Transportul în lumeEuropaTurcia / Türkiye


Topic: Turcia - trenuri

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Turcia - trenuri bercenicity

Tren de mare viteza in Turcia:
Ankara - Eskișehir, aprox 245km
Trenuri CAF seria 65000 (derivate din AVE seria 120), Vmax 250km/h


Re: Turcia Gabi23

S-a inaugurat tunelul feroviar submarin care leagă Asia de Europa, 13 milioane de ore în trafic economisite

La Istanbul, s-a inaugurat marți după-amiază primul tunel feroviar submarin, care leagă Europa de Asia. Denumit Marmaray, tunelul va face legătura, pe sub strâmtoarea Bosfor, între partea europeană a oraşului Istanbul şi cea asiatică.
Tunelul face legătura între cele două părţi ale metropolei în care locuiesc 16 milioane de oameni. Construcţia gigantică, ce coboară la 60 de metri sub apele Bosforului, a fost inaugurată de preşedintele Turciei, Abdullah Gul. El s-a urcat la bordul primei garnituri care a străbătut oficial tunelul, alături de zeci de demnitari din toată lumea. Printre ei, şi premierul României, Victor Ponta.
Inaugurarea tunelului pe sub strâmtoarea Bosfor are loc chiar de Ziua Naţională a Turciei, când se împlinesc 90 de ani de la înfiinţarea statului turc modern. La ceremonii au participat și premierul turc Tayyp Recep Erdogan, dar şi demnitari străini, între care și premierul Japoniei, Shinzo Abe. De altfel, guvernul nipon a finanţat un sfert din totalul de patru miliarde de dolari, cât a costat ambiţiosul proiect.
Potrivit oficialilor, cei care folosesc acest tunel ar economisi aproximativ 13 milioane de ore petrecute în trafic înainte de inaugurare.
Potrivit specialiştilor, structura ajunge la 62 de metri sub apă, cea mai mare adâncime din lume pentru astfel de construcţii şi poate rezista la cutremure de magnitudine 9. În total, tunelul are aproape 14 kilometri lungime, dintre care un kilometru şi jumătate pe sub apă.
Tunelul Marmaray este proiectul de suflet al premierului Recep Erdogan, încă de pe vremea când era primar al oraşului Istanbul. El a preluat ideea de la un sultan otoman din secolul al XIX-lea. Duminică, premierul turc a fost cel care a condus primul tren care a trecut prin tunel. El a spus că de acest proiect nu vor beneficia doar turcii, pentru că, în teorie, de acum se poate călători cu trenul mai repede şi uşor de la Londra la Beijing, via Istanbul.
Lucrările la acest proiect au început în 2004, dar au fost amânate din cauza mai multor descoperiri arheologice. Pe malul european al Bosforului au fost descoperite 40.000 de obiecte, printre care şi resturile a 30 de nave bizantine.
Istanbul este unul dintre cele mai populate oraşe ale lumii, cu aproape 16 milioane de oameni, dintre care două milioane traversează Bosforul în fiecare zi, pe cele două poduri, care existau până acum. Potrivit specialiştilor, pe traseul feroviar care este inaugurat astăzi pot călători 75.000 de persoane în fiecare oră, adică peste un milion şi jumătate de oameni, pe zi. Iar din 2015, tunelul feroviar va fi dublat şi de unul rutier. Graţie celor două tuneluri, dar şi a podurilor peste Bosfor care vor ajunge la cinci, autorităţile speră să rezolve problema traficului infernal dintre cele două maluri ale Bosforului.


Re: Turcia Robert24

Turcia va inaugura linia de mare viteza dintre Ankara si Istanbul. Trenurile vor atinge viteze maxime de 250 km/h

Dupa mai multe amanari, cea mai recenta cauzata de furturile de cabluri, autoritatile turce au anuntat ca linia de mare viteza dintre Ankara si Istanbul va fi inaugurata pe 11 iulie. Distanta de 530 km va fi parcursa de noile trenuri in trei ore jumatate, fata de sase ore si jumatate in prezent. Lucrarile au inceput in 2003 si investitiile au depasit patru miliarde dolari. Un bilet dus costa peste 30 de dolari.

Turcia si-a propus sa investeasca in total 45 miliarde dolari pentru a construi pana in 2013 un total de 10.000 km de linii de mare viteza, iar linia care leaga capitala de cel mai mare oras al tarii este esentiala in acest plan de proportii.

Lucrarile au inceput in 2003 si mai multe tronsoane au fost date in folosinta, printre care si cel dintre Anakara si Eskisehir unde trenurile parcurg in 90 de minute un total de 240 km.

In primavara, ultimul tronson dintre Istanbul si Ankara a fost gata, iar trenurile de test l-au parcurs. Inaugurarea intregului traseu ar fi trebuit sa aiba loc in luna mai, dar din cauza furturilor de cabluri a fost amanata pentru 11 iulie. Viteza medie va fi de 150 km/h deoarece nu toate portiunile au linie speciala ce permite viteze maxime de 250 km/h, pentru asta fiind nevoie de investitii suplimentare ce ar trebui sa se termine in 2016.

Un bilet dus va costa de la 30-40 de dolari, iar calatoria va dura trei ore si jumatate, fata de sase ore si jumatate in trecut. Trenul va avea zece opriri, iar un bilet costa in jurul a 30-40 de dolari.

Pentru inceput au fost comandate zece trenuri produse in Spania, fiecare avand un total de sase vagoane cu 413 locuri.


Re: Turcia - trenuri misterr

Primul tren de marfă din China către Europa trece pe sub Strâmtoarea Bosfor la Istanbul și scrie istorie pe noul Drum al Mătăsii

Una dintre cele mai importante etape ale proiectului Chinei intitulat “O centură, un drum”, proiect de infrastructură de un trilion de dolari, de care vor beneficia 3 miliarde de oameni din 65 de țări, se va desfășura la Istanbul.

Ca parte a proiectului, o linie feroviară va lega China de Europa. Iar primul tren de marfă al companiei China Railway Express, care deja a intrat pe teritoriul Turciei prin provincia Kars, va ajunge în Europa prin tunelul Marmaray, care leagă Asia de continentul european, pe sub Strâmtoarea Bosfor, scrie publicația turcească Daily Sabah.

Trenul plecat din China, care va intra în tunel în 6 noiembrie și care va fi primul tren de marfă care trece pe sub Bosfor, a ajuns în Turcia pe Ruta Internațională de Transport Trans-Caspică (TITR). Trenul cu o lungime de 850 de metri transportă 76 de metri cubi de marfă.

Într-un interviu pentru agenția Anadolu, ministrul turc al Transporturilor, Cahit Turhan, a declarat că țările din regiune au stabilit contacte semnificative datorită liniei feroviare Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Line, care este principala componentă a Coridorului Estic, ce a intrat în exploatare la 30 octombrie 2017.

După trecerea pe sub Strâmtoarea Bosfor, trenul care a traversat Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan și Georgia, va ajunge la Praga, trecând prin Bulgaria, Serbia, Ungaria și Slovacia. Ministrul tuc a adăugat că primul transport neîntrerupt de marfă din China în Europa va intra în istorie drept primul tren de marfă care trece prin tunelul Marmaray.

Proiectul de infrastructură “O centură, un drum” își propune, pentru prima dată în istorie, să faciliteze accesul trenurilor care pleacă din Beijing să ajungă la Londra, după o călătorie neîntreruptă. Proiectul are importanță geo-strategică și comercială și va permite accesul mai ușor al resurselor din Est către Europa Occidentală.

Coridorul principal al proiectului, care va fi finalizat în 2049, își propune să fie o versiune modernă a vechiului Drum al Mătăsii. China și alte țări din regiune și-au propus să investească trilioane de dolari pentru a duce la bun sfârșit proiectul.

Principalul obiectiv al proiectului este să ceeze o rută pe uscat, care să lege China de Asia Centrală, Rusia și Europa, și una pe apă, care să lege Golful Persic de Marea Mediterană, prin Oceanul Indian (Marea Arabiei).

China “cucerește” tot mai multe state europene

În luna aprilie 2019, premierul chinez Li Keqiang a fost prezent în Croaţia, unde s-a întâlnit cu oficiali din 16 state europene: 11 state membre UE şi cinci din Balcanii de Vest, care speră să adere la blocul comunitar, în cadrul celui de-al 8-lea summit "16+1" de la Dubrovnik.

China s-a angajat să majoreze comerţul cu ţările din Europa Centrală şi de Est şi să acorde mai mult sprijin financiar pentru proiectele majore de infrastructură transfrontaliere.

Europa Centrală şi de Est (CEE) este o componentă esenţială a proiectului chinez vizând "un nou drum al mătăsii". Acest proiect faraonic lansat de Beijing în 2013 prevede investiţii de peste 1.000 de miliarde dolari în infrastructurile rutiere, feroviare şi maritime pentru a facilita exporturile chineze.

Companiile chineze sunt active în Balcani de câţiva ani, ajutând la construcţia unor proiecte de infrastructură.

Pentru prima dată, anul acesta s-a alăturat summit-ului "16+1" şi Grecia, unde gigantul chinez COSCO deţine o participaţie majoritară în portul Pireu. Premierul elen Alexis Tsipras a declarat că este important pentru regiune să lase în urmă crizele şi conflictele recente şi să coopereze, atât pe plan regional, cât şi pe plan global.

Ţările europene s-au angajat să furnizeze firmelor străine care fac afaceri în regiune condiţii de concurenţă echitabile şi un mediu de afaceri corect şi predictibil. De asemenea, ele şi-au luat angajamentul să promoveze cooperarea în infrastructură, agricultură, educaţie, ştiinţe şi tehnologie.

"China este o ţară care cu siguranţă este competitivă şi intenţionăm să cooperăm şi să respectăm standardele europene. Noi toţi avem nevoie să extindem legăturile comerciale şi să ne conectăm economiile", a afirmat Li Keqiang.

Platforma "16+1", necesară investiţiilor Beijingului în Europa Centrală şi de Est, este urmărită cu îngrijorare în Europa Occidentală, care se teme de o încercare a Chinei de a diviza Uniunea Europeană, lucru dezminţit de premierul Li Keqiang.


Re: Turcia - trenuri punmeister

Bozankaya va livra 28 de trenuri de metrou pentru provincia Kocaeli. Primul contract dupa JV-ul cu Siemens de la Bangkok.

0.jfif (110.74 KB; downloaded 2628 times)

First Turkish Metro is From Bozankaya!

We signed the contract for the design and production of 28 metro trains to be manufactured in our Ankara facilities for Kocaeli. The trains will have a length of ~90 meters and will have a minimum passenger capacity of 1080. First delivery of the vehicles will be at the 4th quarter of 2022.
We keep going to raise the national technology to the highest level meanwhile realizing value-added projects in Turkey. ... 176-3hrA


Re: Turcia - trenuri PTMZ

Turkey’s Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Enver İskurt has announced that the construction of Ankara-Sivas high-speed line is in the final stage. The line is planned to be inaugurated by the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan this month 2021.

“We will offer a fast, comfortable and modern transport service to our people. The technical committee and the managers working on the project are carrying out the final details to allow line’s opening,” Enver İskurt said.

Ankara-Sivas high-speed line has a length of 393 km and is served by eight stations in Elmadağ, Kırıkkale, Yerköy, Yozgat, Sorgun, Akdağmadeni, Yıldızeli and Sivas.

The project has been divided into two rail sections, with the first one covering 151 km from Kayaş rail station, in Ankara area to Yerköy in the Central Anatolia region. From Yerköy to Sivas, in the central Turkey, the line has a length of 242 km.

66 km of rail is constructed in 49 tunnels with the longest tunnel having 5.12 km.

The project also included the construction of 49 viaducts with a total length of 27.2 km, with the 2.2 km the longest viaduct.

The first test on the Büşeyh – Yerköy – Akdağmadeni section of the high – speed line linking the two important cities has been completed in March 2020. At the beginning of this year TCDD has performed the measurement, dynamic test running as well as the tests on the ETCS Level 1 signalling system.

The new line will reduce the travel time between Ankara and Sivas to two hours, from currently 12 hours as trains will be able to run at a maximum speed of 250 km/h. USD 1.6 billion was the value of the project.

In the last years, Turkey has announced its plans to develop its railway system, including the construction of a comprehensive high-speed rail network. EUR 39 billion was the investment commitment announced by the authorities to “connect every corner of the country to the high-speed rail system”.

In 2019, the high-speed lines in Turkey reached 1,213 km and on long term, the country intends to create a high-speed rail system of 7,420 km.

Recently, Siemens Mobility has delivered the last of the 19 Velaro train to operate country’s high-speed rail lines.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Turcia - trenuri PTMZ

The Turkish-made electric train will begin in August the running tests and by the end of the year it will enter passenger services, after it will obtain the certification, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu said during a visit to the Türasaş Sakarya train factory (the Turkish Railway Vehicles Industry Inc.).

In December 2020, the minister inaugurated the mass production of the domestic train. According to Türasaş Sakarya, the national electric trains are targeted to be exported to the European Union countries by 2023. The trains are compliant with the TSI standards, and their speed has been increased from 160 km/h to 200 km/h.

Sakarya has become an important industrial centre in the region and will support the development of rail transport through the merger of the three directorates [Tülomsaş, Türasaş and Tüdemaş] into one industrial company which ensure the production of different parts of rail system vehicles.

“We gained a new momentum in the rail system manufacturing processes in our country and started a new move in the national production by the reorganisation of the Eskişehir, Sivas and Sakarya directorates within the Türasaş Regional Directorate,” which is employing nearly 4,000 of qualified workers.

The mass production of the Turkish-made electric train is expected to begin in the last quarter of this year and by the end of the year, Türasaş will start to develop electric mainline locomotive, hybrid locomotive and suburban trainsets for which the prototype production started this year.

Within the scope of domestic and national projects strategy, the design and manufacturing for the first domestic train prototype was carried out at Türasaş Sakarya factory.

The new train will be able to run at speeds of 160 km/h, while the future high-speed train sets, which are currently designed are expected to reach a speed of 225 km/h.

Türasaş Sakarya will manufacture 32 electric trains which will be used on the Gaziray commuter rail line in Gaziantep. The plant will increase the localisation by 80 per cent in the mass production process from 60 per cent localisation used for the development of the prototype. The first order includes the delivery of 19 five-car trainsets (95 carriages).

By now, the Turasas plant has manufactured 2,300 carriages and provided repair and maintenance services for more than 38,490 passenger rail cars for TCDD, allowing Turkey to reduce its “external dependency in the field of rail vehicles, bringing significant contributions to the national economy,” the minister pointed out.

Türasaş Sakarya Regional Directorate, in cooperation with Sakarya University, Uludağ University started in 2010 the construction a Climatic Test Tunnel for the air conditioning systems of rail vehicles tests. In the same year, the Directorate started the production of diesel multiple units (DMUs) and has constructed a fleet of 84 vehicles of which 12 three-car and 12 four-car trains. The production of these vehicles was completed until the end of 2013 and delivered to the TCDD.  In January 2020, Türasaş has completed all the requered tests for the 50th DMU out of 52 trainsets to be used on the national rail network.

Under a framework agreement with Hyundai Rotem, Türasaş delivered 275 vehicles for the Marmaray project.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: Turcia - trenuri PTMZ

Alstom has handed over the first locomotive, out of 26, equipped with the European Train Control System (ETCS) level 1 and 2 as part of the contract with Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları (TCDD) to supply signalling and telecommunications systems on the line connecting Eskişehir – Balıkesir rail line.

The 328-km long rail link also serves the city of Kütahya.

The new signalling system will enable TCDD to manage its rail services on the Eskişehir – Balıkesir rail line efficiently and seamlessly. Additionally, it will make be possible to increase the line’s capacity.

In February 2021, Alstom has completed the installation of the interlocking system on the Eskişehir-Kütahya-Alayunt-Balıkesir (EKB) line. The project includes trackside and on-board modernisation project for the EKB line covering the design, manufacturing and supply of the complete trackside ETCS deployment and an integrated control centre. The ETCS installation will be made via Atlas signalling system based on level 1 and 2 of the state-of-the-art ERTMS/ETCS, Smartlock interlocking solution and Iconis. The Atlas ERTMS solution was manufactured at Alstom’s Villeurbanne site, in France.

In addition, Alstom is supplying level crossing systems, technical equipment buildings as well as power distribution and uninterrupted power supply systems. A GSM-R system is also provided for the project on the Alayunt – Afyon line section.

The ERTMS solution on the Eskişehir – Balıkesir line represents a further step towards Eurasian rail market uniformity, facilitating border crossings. The system increases the line’s operational capacity, maximizing the traffic safety and also is reducing the travel time.

“With the new ETCS on-board, the locomotives it will provide an advanced level of security beyond the capabilities of the legacy Automatic Train Protection systems (ATP). It will also reduce the total operating cost of EKB line, and it will standardise the line-length and on-board equipment while providing common communication between countries,” Mama Sougoufara, Alstom MENAT and Turkey Managing Director, said.

In November 2011, TCDD awarded Alstom a EUR 89 million contract to deliver the signalling and telecommunications systems for the line and the installation of the ETCS on the 27 TCDD locomotives. The contract stated that the locomotives will be equipped with ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Turcia - trenuri PTMZ

Turkey’s Minister of Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu inaugurated the completion of the electrification of Nenek-Şefaatli section and Tüpraş rail junction which now allows electric trains to run on the entire 352 km Ankara – Kayseri conventional railway line.

The electrification allows “trains coming from the west to be able to reach the south over the Boğazköprü junction,” Karaismailoğlu said.

372 km of catenary, 118 km of energy transmission lines and 6 transformer centres were built on the Ankara – Kayseri line.

The electrification of Nenek-Şefaatli rail section will allow savings of TRY 20 million (EUR 1.44 million) of which TRY 9 million (EUR 647,515) from fuel oil and TRY 11 million (EUR 791,407) from emissions representing 35 thousand tonnes of carbon emissions.

“The electrification of Nenek-Şefaatli line, the trains from west will pass to the south via Kayseri and the trains departing from İzmir and Edirne will be able to go from Adana to Malatya on electrified tracks. The project contributes to the green development goals,” Metin Akbaş, the director general of TCDD said at the ceremony.

On the Ankara – Kayseri conventional railway line, Turkey is planning the construction of a double-track, electric line from Yerköy to Kayseri which will be allow trains to run at a speed of 200 km/h.

With this project, Turkey benefits a 5,931 km electrified rail network and in addition, works are performed to electrify other 847 km of rail sections across the country.

“The most important reform process of Turkish rail network represents the construction of new lines,” the minister said. In total, Turkey built 2,149 km of new conventional lines and 1,213 km high-speed rail connections since 2003.
TCDD is currently operating a 12,803-km railway network and all the lines build 50 years ago are overhauled and renewed. Ankara – Kayseri railway line was opened almost 100 years ago.
The railway lines equipped with signalling systems increased by 172% and the electrified lines by 180% increasing the efficiency and safety of railway transport.

4% of the population benefits access to the high-speed train services in 13 provinces with 44 destinations. To date, 69 million passengers have used high-speed transport services.

Turkey is currently constructing the 405 km Ankara-Sivas high-speed line which achieved a 95% physical progress as TCDD initiated the trials in February 2021. A test has been performed on the Balıseyh-Yerköy-Sivas section and construction works on the Ankara-Balıseyh section are ongoing. When the project is completed, the travel time between Ankara and Sivas will decrease from 12 hours to only 2 hours.

The 503.2 km Ankara-İzmir high-speed rail project has reached a 47% physical progress in the infrastructure works and when completed, the line will reduce the travel time by more than 10 hours, from 14 to 3.5 hours. It is expected that 13.5 million passengers and 90 million tones will use the new connection.

The infrastructure works on the 201km long Bursa-Yenişehir-Osmaneli high-speed line achieved an 82% progress and the 102 km Konya-Karaman line is expected to enter commercial services. In February, TCDD performed dynamic tests on the Konya – Karaman section part of the Konya-Karaman- Ulukışla connection which will allow passenger and freight train operation with a daily average of 34 trains per direction.

Recently, the Ministry of Infrastructure and China Machinery Engineering Corp (CMEC) signed a contract for Aksaray-Ulukışla-Mersin Yenice rail project with a total value of USD 1.8 billion. The 196 km double-track electrified line will be designed for a speed of 250 km/h. The Chinese company will be responsible for the supply and construction of communication, electricity, signalling and interaction systems. The rail infrastructure will be built in partnership with Turkish companies.

Turkey is focusing on the development and modernisation of the rail infrastructure. The investment share has increased by 48% and it is expected that for 2023, the investment will be increased by 63%.

Today, 5,753 km representing 45% of the 12,803 km rail network has been electrified and with the completion of the ongoing electrification projects on the conventional lines, 50% of the existing lines will be electrified by 2023.

Turkey is committed to invest TRY 1.36 trillion (USD 81.78 billion) for rail infrastructure and by now has spent TRY 222 billion (USD 16 billion). The Ministry has identified the steps to develop the rail infrastructure and sustainable transport until 2071 as country’s rail vision under which also includes the construction of 600 km rail junctions to provide connections to the logistics centres, factories, industry, and ports. The installation of signalling systems along the lines will increase from 65 to 90%. In addition, the strategy will underline that the systems and vehicle components should be produced in Turkey with a local content of 80%.

The investment projects will be implemented on the east-west axis, but also on north-south direction providing increased access to the ports and logistics centres. The goal is to increase the share of rail in logistics to 45%.

A Railway Energy and Climate Change Action Plan will be prepared to ensure the implementation of the strategies will reduce carbon emissions. “Whatever we do for our country, it is our duty to leave a more livable, greener, carbon neutral Turkey for our nation. We continue to work intensively with our railway sector,” Karaismailoğlu said.

Sursa: Railway PRO


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