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Topic: Locomotive clasa 450 (ex 45 - Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic)

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Utilizator anonim

318 venind de la Gara Obor.

IMG_7338.jpg (169.45 KB; downloaded 6723 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Utilizator anonim

318 de la Constanta ca de obicei  8-)

IMG_7541.jpg (221.04 KB; downloaded 6676 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Gabi23

45-0364-5 este titulara zilele acestea la trenul R402 Bucuresti-Iasi-Chisinau. Din pacate trage dupa ea toate cocioabele de vagoane sovietice  :evil:.

45-0364-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 02.09.2011.JPG (331.38 KB; downloaded 6632 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Mircea Hirjau

EA 397 cu R 684 Constanta - Bucuresti
R 684.JPG (98.46 KB; downloaded 6584 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) AlexCitelis5399

45-0397-5 astazi in Gara De Nord.
45-0397-5 - 05.09.2011.JPG (229.17 KB; downloaded 6564 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Der Hofmeister

318 sosind in Nord cu IC 582 de la Constanta

45-0318-1 - 22.12.2011.png (830.77 KB; downloaded 6275 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Gabi23

Iar 318 si evident pentru Constanta  :lol:.

Aici este surprinsa in timp ce manevra 4 din cele 6 vagoane sosite de la Galati cu IR1670. Aceste 4 vagoane au fost atasate suplimentar la compunerea lui IR1581 pentru Constanta, deoarece nu incapeau calatorii in vagoane. Trenul a plecat cu o intarziere de 75 de minute  :roll:.  

45-0318-1 - Bucuresti Nord - 27.01.2012 (2) by Gabriel Dumitriu, on Flickr


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) stefan_br

Gabi IR1670 a venit prin Urziceni sau prin Buzau?


Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Gabi23

Cred ca a venit prin Buzau ca era sosit cu EA 210.


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Utilizator anonim

336 prin gara

DSC09095.JPG (380.11 KB; downloaded 6267 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Utilizator anonim

365 in depoul BC

. by MetrouUsor, on Flickr


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Dr2005

Carpaţi h., ieri:

45-0348-8 cu R de la Roşiori (?)

IMG_1705 by, on Flickr

45-0397-5 + IR 1595 (Bucureşti Nord - Craiova)

IMG_1703 by, on Flickr


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 45 (Electroputere/Siemens/Softronic) Dr2005

IMG_1843.jpg (362.71 KB; downloaded 6658 times)


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