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Topic: Autobuze

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Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Vectia Teris 10 Hybrid al operatorului TCC, preluat de la 1 august de Monbus.
5238_TCC (Large).jpg (688.72 KB; downloaded 1482 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Robert24 wrote here:
Robert24 wrote:
TMB a lansat ieri o noua licitatie pentru 210 autobuze care ar trebui sa fie livrate in perioada 2022 - 2025.

Lot 1 - Electric Articulat - 29 buc - 955.900 EUR / buc - 27.721.100 EUR
Lot 2 - Electric Standard - 25 buc - 617.705 EUR / buc - 15.442.625 EUR
Lot 2b - Electric Standard - 24 buc - 617.705 EUR / buc - 14.824.920 EUR
Lot 3 - Hibrid GNC Standard - 85 buc - 393.250 EUR / buc - 33.426.250 EUR
Lot 4 - Hibrid GNC Articulat - 23 buc - 517.880 EUR / buc - 11.911.240 EUR
Lot 5 - Hibrid diesel Etajat - 24 buc - 533.005 EUR / buc - 12.792.120 EUR
Valoare totala estimata: 116.118.225 EUR cu TVA inclus

Pentru fiecare dintre loturi, primele bucati se vor livra in aprox 1 an de la data atribuirii contractelor, iar urmatoarele pana maxim la sfarsitul lui 2025 (in functie de lot).
Termenul maxim de depunere a ofertelor: 26 februarie 2021
Publicat la data: 15 februarie 2021, ora 12:00

Avem primele rezultate: loturile 3 si 4 au fost atribuite catre MAN, iar lotul 5 catre Volvo.
Pentru primele 3 loturi este bataie intre 9 fabricanti.

Avem un castigator si al lotului 2 bis

Descripció del lot: Lot 2BIS - 24 estàndard càrrega nocturna
Data d'adjudicació del contracte: 03/08/21
Número d'ofertes rebudes: 11
Dades de l'empresa adjudicatària:
Denominació: Solaris Bus Ibérica, SLU
Nacionalitat: Espanya
Import: 14.822.016,00 € amb IVA
Import sense IVA: 12.249.600,00 €


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze PTMZ

Comunicatul Solaris cu privire la câștigarea acestui lot:
Public transport operator for the Barcelona metropolitan area opts once again for electric Solaris buses. 24 Urbino 12 electric vehicles will make their way to the capital of Catalonia by the end of 2022. The value of the contract, concluded as a result of a tender, stands at over €12m.
The Solaris Urbino electric buses are extremely quiet, locally emission-free and ensure low operating costs. With the appropriate configuration of batteries and infrastructure, they can operate for up to 24 hours a day. Their low noise emissions and vibration level make them particularly suited for use in the centres of large cities. The residents of Barcelona have already had the opportunity to see for themselves thanks to 19 articulated Urbino 18 electric buses that have joined the public transport fleet so far. Now, this bus family will grow by 24 standard-length units, i. e. Urbino 12 electric buses.

The vehicles to be delivered to the capital city of Catalonia will be powered by Solaris High Energy batteries with a total capacity of over 400 kWh. They will be recharged both by means of a pantograph and plug-in technology. The buses will be powered by an electric central motor.

Their additional equipment will include automatic driver assistance systems such as the Mobileye Shield+ and the MirrorEye systems. The former allows risks related to the vehicle’s blind spot to be eliminated. Thanks to the cameras placed on both its sides, the driver receives warnings of pedestrians and cyclists located nearby. The MirrorEye is, in turn, a system of cameras that replace the rear- and side-view mirrors. Apart from ensuring optimal visibility regardless of weather conditions, as well as at night, they also reduce the total width of the bus, which is particularly important on narrow streets or with increased road traffic. Moreover, the buses will feature a passenger counting device that will allow the carrier to collect data on passenger flows in buses.

“We are very much looking forward to the next chapter in our collaboration with TMB in Barcelona. For us, this is a token of trust and the best proof of the high quality of our products. The capital of Catalonia is another city in a long list of European cities to implement sustainable development and we are proud that Solaris’s vehicles can be part of this process”, underscores Petros Spinaris, member of the Management Board of Solaris Bus & Coach for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service.

It was in 2015 that Solaris vehicles first made their way to the fleet of the operator Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB). All of the Solaris vehicles the carrier has ever ordered boast hybrid or electric drives. The last order carried out for the client was the delivery of 14 Urbino 18 electric buses in 2020 and 2021.

Solaris is a European leader in the production and sales of low- and zero-emission buses. Almost 3000 zero-emission Solaris vehicles, including over 1000 electric buses, have already rolled out onto the streets of various European countries.

Sursa: Solaris


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Robert24 wrote here:
TMB cumpara 8 autobuze cu hidrogen, primele de acest tip din Spania

Castigatorul licitatiei este compania portugheza Caetano Bus, valoarea contractului este de 6.4 milioane euro (cu TVA), iar acestea vor fi livrate in noiembrie 2021.
Modelul castigator este Caetano H2 City Gold LHD, are o lungime de 12m, motorizarea si electronica fiind furnizate de Siemens, iar pilele de combustie vor fi furnizate de Toyota. Producatorul estimeaza un consum zilnic de 20 kg de hidrogen, ceea ce vor asigura o autonomie de 300 de kilomoetri.

Saptamana aceasta a fost livrat primul autobuz dintre cele 8.
Acesta va fi garat in autobaza Zona Franca, unde compania Iberdrola a montat statia de incarcare cu hidrogen.
Iata si primele imagini oferite de TMB:
Caetano1.jpg (317.12 KB; downloaded 1230 times)

Caetano2.jpg (188.9 KB; downloaded 1230 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Parcul de autobuze TMB la data de 31 decembrie 2022

Total flota: 1132 autobuze
 - hibride: 438
 - GNC: 350
 - diesel: 265
 - electrice: 71
 - hidrogen: 8

Parc maxim in circulatie zilnica: 907 autobuze (80% din parcul total)

- Autobuze standard (12m) - 617
- Autobuze articulate (18m) - 361
- Autobuze dublu-articulate (24m) - 3
- Autobuze etajate (pentru Barcelona Turistic Bus) - 65
- Midibuze (10m) - 26
- Microbuze - 60
Sursa: TMB


Autobuze Andrei Andraș

Un prim Urbino 12 hydrogen în testele de parcurs din Polonia, parte a unei comenzi de 56 de autobuze electrice Solaris, dintre care 38 de autobuze Urbino hydrogen (36 scurte și 2 articulate).
Foto: jakub.s, via Flickr
2660.jpg (392.87 KB; downloaded 366 times)


Re: Autobuze Robert24

Incepand de ieri, a intrat in exploatare primul autobuz Solaris Urbino 12 Hydrogen.
Este vorba de autobuzul #2642, momentan in linia V19.
Tot lotul de 36 de autobuze va fi gazduit de garajul Zona Franca. Aici se gasesc si celelalte autobuze cu hidrogen - Toyota Caetano.
2642.jpg (1.59 MB; downloaded 90 times)

(foto - X TMB)


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