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Topic: Locomotive clasa 410 (ex 41) (Electroputere Craiova România)

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

"tunningul" la 564 a continuat...  :roll:

IMG_7738.JPG (475.8 KB; downloaded 8459 times)

IMG_7756.JPG (411.73 KB; downloaded 8437 times)

IMG_7760.JPG (393.28 KB; downloaded 8435 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

122 asteptand sa preia rapidul de Craiova

IMG_7867.JPG (401.4 KB; downloaded 8415 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

41-0889-0 la trecerea peste macazele de iesire/intrare in gara Bucurestii Noi, intreptandu-se spre Timisoara

41-0889-0 - 29.05.2011.JPG (977.94 KB; downloaded 8386 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

060-EA1-106 pregatita sa plece spre Timisoara

060-EA1-106 - Bucuresti Nord - 01.06.2011.JPG (577.24 KB; downloaded 8295 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

304 si 241 in revizia Basarab.

IMG_9485.JPG (342.17 KB; downloaded 8214 times)

IMG_9491.JPG (355.26 KB; downloaded 8216 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim


IMG_9717.JPG (272.4 KB; downloaded 8177 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Der Hofmeister


41-0796-7 - 08.06.2011.jpg (261.77 KB; downloaded 8176 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

41-0588-8 in Gara de Nord

IMG_9783.JPG (357.19 KB; downloaded 8236 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) stefan_br

41-0838-7, una din cele mai deosebite clasice ale Galatiului datorita ruginii (de remarcat ca a fost spalata recent).


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Dr2005

41-0872-6 - Bucureşti Nord
41-0872-6.jpg (606.51 KB; downloaded 8210 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23

41-0804-9 a Dep. Bucuresti Calatori, sosita de la Constanta cu R682

41-0804-9 - Bucuresti Nord - 11.06.2011.JPG (660 KB; downloaded 8198 times)

41-0617-5 a Dep. Ploiesti, plecand spre Marasesti cu un personal

41-0617-5 - Bucuresti Nord - 11.06.2011.JPG (551.07 KB; downloaded 8199 times)


Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Gabi23


41-0131-7 - Bucuresti Nord - 12.03.2011.JPG (568.76 KB; downloaded 8163 times)


41-0147-3 - Bucuresti Nord - 12.06.2011.JPG (555.66 KB; downloaded 8165 times)


41-0240-6 - Bucuresti Nord - 12.06.2011.JPG (557.51 KB; downloaded 8164 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim


IMG_9913.JPG (367.75 KB; downloaded 8128 times)

IMG_9928.JPG (354.77 KB; downloaded 8124 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted:

Re: Locomotive seria 41 (Electroputere Craiova Romania) Utilizator anonim

929, 112, 814, 303

IMG_0026.JPG (360.76 KB; downloaded 8118 times)

IMG_0050.JPG (363.94 KB; downloaded 8118 times)

IMG_0066.JPG (370.87 KB; downloaded 8116 times)

IMG_9959.JPG (348.64 KB; downloaded 8117 times)


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