Transportul în lumeEuropa


Topic: Muntenegru

6 posts, 4345 views

De la reparații pentru Muntenegru:

461-036 (1).jpg (592.58 KB; downloaded 2503 times)
461-036 (2).jpg (586.21 KB; downloaded 2504 times)


  • shoppy
  • Posted: Tuesday, 22.08.2017, 12:33

Muntenegru shoppy

Un cabview din Muntenegru, superb, 102 tunele(insumand 44km), 96 de poduri(insumand 8km), cel mai inalt pod feroviar din Europa.


  • TibiV
  • Posted: Tuesday, 31.07.2018, 17:54

Re: Muntenegru TibiV

Aceeasi cale ferata, filmata de acelasi cetatean (dulevoz) anul asta in martie.
Trenul pleaca in plina iarna si dupa 3 ore ajunge la destinatie la inceput de primavara...

Acel "cel mai inalt pod feroviar din Europa de 200 metri inaltime" (196 de fapt) il vedeti la 01:41:05 si se numeste "Mala Rijeka". Un reportaj interesant facut de nemti despre constructia viaductului este aici: aici.

Anyway, pe aceeasi filmare la 01.53.30 se ved din cabiuna pe versantul opus capetele a doua tuneluri in constructie.
Este vorba despre autostrada Bar - Bolijare, secțiunea Mrke -Rijeka, aflata acum in constructie. Constructorul este chinez, finantarea tot chinezeasca.
Luicarea este cu adevarat "breath-taking"...

UE este nemultumita ca acolo chinezii incearca sa intre in Europa "pe usa din dos".
Dar este clar ca o tara cu o populatie sub 1 milion de locuitori (inteleg ca sunt fo' 600.000...) nu si-ar fi permis sa faca singura o astfel de autostrada. Sa nu uitam ca  spectaculoasa cale ferata de mai sus a fost inaugurata in 1976, deci a fost construita de Iugoslavia pe vremea lui Tito.
Oricum, se tot vehiculeaza ideea ca aceasta autostrada va baga Muntenegrul in faliment...
Iata si o simulare video facuta de chinezi....

Despre aspectele financiare puteti citi aici: ... tia-969190  (dar mie mi se par multe chestii incomplet lamurite).


  • TibiV
  • Posted: Tuesday, 31.07.2018, 22:46

Re: Muntenegru TibiV

Mi  se face rau....

Imaginile cu autostrada erau "vechi" de vreo trei saptamani....
Uite imagini proaspete, din 26 iulie 2018.
No comment.

Fata de ceea ce fac chinezii in Muntenegru, PiSi pare doar o alee prin parc pentru trotinete...   :cry:


  • Aron
  • Posted: Sunday, 19.08.2018, 12:09

Re: Muntenegru Aron

La simularea video postata de TibiV, pe la minutul 3:19 arata acel pod. Ca sa va imaginati. In iulie am fost pana in Podgorica, iar podul respectiv e aproape de capitala(la vreo 20-30 km). Si nestiind de lucrarile in desfasurare prin tara, doar m-am trezit in dreapta mea cu un mare pilon. Ma uit sa - i vad capatul si are pe putin 80m. Chiar e de domeniul SF-ului ce vor sa faca acolo. Cumva waze-ul ne-a dus pe un drum forestier de 80km prin munti care era foarte aproape de mai multe puncte ale autostrazii si pe unde circulatia se face pe o banda si jumatate si trec numai masini de marfa/utilaje/etc. Per total autostrada respectiva taie toti muntii, mai exact taie toate varfurile muntilor, la cat am putut observa, tot la o inaltime mare va fi marea parte din autostrada. O sa incerc sa fac poze daca mai trag o fuga pana in Bar prin septembrie.


  • PTMZ
  • Posted: Wednesday, 06.10.2021, 16:08

Re: Muntenegru PTMZ

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing to the Passenger Trains Company of Montenegro (ŽPCG) an up to EUR 14 million sovereign loan for the purchase of two new electric passenger trains. The bank is financing the entire project and the loan is guaranteed by the state of Montenegro. In 2018, the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs initiated a EUR 13 million project for the procurement of new EMUs.

The new trains will replace the existing 50-year old vehicles that are still in operation on country’s rail network.

The project will contribute to introducing a five-year public service contract between the government and the company in line with international best practice. It will also covenant the adoption of a new law on passenger safety and rights, developed as part of the Rail Action Plan agreed between the Transport Community supported by the EU and the Western Balkan countries. In addition, the project will include the development of a corporate governance action plan in order to assist the company to address issues to be identified and improve its corporate governance.

The procurement of the electric passenger trains will support the development of the Montenegrin railway sector through the modernisation of the passenger fleet. With the delivery of new, modern and safer passenger trains, the project will contribute to enhancement of the quality of rail passenger services, lifespan of the railway fleet and, ultimately, to the growth of rail passenger transport in the country. In addition, the two new trains will have a significant impact on the reduction of carbon emissions and will reduce company’s operational and maintenance cost and increase its fare revenues through increased capacity, frequency, and level of service. This will contribute to the enhancement of the rail operator’s financial sustainability.

The most modern trains operating in Montenegro are part of a contract signed in 2011 between ŽPCG and CAF for the design, production and supply of 3 three-car Civity regional trains with the capacity to transport 165 seated passengers.

The trains are providing transport services on the Northwest line that runs from Podgorica to Nikšic, which has been rehabilitated for higher speeds and electrified at 25 kV.

The Civity trains are low floor and designed to provide maximum user comfort. They boast the best accessibility conditions for persons with reduced mobility, as well as an inside area adapted to their requirements.

Its sophisticated aerodynamic design, lighter weight thanks to shared bogies and its recyclability with regards to materials used for production show Civity’s commitment to the environment.

In 2018, the company has unveiled its plans to modernise and renew its rolling stock a project estimated at EUR 10 million for which an agreement was signed with Eurofima. The programme included the overhaul of 461 electric locomotives, a diesel-electric locomotive, two class

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