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Topic: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructură, urbanism etc)

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  • Utilizator anonim 2
  • Posted:

Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) Utilizator anonim 2

Voi aveti idee unde anume pe pagina pmb se pot trimite observatiile publicului in legatura cu o propunere de PUZ?
Am sapat dar e foarte bine ascunsa sectiunea respectiva.

Iata ce se pregateste in fostul parculet Dezrobirii/Cernisoara:

20230916_165239.jpg (1.66 MB; downloaded 1466 times)

Problema e ca in PUG apare a fi zona verde:

PUG Bucuresti.jpg (472.32 KB; downloaded 1466 times)

Google Earth.jpg (1.14 MB; downloaded 1466 times)

Este si un arbore matur ce ar urma sa fie taiat:

20230918_094539 - arbore Catalpa.jpg (1.64 MB; downloaded 1466 times)

Nicusor spunea ca, PUZ-ul de sector fiind anulat de instanta, se poate autoriza si construi pe baza PUG-ului in vigoare. Dar PUG-ul acela (atasat) prevede spatiu verde acolo.
Asa a si fost incepind din ultimii ani ai lui Ceausescu. Demolasera niste case si amenajasera un parc. Iata planul cadastral din 1990 si o imagine mai veche din Google Earth:

Plan cadastral 1990.jpg (694.56 KB; downloaded 1466 times)

Google Earth 2001.jpg (682.51 KB; downloaded 1466 times)


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) ByOnu

Trimite la

Solicita obligatoriu nr. inregistrare.

Vezi ce gasesti pe harta



  • Utilizator anonim 2
  • Posted:

Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) Utilizator anonim 2

Am trimis ieri la PMB pe pagina lor de sesizari si bineinteles ca nu am mai primit nici un email cu numar de inregistrare.

Pagina internet PMB.jpg (270.85 KB; downloaded 1363 times)

Pe harta de urbanism nu am gasit nimic legat de aceasta adresa - Cernisoara 28 . Par a nu fi actualizate informatiile.


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) ByOnu

Pai trimite mail clasic pe

Asa vei primi sigur nr. inreg.


  • Utilizator anonim 2
  • Posted:

Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) Utilizator anonim 2

Am trimis azi si am primit :) Merci!


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) Dristorul Nr.3

S-a si gasit cine sa realizeze documentare despre arhive lasate in paragina.....
Trustul PRO care a lasat Studiourile Buftea sa se scufunde in ..... la propriu.


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructura, urbanism etc) Vasile52

Ca tot se vorbea despre obsolenta planificata in alte topice acum ceva zile:

Trains were designed to break down after third-party repairs, hackers find

An unusual right-to-repair drama is disrupting railroad travel in Poland despite efforts by hackers who helped repair trains that allegedly were designed to stop functioning when serviced by anyone but Newag, the train manufacturer.

Members of an ethical hacking group called Dragon Sector, including Sergiusz Bazański and Michał Kowalczyk, were called upon by a train repair shop, Serwis Pojazdów Szynowych (SPS), to analyze train software in June 2022. SPS was desperate to figure out what was causing "mysterious failures" that shut down several vehicles owned by Polish train operator the Lower Silesian Railway, Polish infrastructure trade publication Rynek Kolejowy reported. At that point, the shortage of trains had already become "a serious problem" for carriers and passengers, as fewer available cars meant shorter trains and reduced rider capacity, Rynek Kolejowy reported.

Dragon Sector spent two months analyzing the software, finding that "the manufacturer's interference" led to "forced failures and to the fact that the trains did not start," and concluding that bricking the trains "was a deliberate action on Newag's part."

According to Dragon Sector, Newag entered code into the control systems of Impuls trains to stop them from operating if a GPS tracker indicated that the train was parked for several days at an independent repair shop.

The trains "were given the logic that they would not move if they were parked in a specific location in Poland, and these locations were the service hall of SPS and the halls of other similar companies in the industry," Dragon Sector's team alleged. "Even one of the SPS halls, which was still under construction, was included."

The code also allegedly bricked the train if "certain components had been replaced without a manufacturer-approved serial number," 404 Media reported.

In a statement, Newag denied developing any so-called "workshop-detection" software that caused "intentional failures" and threatened to sue Dragon Sector for slander and for violating hacking laws.

“Hacking IT systems is a violation of many legal provisions and a threat to railway traffic safety,” Newag said, insisting that the hacked trains be removed from use because they now pose alleged safety risks. Newag's safety claims are still unsubstantiated, 404 Media reported.

"We categorically deny and negate Newag's uploading of any functionality in vehicle control systems that limits or prevents the proper operation of vehicles, as well as limiting the group of entities that can provide maintenance or repair services," Newag's statement said. According to Newag, Dragon Sector's report shouldn't be trusted because it was commissioned by one of Newag's biggest competitors.

Dragon Sector maintains that the evidence supports its conclusions. Bazański posted on Mastodon that “these trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced at third-party workshops. The manufacturer argued that this was because of malpractice by these workshops, and that they should be serviced by them instead of third parties." In some cases, Bazański wrote, Newag "appeared to be able to lock the train remotely.”

Newag has said that "any remote intervention" is "virtually impossible."

Trenurile respective au fost cumparate prin fonduri  UE si nu este permis sa se faca asa ceva. (In primul rand obsolenta planificata este interzisa in UE, iar in al doilea rand aceasta este o practica anticompetitiva.) Daca se dovedeste 100% ca au fost implementate asemenea mecanisme vor avea interzis la licitatiile publice din UE. NU doar ca blocau trenurile cand erau reparate la alti operatori economici, dar nici nu spuneau clar si explicit ca fac asta. SI pe langa asta au programat ca trenurile sa se strice (raporatou defecte aiurea si trenurile nu puteau fi folosite) dupa o data anume, 21.11.2021 (cand trebuiau sa aiba revizia la producator), dar cauza unei greseli de programare s-a ajuns la 21.11.2022. In plus mai colectau si telemetrie fara a fi precizat oriunde si fara a putea fi dezactivata din soft. Asemenea practici ar trebuie sa traga niste semnale serioase de alarma.

Pentru cei interesati de partea tehnica:


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructură, urbanism etc) ByOnu ... -2690975

Nu are rost sa mai citez articolul, dar ce se intampla cu italienii? Construiesc poduri care se prabusesc, santiere care se dezintegreaza in timpul constructiilor, samd.


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructură, urbanism etc) ByOnu

Screenshot_20240419_233637_YouTube.jpg (229.08 KB; downloaded 300 times)


Re: Diverse (transporturi, infrastructură, urbanism etc) ByOnu

Despre arhitectura moderna si arhitectura ..frumosului.


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