza pe linie) pana la un anumit moment, strang frana trenului, iar abia apoi cupleaza locomotiva ce trage trenul.
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Macaraua lor de interventii si vagoanele ce compun trenul aferent.
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Prim plan cu locomotiva 441-702 ce tragea trenul international Belgrad-Skopje.
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Inca o chestie care la ei se poate si la noi nu (pentru ca nu se vrea), vagoane pentru masini. Acestea din poza sunt folosite cu precadere pe timpul verii pe relatia Belgrad-Bar, un fel de Bucuresti-Constanta al nostru. Difera doar faptul ca dureaza o noapte intreaga, se merge pe una din cele mai spectaculoase linii de tren din Europa (chiar va recomand sa cautati videouri cu ea) si de cativa ani, presupune si trecerea in alta tara, respectiv Muntenegru.
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  • Goldmund
  • Posted: Wednesday, 26.05.2021, 09:26

Re: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji Goldmund

O filmare mai veche(2019) de pe o magistrala importanta a Serbiei

Ce se poate vedea inca de la inceput este...lipsa banilor(din UE!), dar in acelasi timp vorbim de o tara europeana, cu o civilizatie europeana si am remarcat curatenia remarcabila(nici macar o hartie mai mare pe langa CF, nu mai vorbim de moloz, sau gunoaie aruncate aiurea....), dar si neingrijirea totala a locatiei de langa CF(buruieni, pomi crescuti chiar langa CF, etc), poate si din lipsa finantarilor de care am mai scris...


  • alliens
  • Posted: Saturday, 05.06.2021, 22:01

Re: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji alliens

Nici noi nu suntem departe, chiar cu bani UE: Serbia investeste mult mai putin in repararea cailor ferate  9vazusem niste articole in care scria de cca 1 mil/euro  /km, pentru a readuce liniile la parametrii proiectati, in timp ce noi investim si de 10 ori mai mult, si rezultatul final nu difera prea mult: la noi cu reconstructie completa avem in multe zone aceleasi viteze reale (cu care se circula, nu ce s-a promis la inceperea proiectelor) la final.


  • PTMZ
  • Posted: Tuesday, 28.09.2021, 16:55

Re: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji PTMZ

Serbia’s Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced that the government will invest EUR 6 billion to modernise the rail infrastructure to get connected with all countries in the region and the EU by rail.

The statement was made at the Connecting Europe Express train’s arrival at the Belgrade Centre – Prokop railway station. The event coincided with the Western Balkans 2021 Rail Summit held on September 13, in Belgrade.

The Prime Minister said that Serbia has invested more than EUR 600 million in 2014, when serious investments in the country’s rail infrastructure began, along with the train procurement.

Serbia’s goal is to set rail transport ad the primary mode of transport for both passenger and freight. As 2021 is the European Year of Rail, “this is the year of the rail in Serbia as well, but also the year of the Green Agenda. These two goals go hand in hand, because railway transport, in addition to water transport, is the greenest mode of transport,” Ana Brnabic said.

In January 2020, the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić has announced that EUR 3.53 billion will be invested to modernise the railway system and includes a EUR 1.7 funding for the Belgrade metro project. The commitment is part of Serbia 2025 Strategy under which EUR 9 billion will be invested in the next five years for the modernisation and development country’s transport sector.

In addition, in 2020, the Ministry of Transport has announced that is preparing new projects to build and reconstruct 520 km of rail lines worth EUR 1.9 billion. There are also plans to reconstruct 850 km lines across the country, but at a later stage.

The country is currently implementing important projects to build a modern rail infrastructure. An important connection towards the European Union’s rail network covers the construction of the  Belgrade-Budapest corridor for which the Belgrade-Novi Sad section is expected to be soon completed and at the beginning of 2022, the dynamic tests are scheduled to be launched.

Sursa: Railway PRO


  • PTMZ
  • Posted: Friday, 04.02.2022, 15:37

Re: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji PTMZ

Infrastructure of Serbian Railways has begun the trial running on the entire modernised and double-tracked Belgrade – Novi Sad line.

Due to the nature and type of dynamic testing that will follow in the coming days, the train run at a maximum speed of 200 km/h several times a day on the railway line.

The commercial operation on the 75 km long line is expected to be launched in March. At the beginning of this year, a measuring train of DB Systemtechnik arrived in Serbia to carry out the tests on the line. The test runs were scheduled to be completed this week.

The construction works were performed by China Railway International and China Communications Construction Company.

Belgrade – Novi Sad line is part of the railway line linking Serbian capital to Hungary connecting three of the five largest cities in Serbia including Subotica. This section also makes up almost half of the length of the Pan-European Corridor Xb and is a part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) in the territory of Serbia.

The Serbian rail infrastructure manager is currently modernising the 34.5 km Belgrade – Stara Pazova section which is 55% completed and the Novi Sad – Subotica line expected to be completed in 2024.

The works on the two sections are performed by a joint venture comprising China Railway International and China Communications Construction Company under a USD 1.6 billion contract.

A USD 426.37 million contract was signed with a joint venture of China Railway International and China Communications Construction Company for the modernisation of Belgrade – Stara Pazova railway line. The contract concerns the reconstruction and modernisation of the existing track of a single-track railway and construction of a second track designed for mixed traffic and speeds of up to 200 km/h.

For the 108 km Novi Sad – Subotica modernisation project, the USD 1.16 billion contract singed with RZD International, and covers the upgrade of the existing line and the construction of the second track.

All these projects are part of the Belgrade – Budapest rail corridor for which Hungary has launched the construction works in November 2021. In Serbia, the corridor will be 184 km-long and the value of the works are estimated at USD 2 billion. The project is expected to be completed in 2025.

Sursa: Railway PRO


  • PTMZ
  • Posted: Sunday, 27.02.2022, 14:47

Re: Trenuri din Serbia / Vozovi u Srbiji PTMZ

SERBIA: Infrastructure manager Infrastruktura Zeleznice Srbije has signed a contract with a consortium led by China Railway 21st Bureau Group, a subsidiary of CRCC, to build a tunnel between Stalać and Đunis in the south of the country.

Sursa: Railway Gazette


  • orex
  • Posted: Friday, 08.04.2022, 19:19

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