Transportul în lumeEuropaSerbia / Srbija


Topic: Belgrad

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Belgrad macheta218

30 de vagoane noi la Belgrad
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Re: Serbia Dominatrix

E vorba de tramvaie de tip Urbos 3 de la producatorul spaniol CAF. Valoarea contractului: 81 milioane euro pentru 30 de tramvaie. ... trams.html

Capitala unei tari devastate de razboi, tara care nici macar nu e in U.E. isi permite "luxul" de a investi in tramvaie noi de la un producator adevarat. Nu acelasi lucru se poate spune despre Bucuresti, un oras de lux, dar cu closet in fundul curtii.


Re: Serbia Dominatrix

Prima zi cu calatori, 28 august 2011:


Re: Belgrad shoppy

Cabride in Belgrad, foarte frumos, 6km de tunelele, 3 km de poduri


Re: Belgrad shoppy

Ce sa faci cu un pod:

Old Sava Bridge to be moved to land
What the Old Sava Bridge might look like at the Usce Park (Photo:
The result of the anonymous citizen survey on the website of the City of Belgrade is for the Old Sava Bridge to be moved to the Usce Park and for a new bridge for cyclists and pedestrians to be built upstream, Alo writes, as reported by Beta.

The head urban planner of Belgrade, Marko Stojcic, said that “most citizens chose the option of moving the structure of the Old Sava Bridge to the Usce Park and having a a new bridge built, which will connect New Belgrade with Ada Ciganlija”.

He added that it was “just the beginning of the idea about the new functions of the bridge”.

Stojcic said that the selected option “entails several interventions, the development of which is yet to take place” and added that he hoped that there would be more concrete plans after two weeks.

The citizens chose the option which entails two phases – the construction of a new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists as an extension of Omladinskih Brigada Street to Ada Ciganlija and the disassembly of the Old Sava Bridge and its re-assembly in the location between the Usce Shopping Center and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

The bridge would act as a sculpture in the Usce Park, 4.5 meters above the ground, and the space underneath the bridge would have “cultural, commercial and entertainment features”.

The investment value of the works is around RSD 1.7 billion (EUR 15 million).

The survey was open until December 15. ... ed-to-land
mosT_anketa_1_251019_tw630.jpg (124.35 KB; downloaded 6097 times)


Re: Belgrad PTMZ

Belgrad are în plan construcția a 2 linii de metrou: linia 1 (Zarkovo - Mirijevo; 21,3km, roșie, 23 de stații) și linia 2 (Gara Zemun - Mirijevo; 19,2 km, albastră, 20 de stații). Ultimul proiect efectuat de EGIS Rail a fost aprobat în mai 2019. Execuția se va realiza în 3 etape. Costul total al lucrărilor se ridică la aproximativ 4,4 miliarde de euro. Primele lucrări ar putea începe în 2021:


Re: Belgrad PTMZ

PowerChina și Alstom vor construi noul sistem de metrou:
THE Serbian government, the city of Belgrade, PowerChina and Alstom are due to sign an agreement to construct the new Belgrade metro on January 22, finance minister Mr Sinisa Mali told Serbian state news agency Tanjug on January 5.

Tanjug reports that minister of construction, transport and infrastructure, Mr Tomislav Momirovic, expects the first works on the project to begin in the third quarter of 2021.

Belgrade’s city assembly voted in October 2018 to establish a public utility company to construct and operate a passenger metro network and develop the city’s railway. At the time, the two-line project was expected to cost more than €3bn, with the first phase costing €1.3bn.

Momirovic says that while it was still too early to set deadlines, the first east-west line connecting Makis and the suburban district of Mirijevo could potentially be completed three years after the start of construction.

Talks with the French and Chinese companies have been under way since September 2020. Preliminary agreements have already been signed, with PowerChina handling the civil engineering and Alstom providing the systems and fleet.

Mali says Serbian experts were scheduled to make a large number of visits to France in February and French experts will also visit Serbia.

“We are working on the preparation of the required documentation,” Mali says. “A detailed regulation plan for the Makis Field has been adopted recently, so we are working on all the aspects to ensure by the end of this year a construction permit for the start of works at the Makis Field is in place.”

Sursa: International Rail Journal


Re: Belgrad PTMZ

Alstom a semnat azi un Memorandum de înțelegere pentru faza 1 a construcției sistemului de metrou:
Alstom a semnat astăzi un Memorandum de înţelegere (Memorandum of Understanding) cu Guvernul Serbiei, pentru construirea fazei 1 a primei linii a viitoarei reţele de metrou a capitalei Belgrad, transmite un comunicat de presă trimis redacţiei.

În acest proiect, compania Alstom va fi responsabilă pentru o gamă largă de lucrări, inclusiv trenurile de metrou, sistemele digitale de control al trenurilor, panourile de protecţie de pe peroane, infrastructura (instalarea căii de rulare şi a soluţiilor de energoalimentare) şi integrarea sistemului de transport. Construcţia noii reţele de metrou este estimată să înceapă la sfârşitul acestui an, după ce va avea loc semnarea contractului cu autorităţile sârbe.

Antonio Moreno, director general pentru Europa Centrală şi de Est la Alstom, a declarat: "Suntem extrem de mândri că soluţiile Alstom vor face parte din construcţia metroului din Belgrad, care este un proiect de infrastructură foarte important în regiunea Balcanilor. Acest proiect va îmbunătăţi considerabil oferta de transport disponibilă pentru locuitorii din Belgrad şi va ilustra competenţele de top ale Alstom ca lider mondial în soluţii de metrou, oferind pasagerilor o experienţă superioară de călătorie".

Noul sistem de transport va oferi bazele unei mobilităţi cu adevărat sustenabile în capitala dens populată a Serbiei, contribuind la reducerea congestiei rutiere.

Primele două linii vor acoperi în total aproximativ 42 de kilometri - prima având 22 km, a doua aproape 20 km. Prima linie va circula de-a lungul râului Sava, traversând centrul oraşului Belgrad, legând zona Makisko Polje din partea de sud a oraşului, spre cartierul Mirijevo din nord-est. Cea de-a doua linie va face legătura cu staţia de cale ferată Zemun, traversând zona nouă a oraşului Belgrad şi intersectându-se cu prima linie în Mirijevo



Re: Belgrad PTMZ

Construcția primei linii de metrou va începe în noiembrie:
BELGRADE (Serbia), February 4 (SeeNews) - Serbia will launch the construction of the first line of the Belgrade metro in November, infrastructure minister Tomislav Momirovic said.

"We have come to decisions on all open issues," Momirovic said in a video file posted on the website of Tanjug news agency on Wednesday, after  a meeting in Paris with representatives of Egis Rail, the designer of the project.

The construction works of the second line of the Belgrade metro will start in 2022, Momirovic added.

Earlier this week, finance minister Sinisa Mali said the first line of the metro will be launched in 2028.

According to the preliminary design of the project, the Belgrade metro network will initially consist of two lines of 22 km and 19.8 km in length respectively and will integrate four urban railway lines. The first line of the metro will run along the Sava river, crossing downtown Belgrade, and will link the Makisko Polje area in the southwestern part of the Serbian capital to the Mirijevo neighbourhood in the northeast, near the Danube river. The second line will connect Zemun, a northwestern suburb of Belgrade, to the Mirijevo neighbourhood through the New Belgrade urban municipality.

Sursa: SeeNews


Re: Belgrad PTMZ

Egis Rail has signed a new contract to develop the feasibility studies of Belgrade metro Line 2 project, following the signing of the agreement between Serbian and French governments. In addition, the Government and the Municipality, together with three companies signed the agreements to implement city’s metro project.

The contract was signed with the City of Belgrade and includes the development of the studies, preliminary design and environmental impact assessment of Belgrade metro.

Last year, Egis was already in charge of the general project and the preliminary feasibility study for the first two metro lines (Line 1 and Line 2).

According to the preliminary feasibility study, the metro network will have a total length of 40.5 km served by 43 station and it will also integrate four urban railway lines. The Line 1 will be 21.3 km – long with 23 stations and will provide transport connection along the Sava River, crossing the city’s centre, to Makisko Polje area, an urban neighborhood in the southwestern part of the city, and will reach to Mirijevo area in the northeast, near the Danube River.

The construction works for the first metro line are expected to begin before the end of 2021 and the line will become operational by the end of 2028.

The Belgrade metro Line 2 will have 19.2 km and will be served by 20 stations, starting from Zemun station, crossing New Belgrade urban area towards Mirijevo, in the municipality of Zvezdara, near Belgrade.

The transport development plan of the city covers the construction of a metro system with a length of 60 km and 60 stations.

“We are proud that we are participating in the realisation of a project that is this important to Serbia. I ensure you that we will give it our best for it to be carried out successfully, to the benefit of the citizens of Belgrade and Serbia. I thank your government for its help and support,” Olivier Bouvart, CEO of Egis Rail, said.

Belgrade is one of the few major European cities that doesn’t have a high-capacity public rail transport network. After half a century of relative project, the current government is committing to the creation of this project of national importance that will allow the country to develop and stimulate its economic growth.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Belgrad PTMZ

Luni a început construcția metroului din Belgrad:
"Everything is ready for tomorrow, Monday, November 22, to officially start the works on Makiško polje, on the project of building the Belgrade metro. A historic day that generations of our citizens have been waiting for!", Mali wrote on that social network.

"Many authorities before us had plans to build a subway, but no one has ever done anything concrete on that issue. On the other hand, we have been actively working on this capital project for a long time, which is of great, strategic importance for the City of Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia", the Minister of Finance pointed out.

As he stated, the subway we are building will be the most modern possible, fully automated, without a train driver.

When it is completely finished, the first metro line will connect Zeleznik and Mirijevo, will be 21.1 kilometers long and will have 21 stations. The second line will connect Bežanija and Mirijevo, will be 21 kilometers long and will have 23 stations. The two of them will intersect on Sava Square.

The first metro line is planned to be completed in 2028, and the second in 2030.

By the way, with the introduction of the subway in the public transport system, it is planned to reorganize the existing lines of public city transport. The metro routes have been harmonized with the development of the "BG train", and the development of four lines of the city railway and three lines of the suburban railway is planned. That way, we will have a much healthier city and environment, because we will reduce the number of buses and cars on the streets.

This means that we will have an integrated rail system, which consists of a metro, tram and BG train, which will solve traffic problems in Belgrade.

The development of rail systems in the city has a dual role - to improve the functioning of the traffic system, reduce the use of passenger cars, especially on congested routes and to be a generator of development of certain city routes and zones.

This is the largest and one of the most important infrastructure, capital projects, which requires time and patience, and every phase, every step that leads us to the subway, must be carefully planned and implemented.

The construction of the subway, which is part of the "Serbia 2025" project, will make life easier for citizens and contribute to a healthier way of transporting people, and at the same time it will affect the growth of Serbia's GDP, Mali wrote on Instagram.

Sursa: B92


Re: Belgrad Vatmanul constanțean

O serie de imagini cu cateva dintre vehiculele GSP Beograd + alti operatori, realizata in perioada 11-13 august 2023:


Belkommunmash, diverse tipuri:


Tatra KT4D


Re: Belgrad Vatmanul constanțean


AKIA Ultra LF 12

Temsa Avenue LF 12

Higer KLQ6125GEV3 (electric)

Higer KLQ6129GQ2

BMC Procity 18 CNG

MAZ 203


Re: Belgrad Vatmanul constanțean


Guleryuz Ecoline

Otokar Kent LF 12

MAZ 103

Solaris Urbino 18

Isuzu Citiport

Mercedes Conecto



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