Topic: Autobuze
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- cris_m
Re: Paris: autobuze
Astazi a avut loc un accident, un autobuz de pe linia 20 a iesit de pe carosabil si a lovit un copac de pe spatiul verde median. Nu se cunoaste inca o cauza a accidentului, insa cert este ca au existat 4 raniti usor.
Sursa: BFM TV
Astazi a avut loc un accident, un autobuz de pe linia 20 a iesit de pe carosabil si a lovit un copac de pe spatiul verde median. Nu se cunoaste inca o cauza a accidentului, insa cert este ca au existat 4 raniti usor.
Sursa: BFM TV
Un-bus-de-la-RATP-a-fait-une-sortie-de-route-370486.jpg (280.58 KB; downloaded 1489 times)
Re: Paris: autobuze
Sursa: Solaris
RATP has announced that it has signed framework agreements for the procurement of 12-metre electric buses costing a maximum of €825M over 4 years. Solaris is one of the five selected manufacturers, demonstrating that its zero emission offering meets the needs of French operators.
This new step in the BUS2025 Programme demonstrates RATP’s wish to become an active actor in the sustainable development of public transport. Its engagement is recognised and supported by the European Commission, which has just announced a new subsidy to convert the infrastructure and the fleet of RATP in Ile de France to run on electricity and biogas. In total, the BUS2025 Programme has received €50.7M in 2020 and 2021 from the European Commission.
Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP have already released a few contracts to purchase electric and bio-CNG buses. Solaris delivered 28 articulated CNG buses over the period 2019-2021 and two electric midibuses in 2021 to RATP. As mentioned by Olivier Michard, CEO Solaris France, “this new framework agreement demonstrates the trust placed in us by RATP to support them in their sustainable development and that our buses answer their needs, which is our key priority”.
Solaris France has been distributing Solaris products for decades now. This long experience and the state-of-the-art products are meeting market needs. Solaris’s strong after-sales model provides service during and after the warranty period to ensure our customers’ satisfaction throughout the vehicle life cycle.
Sursa: Solaris
- alliens
Re: Paris: autobuze
Poate cu astea vor mari frecventa pe unele linii. La capitolul autobuze nu mi s-a parut departe de Bucuresti, in cele mai multe nu functiona/nu exista AC, intervalele de circulatie suficient de de mari incat sa fie aglomerate pe multe linii, per total ma asteptam la mai mult de serviciul de transport cu autobuzul
Poate cu astea vor mari frecventa pe unele linii. La capitolul autobuze nu mi s-a parut departe de Bucuresti, in cele mai multe nu functiona/nu exista AC, intervalele de circulatie suficient de de mari incat sa fie aglomerate pe multe linii, per total ma asteptam la mai mult de serviciul de transport cu autobuzul
- Mihai Neagu
Re: Autobuze
Mihai Neagu
Heuliez GX337 Electric 1643 - Bd. Saint-Germain - Linia 63 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Heuliez GX337 Electric 1643 - Bd. Saint-Germain - Linia 63 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Heuliez GX337 Electric 1643 - Bd. Saint-Germain - Linia 63 - 21 Septembrie 2024
heuliez.jpg (1.8 MB; downloaded 177 times)
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