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Topic: Autobuze

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Re: Autobuze ByOnu

Despre Superloop.


Re: Autobuze Dragos31

O serie de imagini din partea mea cu autobuze de la diverse companii surprinse prin Londra in luna februarie.

  • Abellio London Ltd

    Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 Hybrid:


  • Arriva London

    Wright New Routemaster:


  • London Central Bus Company Ltd - Go-Ahead

    Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 MMC Hybrid:







    Re: Autobuze Dragos31

    Wright New Routemaster:





    Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC:



    Volvo B5LH/Wright Eclipse Gemini 3 Hybrid:




    Re: Autobuze Dragos31

  • London United Busways Ltd. - RATP Group

    Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 Hybrid:



    Wright New Routemaster:


    Volvo B5LH - MCV eVoSeti:



    Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC:





    Re: Autobuze Dragos31

  • Metroline Travel Ltd

    Wright New Routemaster:



    Volvo B5LH - MCV eVoSeti:


    Volvo B5LH - Wright Eclipse Gemini:


    Wright StreetDeck Hydroliner FCEV:


  • Stagecoach London:

    Volvo B5LH/Alexander Dennis Enviro 400H MMC 10.4m:



    Re: Autobuze Dragos31

    Autobuze turistice.

  • Golden Tours Ltd:

    Volvo B5TL/MCV eVoSeti:



  • The Big Bus Company Ltd:

    Alexander Dennis Enviro 400:


    Volvo B9TL/Optare Visionaire:


  • Bombay Sapphire Afternoon Tea Bus:

    AEC Routemaster:

    204 CLT

    UJD 546D

    VLT 191


    Re: Autobuze Dragos31

    Cateva indicatoare de statii.


    Re: Autobuze Adrian.B

    ADH45061,ADH45067, VMH45324 și VMH45332 aparțin de London Transit nu de London United.


    Re: Autobuze TTony

    Pentru cine nu știe, London Transit a fost creat după ce RATP s-a unit cu Tower Transit, in anul 2022. Tower Transit nu mai există acum, celălalt(e) garaj(e) fiind cumpărat(e) de Stagecoach London.

    HCT Group (CT Plus) a avut aceeași "soartă", fiind cumpărata in totalitate tot de Stagecoach London.


    Re: Autobuze TTony

    Ultima companie independentă se retrage din contractele delegate de TfL în această seară
    Cessation of TfL services

    Following a meeting with Transport for London (TfL) we have reluctantly decided to withdraw from our TFL contracts from Friday night 2nd August.

    Pressures on TfLs funding have clearly had a direct impact on our decision. Unfortunately, the remuneration for providing TfLs services has not kept pace with the increasing costs of service delivery. In addition, financial penalties as a result of an increase in traffic congestion post Covid, has further impacted on the viability of our TfL contracts.

    At Sullivan Buses we have a number of contracts due to expire early next year. Under normal circumstances larger businesses would continue to renew contracts throughout the year. Therefore, the increased rates on new services would help to mitigate against any losses experienced on expiring contracts. Nonetheless despite tendering for numerous services, Sullivan Buses has not been successful in renewing our contracts. TfL have also failed to provide us with any meaningful feedback on tenders submitted.

    In June we met with TfL representatives to discuss this and other issues the business was facing. TfL told us that they struggled to incorporate small businesses such as ours within their corporate model. Sullivan Buses is the only small business (SME) operating bus services for TfL in London. At that meeting we were unable to agree a way forward. The meeting ended with TfL requesting a date for our business to hand back all contracts.

    At the time of the meeting in June TfL owed our business over £130,000. This is a considerable sum of money for a small business and the lack of these funds have undoubtedly impacted upon our ability to deliver the contracted services. Although the matter was resolved shortly afterwards, but not before TfL asked if they could 'repay in instalments'.

    Coupled with delays in payments by TfL, we have decided that we can no longer sustain the further cuts necessary to meet the decreasing income received from TFL. Any inevitable reduction in funding will lead to a further decline in performance and this is not something we are willing to support.

    During our discussion today we have offered TfL a solution that would alleviate travel disruption for many thousands of bus users.
    TfL have assured us they will be working to restore services as quickly as possible.
    Our Commercial operations in Hertfordshire are unaffected and will continue to operate as normal. Furthermore, we look to forward to once again developing our work outside of the capital.

    TfL Routes affected: 217, 298, 299, 327, 389, 399, W9, 605, 606, 617, 629, & 549.
    Sullivan Buses is London's only independent bus operator having supplied bus services and rail replacement services for London since 2002.
    Sullivan Buses is the only SME delivering bus services for Transport for London.
    In the last three years two other small businesses have left London. Australian owned Tower Transit exited London in 2021 and Community Interest Company, Hackney Community Transport ceased operations in 2022. No new operators have entered London since. We estimate that the shortfall in income from TfL contracts exceeds £200,000 per month.

    The company employs 230 staff either directly or indirectly on TfL services. All are based at our South Mimms Depot in Hertfordshire.


    Pe scurt:
    • Sullivan Buses este ultima companie independentă (nu știu exact în ce sens, poate reușește cineva să îmi explice) care oferă servicii pentru TfL.
    • După pandemie, a fost din ce în ce mai greu pentru această companie să își reînnoiască contractele cu TfL, din lipsa de bani.
    • În ultimul an a fost observată o scădere semnificativă în calitatea serviciilor oferite de Sullivan Buses, din cauza lipsei de personal, autobuze, reparații etc.
    • Începând de mâine, toate rutele operate de ei vor fi date la alți operatori. Momentan nu se știe cui, acest anunț a fost publicat doar acum câteva ore la momentul scrierii.

    Mi se pare destul de ”out of the blue” acest anunț, am crezut că va mai dura o săptămână până se retrag de tot. Sunt curios care operatori vor prelua rutele lor, mai ales linia 549 care urma să se desființeze la final de septembrie, după finalizarea contractului cu Sullivan Buses.


    Re: Autobuze punmeister

    Poate in sensul ca nu e detinut de giganti precum DB, SNCF, NS, RATP etc.


    Re: Autobuze TTony

    Lista confirmată de transferuri:
    217 -> Arriva
    298 -> Uno*
    299 -> Go Ahead
    389 / 399 -> Go Ahead**
    549 -> Stagecoach
    W9 -> Stagecoach

    * = Circulă cu program provizoriu, nu au destule autobuze opereze linia din câte am înteles
    ** = Nu circulă momentan

    Linia 327 împreună cu liniile de școală (6xx) sunt suspendate temporar.

    Cateva observații:
    • Interesant cum Uno s-a oferit să opereze, ei având foarte puține autobuze dotate cu iBus, cititor de carduri etc.
    • Stagecoach are prima linie în nordul Londrei, anume W9.
    • 549 a ajuns înapoi tot la Stagecoach - mă așteptam ca schimbările pentru suspendarea liniei 549 și extinderea liniei W14 să intre în vigoare acum.

    Comunicatul oficial al Uno în legătură cu linia 298 și programul provizoriu pentru astăzi:
    Urgent Announcement

    Unfortunately, Sullivans Buses are no longer able to operate the 298 between Potters Bar and Arnos Grove

    We have been working with Transport for London to put together a skeleton timetable for tomorrow.

    We will supply further information as things develop, we are currently working on arranging for staff to operate the service on Sunday

    And for next week.  Please bear with us.
    Program_298.jpg (68.9 KB; downloaded 556 times)

    Sursă: Facebook - Uno Bus


    Re: Autobuze Adrian.B

    Linia 327 a fost preluata de Metroline la garajul PB din Potters Bar si foloseste autobuze Enviro 200 (DE sau DEM).
    Linia 720 (London Overground Rail Replacement) a fost preluata de RATP, momentan cu Enviro 200 (DLE) de la garajul SO din Harrow.


    Re: Autobuze TTony

    Se știe ce se va întâmpla cu MMC-urile de pe linia 217 (ale Sullivan Buses)? Vor fi folosite pe rutele lor comerciale?


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