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Topic: ÖBB

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ÖBB Robert24

Operatorul national austriac ÖBB va introduce odata cu noul mers al trenurilor, din 11 decembrie 2016 - trenurile de noapte Nightjet.
Anumite trenuri vor avea si vagoane cu platforme auto / moto.
Toti calatorii care vor avea locuri la vagoane de dormit sau cuseta vor primi si mic dejun.

Pe langa aceste trenuri Nightjet, ÖBB va oferi in continuare si trenuri de noapte Euronight (EN) impreuna cu alti partneri din alte tari.

Rutele oferite de ÖBB sunt:
Viena – Feldkirch – Bregenz
Graz – Leoben – Feldkirch
Viena - Linz – Zürich
Graz – Leoben – Zürich
Hamburg – Berlin – Zürich
Viena - Linz – Nürnberg - Hamburg / Düsseldorf
Innsbruck – Nürnberg - Hamburg / Düsseldorf
Viena – Villach - Florenta – Roma / Verona - Milano
Viena - Linz - Venetia
Viena - Florenta - Livorno
München – Salzburg – Villach - Roma / Milano
München – Salzburg - Venetia

iar de partneri:
Villach – Feldkirch
Zagreb – Villach – Zürich
Viena - Dresda – Berlin
Budapesta - Viena -  München
München – Ljubljana – Zagreb
München – Opatija – Rijeka
Viena - Varsovia / Cracovia
Viena -  Poprad – Kosice

Mai multe informatii aici:

nightjet.PNG (190.69 KB; downloaded 4672 times)


Re: ÖBB misterr

Cursa feroviară de noapte Viena-Bruxelles a debutat duminică seara. Mai mulți europarlamentari renunță la avion, în lupta cu încălzirea globală

Pasagerii pot călători acum din Viena la Bruxelles în timpul nopţii, cu opriri în Germania, cu un nou serviciu de tren de noapte începând de duminică.

Căile ferate federale austriece (OeBB) spun că ruta Viena - Bruxelles va include opriri în Nuremberg, Frankfurt şi Koln, printre alte oraşe.

În timpul cursei de debut, care a plecat din Viena duminică seara la 08:38 p.m. (19:38 GMT), mai mulți membri ai Parlamentului European au urcat la bord.

O altă cursă spre Bruxelles cu un alt tren aşa-numit Nightjet este lansată de asemenea de OeBB din Innsbruck via Munchen.

Trenurile de noapte spre Bruxelles sunt programate să funcţioneze duminica şi miercurea din Viena, cu plecare la 08:38 p.m., şi din Innsbruck, la 08:44 p.m.. Călătoriile de întoarcere au loc cu o zi mai târziu.

Cele două trenuri au scaune, cuşete şi vagoane de dormit şi parcurg întregul traseu de la Viena sau Innsbruck în 14 ore.

Printre alţii, şeful OeBB, Andreas Matthae, europarlamentarul german Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (Verzi) şi numeroşi parlamentari UE din Austria au vrut să ia parte la prima călătorie.

Vicepreşedintele Parlamentului European Othmar Karas a salutat noua legătură feroviară, care va facilita accesul tinerilor la Bruxelles şi la instituţiile UE care au sediul în capitala Belgiei, contribuind în acelaşi timp la combaterea schimbărilor climatice.

După ani de declin şi reduceri la serviciile cu trenuri de noapte pe fondul înmulţirii companiilor aeriene low-cost, îngrijorările cu privire la schimbările climatice şi la emisii cauzate de avioane au oferit OeBB un număr tot mai mare de pasageri pe nişa trenului de noapte.

OeBB oferă conexiuni cu trenuri de noapte la Berlin, Hamburg, Zurich şi Roma. Aceste servicii vor fi extinse treptat până în 2026.



AUSTRIAN Federal Railways (ÖBB) has issued a tender for up to 540 EMUs, as the operator faces delays in the delivery of up to 300 EMUs ordered from Bombardier, now part of Alstom.

The 46 Talent 3 sets ordered from Bombardier were due to be delivered in 2019 and 2020, but are still awaiting approval which could take another year. In February, ÖBB cancelled a tender released in December 2020 for up to 100 EMUs, instead publishing a tender for a framework agreement to supply up to 46 single-deck, 160km/h EMUs. This tender has again been cancelled, with ÖBB now looking to lease four 150m-long EMUs or 25 coaches as a temporary measure.

The latest tender calls for a framework agreement for up to 270 103m-long EMUs and up to 270 73m-long EMUs, both with a maximum speed of 160km/h. The 10-year contract includes an option for maintenance.

Options from the framework agreement may be called by ÖBB’s passenger division, as well as City Airport Train, Graz-Köflach Railway and South Tyrolean Transport. Bids must be submitted by June 11.

Sursa: International Rail Journal



ÖBB has announced that around 100 double-deck cars will be modernised by 2023 to meet Cityjet design to offer passengers modern and high-quality travel. The modernisation plans include the interior and exterior re-design as well as many technical improvements for the Talent and Desiro Classic train cars.

On June 2, 2021, Michaela Huber, the Executive Board Director ÖBB-Personenverkehr, and Christof Hermann, the Regional Manager ÖBB Personenverkehr, together with Lower Austria Mobility Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko, have presented the improved Dosto train design. A Dosto trainset, manufactured by Stadler, includes one control car and four intermediate cars. The push-pull train can be either pulled or pushed by a locomotive. The bi-level push-pull train is also used without a control car with a locomotive and is mainly in operation in the eastern region around Vienna, as well as in Vorarlberg and Carinthia.

The upgraded double-deck cars will be equipped with Wi-Fi according to the needs of the passengers. Each car has a multi-purpose area with more space for bikes, luggage, and strollers. The toilets are the same level as Cityjet or the Railjet trains, looking completely different compared to the initial design.

The quiet zone on the upper floor of the control car is an innovation and so far, unique in local and regional transport. In addition, the seats will be reupholstered, and the floors and stairs will be renovated. All window frames, the bogies as well as all energy supply and safety equipment will be renewed.

The modernised double-deck cars feature a Cityjet interior and exterior design, modern toilets, adapted to passengers with reduced mobility, a future-oriented passenger compartment, 416 adjustable seats in a four-car train version, generous seat spacing, footrests and folding tables in each row and low-floor entrances which ensure easy entry and exit.

“The local transport fleet forms backbone of public transport in Austria. For us, to be able to offer passengers modern, high-quality travel, ÖBB is constantly investing in the modernisation of its fleet. With the new double-decker coaches, our passengers can once again look forward to increased quality in local and regional transport,” Michaela Huber said.

The passengers have already been able to see what increased quality service mean as seven 3-5 – car trains have been put in commercial operation almost a year and a half on the Franz-Josefs-Bahn, one on the main line in Vienna which provide transport connection to Bohemia.

Around a third of the completely renewed double-decker cars are already in operation. With feedback from travelers ÖBB is working to introduce more modernised railcars, with four Dosto trainsets planned to operate this year on the Retz-Payerbach line.

Sursa: Railway Pro


Re: ÖBB punmeister

Deci se pare ca noile rame Talent 3 pentru ÖBB sunt un mare fail, nici acum in 2021 n-au primit omologarea. Asta ar fi al treilea fiasco pentru fostul Bombardier, alaturi de ramele etajate TWINDEXX pentru SBB in Elvetia respectiv cele pentru DB Fernverkehr.



ÖBB has ordered from Siemens Mobility 20 additional seven-car night trains to expand its Nightjet fleet, as part of a framework agreement signed in 2018.

Each seven-car train is comprised of two coaches, three couchette cars, and two sleeping cars. The train’s state-of-the-art design offers an even higher level of comfort. In the new couchette car concept, additional mini cabins provide significantly more privacy for single travelers and ensure a comfortable trip and relaxed arrival. Traveling in the sleeping cars is even more comfortable since all compartments will have their private toilet and shower. The new trains will also feature free WiFi service.

Barrier-free overnight travel will also be possible with the new night trains. Every Nightjet will include a multifunctional car with a low-floor entrance, a barrier-free couchette compartment, and a barrier-free toilet.

These latest ordered trains are planned for service from Vienna and Innsbruck to Hamburg and Amsterdam, and for operating on the routes from Vienna to Bregenz and Zurich. The connections from Graz to Zurich and from Zurich to Hamburg and Amsterdam will also be served by the new trains.

The trains are based on the Viaggio Next Level platform.

“Calling up 20 additional Nightjets is an important step in positioning ÖBB as the market leader in Europe’s night train business. ÖBB is already Europe’s largest night train operator, and with the new state-of-the-art Nightjet fleet, we will further reinforce our position and offer our travelers first-class comfort,” ÖBB CEO Andreas Matthä said.

In 2018, Siemens Mobility and ÖBB signed a framework agreement for the delivery of day and night trains. Thirteen Nightjets of the new generation Viaggio Next Level called up from this agreement are currently being built at the Siemens Mobility plant in Vienna.

The first trains to be delivered from this series will serve on connections from Austria and Germany to Italy beginning in December 2022.

By 2025, 33 next-generation Nightjets will be operating in Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, thus replacing a large share of the current fleet.

The Nightjet fleet will provide climate-friendly overnight transport services between various European cities. The new trains will attract night travelers by offering higher capacity, more comfort, and greater privacy.

Sursa: Railway PRO



ÖBB continues to expand its existing commuter and regional train fleet, with an additional order of 21 four-car, state-of-the-art Desiro ML trains from Siemens Mobility.

The Desiro ML multiple-unit trains are approximately 100m-long with eight entrances to enhance passenger comfort for local and regional journeys. The trains will be equipped with the modern train control system European Train Control System (ETCS) and are planned for service in Austria’s western state of Vorarlberg.

As of August 2021, more than 540 Desiro ML trains from Siemens Mobility in both three or four-car versions have been sold worldwide. In Austria alone, there are more than 180 three-car trains of this modern and proven series from Siemens Mobility already successfully operating. In addition, the four-car version of the Desiro ML, ordered for Vorarlberg, has already been approved for operation in Austria and Germany.

Albrecht Neumann, CEO of Rolling Stock at Siemens Mobility, said: “The Desiro ML is an internationally tested and proven regional train that provides the highest level of passenger comfort and satisfaction. We will now further adapt the train to meet ÖBB’s latest customer requirements and build the new fleet in our usual excellent quality and in record time.”

The Desiro ML trains planned for Vorarlberg will have a total of 290 seats and space for two wheelchairs. During the summer seasons, the trains will offer sufficient space for bicycles and in the winter months ski racks will be equipped.

Lastly, passengers will experience a high level of comfort due to a number of technical innovations including: a digital passenger information system, air conditioning, Wi-Fi service, and easier barrier-free accessibility through the eight doors, equipped with extendable ramps.

Sursa: Global Railway Review


Re: ÖBB punmeister

Da, acestea vor fi in locul failurilor de Talent 3 care nu m-ar mira sa ajunga candva aici, stiind ca au si suport pentru 25kV.



Andreas Matthä the CEO of ÖBB and Leonore Gewessler the Minister of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology have presented the first fully upgraded multifunctional Nightjet couchette car as part of the Nightjet upgrade programme covering the modernisation of the existing fleet to increase the comfort and the range of services for passengers.

A total of 22 seating cars from the existing fleet are being upgraded by ÖBB Technische Services to new multifunctional couchette cars for the ÖBB Nightjets.

“Traveling by night train is becoming more and more popular across Europe. It is not only important to add new destinations to our Europe-wide night train network, but also to offer modern and comfortable night trains. With the Nightjet upgrade programme, we have converted conventional seated carriages into modern multifunctional couchette cars in around four months,” Andreas Matthä said.

As new “comfort couchette cars”, they will be individually integrated into the existing Nightjet trains so that the modernised cars and barrier-free compartments will be available on as many routes as possible. The first upgraded comfort couchette cars will operate on the rail route from Vienna to Bregenz when the timetable changes in December.

“The future of short and medium-haul connections in Europe is the night train. Getting on the train in Vienna in the evening and waking up in the morning in the middle of a European capital is good for the climate and a comfortable way to travel,” Leonore Gewessler said.
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With the upgraded multifunctional couchette cars, ÖBB is relying on new and modern materials used for the interior of the new-generation Nightjet, which will be in use for the first time in 2023.

The modernised railcar has four-person compartments with fixed beds, which, with their equipment, significantly increase sleeping and traveling comfort, especially for families.

The multifunctional couchette coaches have a stroller space and three bicycle parking spaces, which means that in future it will be possible to transport bicycles on almost all Nightjet lines.

The modernised carriages are also designed for passengers with reduced mobility. Each multifunctional coach is equipped with a modern, barrier-free compartment with 2 beds and a barrier-free toilet.

In the future, passengers can look forward to free Wi-Fi and other technical innovations in the upgraded car, such as charging options via USB / socket on each bed or a control display with various comfort functions, such as lighting control or service calls. In addition, the new cars are equipped with an electronic access system using NFC cards and video surveillance to increase passenger security.

The upgraded Nightjet couchette car fleet will gradually be integrated into the existing trains. By the summer of 2022, all 22 cars are to be completed and will operate on selected routes in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Under its EUR 25 billion strategy for 2026, ÖBB will invest EUR 3.4 billion to expand its rolling stock which include the modernisation of the existing night trains and the procurement of new trains for night services.

Sursa: Railway PRO



The Council of Ministers approved the ÖBB framework plan 2022 – 2027 with a EUR 18.2 billion investment for the expansion and maintenance of the Austrian rail network.

Over next six years, EUR 3 billion will be invested annually to provide an extended and modernised infrastructure which will bring an important contribution to the climate protection,  will provide high quality transport services for passengers and will play an important economic engine for Austrian companies.  Compared to 2020, the ambitious infrastructure programme is increased by EUR 700 million.

“The largest railway expansion package in the republic will be topped up again. (…) This is an important building block for more climate protection. Because a modern network and a cheap KlimaTicket make public transport more attractive than ever before. And every kilometre by train protects our climate,” Leonore Gewessler the Minister of Climate Action said.

With the expansion and quality assurance of the rail network, the prerequisites will be created to allow more trains on the rail network providing better and faster connections for rail travelers.

In addition, more capacities for freight transport will be created allowing longer and heavier trains to run on the network, ensuring the competitiveness compared to the road transport.

The strategy will be also focused on the digitalisation of the sector increasing the safety and efficiency of the rail operations. For passengers, ÖBB is also optimising the mobile network along the routes. In order to provide travelers with up-to-date information, investments are also being made to digitalise the customer information and train safety systems.

The ÖBB framework plan includes five additional projects:

• The financing of the planning for double-track construction of Tullnerfeld line between Herzogenburg – St. Pölten is guaranteed. With this important measure for the Lower Austrian central area, a long-standing demand of the region is taken into account.
• The plans for the double-track expansion of the Werndorf – Spielfeld-Straß line are being brought forward, with the aim of increasing the number of cycles along the southern line coming from Graz.
• The financing for the expansion of all four sections of the Pyhrnachse line including the new Bosruck tunnel is provided securing the plans for Kirchdorf an der Krems – Micheldorf project.
• The financing is ensured for the construction on the Brenner northern access covering the four-track expansion between Schaftenau and Radfeld junction (Austrian section) in the Lower Inn Valley.
• Some junction stations will be expanded to be able to accommodate longer trains and more passengers in the future. The plan includes Villach Hbf, Ried im Innkreis, Innbruck Hbf and Imst-Pitztal stations.
Under the investment, ÖBB will also continue the electrification programme and the increase of attractiveness of the regional rail connections.

“The new master plan will make rail travel in Austria even better and more efficient. Investments in the large main routes bring faster connections between the large metropolitan areas of Austria. In addition to the large main routes, the regional railways will be made even more attractive and electrified. This makes switching to rail more interesting in rural areas as well. [This is] a gain for the passengers and for the environment,” the CEO of ÖBB Andreas Matthä said.

This spring, ÖBB has announced that until 2026, EUR 25 billion will be invested to modernise and develop the rail system which includes rail infrastructure and clean energy projects as well as rolling stock renewal.

Sursa: Railway PRO



The Administrative Court in Vienna approved the decision of ÖBB to award Stadler the contract for the delivery of a 186 Kiss double-deck EMU fleet, following some confusion regarding Stadler’s qualified electronic signature. Now ÖBB can now conclude the framework agreement with Stadler, after the conclusion of the tendering process was delayed by court proceedings, and all the legal obstacles have been removed.

The award decision announced by ÖBB signals that the way is clear for the call-off order of the first vehicles.

In September, the Austrian Federal Administrative Court declared ÖBB’s award decision null and void due to an alleged formal error. The court had been prompted to act by an objection from co-bidder Alstom, which had been excluded from the proceedings. All the points raised by Alstom were rejected by the court. Following the countr’s decision, ÖBB informed Stadler that it is obliged to revoke the contract initially awarded to Stadler and should be re-tendered.

In October, Stadler informed that the electronic signature, which was declared an alleged formal error by the Austrian Federal Administrative Court, is recognised by the competent international authorities and has already been used hundreds of times by Stadler when participating in tenders in the EU area. Numerous bids signed in this way have been successful in previous tenders, including a contract in January 2021 for the delivery of rescue trains to ÖBB.

The framework agreement won by Stadler has a 10-year term and a total volume of up to EUR 3 billion. The agreement covers the manufacture and delivery of various four-car, five-car and six-car double-decker multiple-unit Kiss trains.

The Kiss double-deck EMU fleet will be manufactured at Stadler’s new centre of excellence in St. Margrethen, Switzerland. A first call-off order is expected to be made in the near future. ÖBB and Stadler will publish further information on the vehicles and the initial order in the coming weeks.

Counting the framework agreement for ÖBB, Stadler has so far sold over 550 Kiss trains.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: ÖBB punmeister

Talent 3-urile au fost oficial refuzate de ÖBB, cu toate ca Alstom s-a oferit sa rezolve problemele lor. Acum au ajuns la vanzare.

Amintesc ca acestea suporta atat alimentarea la 25kV ~ 50Hz cat si PZB90 + ETCS Level 2, deci pot oricand sa ajunga la noi in tara. ... -for-obb


Re: ÖBB alliens

Am avut ocazia sa calatoresc cu Nightjet, la cuseta de 4 locuri, si pot spune ca a fost sub asteptari experienta,  desi  asteptam mai mult dupa PR-ul facut de OBB acestor trenuri. Spre deosebire de CFR (cel putin vagoanele 40-31 si 40-70), la OBB cuseta de 4 paturi e una de 6 paturi in care se rabateaza patul din mijloc, spatiul intre paturi este foarte ingust, lenjeria de pat nu vine in pachet sigilat (ca la CFR) si mai mult, ai o perna minuscula si 2 cearsafuri de pat.  4 persoane cu 4 trolere cu greu au loc intr-o astfel de cabina, nu vreau sa ma gandesc cum e cu 6 persoane. Au fost insa si aspecte pozitive: patul este confortabil, in bilet intra si un mic dejun(cafea/ceai, corn, unt,gem) climatizarea se poate seta conform dorintelor in compartiment, de la rece la cald. Per total insa, experienta a fost totusi sub asteptari.


Re: ÖBB Gabi23

Locomotiva 2070 041 este utilizată pentru manevararea vagoanelor în gara Viena Westbahnhof. Este fabricată în anul 2002.
2070 041 - Viena Westbahnhof - 05.10.2023.jpg (231.66 KB; downloaded 607 times)


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