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Topic: Locomotive clasele 800/810 (ex 80 si 81) ("23 August"- FAUR București )

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  • Utilizator anonim
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Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_0836.JPG (396.62 KB; downloaded 6306 times)

IMG_0837.JPG (425.01 KB; downloaded 6306 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
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Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_1528.JPG (476.54 KB; downloaded 6262 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Gabi23

80-0163-8 si 80-0301-4 in Revizia Bucuresti Basarab

80-0163-8 - Revizia Bucuresti Basarab - 22.06.2011.JPG (857.78 KB; downloaded 6211 times)

80-0301-4 - Revizia Bucuresti Basarab - 22.06.2011 (1).JPG (896.5 KB; downloaded 6212 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Aron

712, 872 cu 807:

DSCN1057.JPG (289.78 KB; downloaded 6451 times)

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DSCN1071.JPG (281.87 KB; downloaded 6452 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Der Hofmeister


81-0808-6 - 27.06.2011 (1).jpg (267.97 KB; downloaded 6452 times)

81-0808-6 - 27.06.2011 (2).jpg (249.19 KB; downloaded 6451 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Gabi23

81-0807-9 a celor de la TFG in Bucuresti Nord
A fost fabricata pentru export la FAUR Bucuresti in anul 1990, fiind fosta BDJ 55-250. A fost repatriata din Bulgaria si pusa la treaba pe caile ferate romanesti.

81-0807-8 - Bucuresti Nord - 01.07.2011 (3).JPG (534.73 KB; downloaded 6423 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Gabi23

80-0625-6 a plecat ieri la coada personalului Bucuresti Nord - Buzau. De obicei este locomotiva de manevra in Revizia Bucuresti Basarab, apartinand Depoului Ploiesti. (Acum glumind putin, nu erau sufiente cele 2 electrice pentru a remorca trenul, mai avea nevoie si de acest LDH in coada  :lol: )

80-0625-6 - Bucuresti Nord - 06.07.2011.JPG (664.29 KB; downloaded 6400 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
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Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_3774.JPG (222.45 KB; downloaded 6378 times)


Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Der Hofmeister

81-0186-7 si 81-0408-5 cuplate

81-0186-7 - 11.07.2011.jpg (235.07 KB; downloaded 6342 times)

81-0408-5 - 11.07.2011.jpg (244.42 KB; downloaded 6331 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


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IMG_4433.JPG (407 KB; downloaded 6297 times)

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Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Der Hofmeister

80-0493-8 cu bicicleta (lui Dragos  :lol:)

80-0493-9 - 27.07.2011.jpg (238.79 KB; downloaded 6258 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_6213.JPG (289.71 KB; downloaded 6218 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_6314.JPG (315.92 KB; downloaded 6176 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seriile 80 si 81 ("23 August"- FAUR Bucuresti Utilizator anonim


IMG_6319.JPG (438.42 KB; downloaded 6141 times)

IMG_6323.JPG (279.82 KB; downloaded 6144 times)

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IMG_6322.JPG (269.04 KB; downloaded 6142 times)


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