Topic: Metroul (U-bahn)
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Re: Viena: U-Bahn (metroul)
Sursa: Railway PRO
Wiener Linien awarded Siemens Mobility a contract to install the automatic train control system Trainguard MT Zub across the entire U6 line in Vienna.
The new control system will be installed on all trains operating the U6 line which will be accordingly converted by 2024. The replacement of the exiting control system on the trains will start next year and will be completed by 2024, and the route will be completed by the autumn of 2023.
The trains will be equipped with new driver assistance systems, among other things. Both the drivers and the passengers benefit from this support in their day-to-day mobility due to a smoother transport service.
The modernisation of the vehicles and the renovation work along the route have no impact on day-to-day operations and the U6 will be unrestricted for passengers throughout the entire period.
With the update of the train control system of the U6, the signalling technology of the U-Bahn system is brought up to date. “In addition to the expansion of the underground network through the U2xU5 project, every modernisation of the existing public transport infrastructure is an important investment in climate protection and in our future,” Public Transport City Councilor Peter Hanke said.
The currently technology was installed 25 years ago and must be updated over the next three years to increase transport capacity, punctuality, and comfort.
The Trainguard MT Zub automatic train control system meets the latest requirements for signalling and safety. The compact on-board unit and energy – efficient trackside equipment, connected to the signals via interface boards, can be easily installed in new signalling systems and retrofitted to existing systems. The system enhances the train punctuality and reduces the energy consumption and facilitating the train operations in an effective manner.
A special feature of Trainguard MT Zub is its suitability for mixed operation as both a heavy rail system with exclusive right-of-way separated from other traffic and a light rail system with shared right-of-way with other city traffic options.
Vienna’s U6 line is 17.5 km-long served by 24 stations and provides transport link from Floridsdorf to Siebenhirten and also is connected with U4 at Längenfeldgasse and Spittelau and with U3 at Westbahnhof.
Sursa: Railway PRO
- gintaras663
- Gabi23
Re: U-bahn (metroul)
3833, 3894, 3910 pe linia U4 la începutul lunii octombrie:
3833, 3894, 3910 pe linia U4 la începutul lunii octombrie:
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- Robert
Re: U-bahn (metroul)
Am folosit metroul anul trecut după un concert. Nici nu are rost să intru în detalii despre cum se folosește metroul pe curse speciale organizate special pentru evacuarea a zeci de mii de oameni de la un concert.
Am folosit metroul anul trecut după un concert. Nici nu are rost să intru în detalii despre cum se folosește metroul pe curse speciale organizate special pentru evacuarea a zeci de mii de oameni de la un concert.
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- Mihai Neagu
Re: U-bahn (metroul)
Mihai Neagu
2 metrouri surprinse in August 2024:
2 metrouri surprinse in August 2024:
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- Damian
Re: U-bahn (metroul)
S-a redeschis tronsonul Schottentor-Karlsplatz (U2), după modernizare, ce-l va integra în noua linie U5, U2 urmând să o ia pe alt traseu de la Rathaus, către Wienerberg. De asemenea, la aceste stații, se deschid ușile automat (fără apăsare pe buton), anunțându-se în trenuri. Poze făcute pe 15 decembrie, la 9 zile după redeschidere.
S-a redeschis tronsonul Schottentor-Karlsplatz (U2), după modernizare, ce-l va integra în noua linie U5, U2 urmând să o ia pe alt traseu de la Rathaus, către Wienerberg. De asemenea, la aceste stații, se deschid ușile automat (fără apăsare pe buton), anunțându-se în trenuri. Poze făcute pe 15 decembrie, la 9 zile după redeschidere.
Panou anti-suicid la Volkstheater
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