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Topic: Irisbus Citelis

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Re: Irisbus Citelis Chev Celios

5304 la Cismigiu.
5304-91-02.08.2011.jpg (137.72 KB; downloaded 6709 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Axel


La statia de metrou ''Costin Georgian'' .

5352 pe linia 70.
5353 pe Retragere.
5372 pe linia 79.
5352-70,01.08.2011..JPG (127.01 KB; downloaded 6658 times)
5353-RETRAGERE,02.08.2011..JPG (126.6 KB; downloaded 6663 times)
5372-79,01.08.2011..JPG (117.33 KB; downloaded 6650 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Axel


5311 pe linia 66.
5329 pe linia 96.
5362 pe linia 69.
5370 pe linia 61.
5311-66,02.08.2011..JPG (107.27 KB; downloaded 6653 times)
5329-96,02.08.2011..JPG (105.81 KB; downloaded 6653 times)
5362-69,02.08.2011..JPG (94.59 KB; downloaded 6651 times)
5370-6102.08.2011..JPG (113.42 KB; downloaded 6653 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Gabi23

5301, 5371,5383, 5389 in statia Lt. Nicolae Gaina

5301 - 69 - 02.08.2011.JPG (577.45 KB; downloaded 6635 times)

5371 - 90 - 02.08.2011.JPG (575.44 KB; downloaded 6634 times)

5383 - 91 - 02.08.2011.JPG (581.29 KB; downloaded 6643 times)

5389 - 91 - 02.08.2011.JPG (525.89 KB; downloaded 6632 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Axel

5398 pe linia 92 la Baba Novac.
5398-92,03.08.2011..JPG (94.46 KB; downloaded 6581 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis SprinterXP

5400 pe linia 79 8-)

5400 - 79 - 10.08.2011 (1024x768).jpg (465.89 KB; downloaded 6584 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Axel

5376 la statia '' Calea Calarasilor '' efectuand acces in linia 92.
5376-acces 92,10.08.2011..JPG (105.71 KB; downloaded 6508 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Chev Celios

5378 pe linia 86 la Eminescu.
5378-86-10.08.2011.jpg (143.5 KB; downloaded 6961 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis SprinterXP

5342, 5358, 5370 si 5386 la Piata Rosetti, respectiv la Piata Operei
5342 - 69 - 12.08.2011 (1024x768).jpg (605.63 KB; downloaded 6879 times)
5358 - 66 - 12.08.2011 (1024x768).jpg (586.23 KB; downloaded 6880 times)
5370 - 91 - 12.08.2011 (1024x768).jpg (601.58 KB; downloaded 6888 times)
5386 - 69 - 12.08.2011 (1024x768).jpg (495.13 KB; downloaded 6884 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis adrian buda

12.08.2011 - PARTEA 1

5304,5307, 5312, 5314, 5333, 5335, 5338, 5340, 5345, 5347
5304.JPG (230.43 KB; downloaded 6880 times)
5307.2.JPG (237.65 KB; downloaded 6881 times)
5312.JPG (234.29 KB; downloaded 6888 times)
5314.JPG (227.35 KB; downloaded 6880 times)
5333.JPG (228.21 KB; downloaded 6882 times)
5335.JPG (233.77 KB; downloaded 6885 times)
5338.JPG (235.96 KB; downloaded 6880 times)
5340 (2).JPG (230.4 KB; downloaded 6881 times)
5345.JPG (233.74 KB; downloaded 6890 times)
5347.JPG (237.55 KB; downloaded 6881 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis adrian buda

12.08.2011 - PARTEA 2

5367, 5373, 5382, 5383, 5387, 5389
5367.JPG (226.78 KB; downloaded 6875 times)
5373.JPG (237.32 KB; downloaded 6893 times)
5382.JPG (233.08 KB; downloaded 6854 times)
5383.JPG (227.13 KB; downloaded 6852 times)
5387.JPG (230.67 KB; downloaded 6862 times)
5389.JPG (231.52 KB; downloaded 6854 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis adrian buda

5377 pe linia 86.
5377.JPG (242.34 KB; downloaded 6611 times)


Re: Irisbus Citelis Cristy

Astazi in jurul orei 11:05, 5327 "si-a dat duhul" pe Bd. Iuliu Maniu, mai exact in statia Veteranilor.


Re: Irisbus Citelis Axel

5330 pe linia 96 in terminalul ''Depoul Alexandria''.
5330-96,23.08.2011..JPG (98.76 KB; downloaded 6456 times)


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