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Topic: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476)

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  • shoppy
  • Posted: Saturday, 08.05.2021, 06:31

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) shoppy

13 in Predeal.
DSC06830.JPG (309.26 KB; downloaded 4277 times)


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Sunday, 09.05.2021, 09:55

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

030 cu un marfar de la Azomures in aprilie

91 53 0 474030-0 RO-CFR Marfa by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • shoppy
  • Posted: Saturday, 15.05.2021, 19:50

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) shoppy

43 in Pajura spre Constanta cu o naveta Dacia goala.
DSC06997.JPG (285.98 KB; downloaded 4065 times)


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Monday, 17.05.2021, 08:19

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

467 in urcare cu un tren gol de Targu Mures

91 53 0 470467-8 RO-CFR Marfa by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Tuesday, 18.05.2021, 19:03

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

ED 037 cu un tren de Ploiesti Triaj

91 53 0 474037-5 RO-CFR Marfa by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Wednesday, 19.05.2021, 12:41

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

025 cu un tren de Azomures, circula bine mersi desi trebuia retrasa de ANAF pt datoria neplatita

91 53 0 474025-0 RO-CFR Marfa by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Tuesday, 25.05.2021, 15:16

  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Tuesday, 25.05.2021, 20:27

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) Utilizator anonim

EDurile 37, 38, 39, 40 si 42 sunt in curs de retragere din circulatie in vederea trecerii prin RR.


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Wednesday, 26.05.2021, 06:25

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

028 cu un tren gol de Azomures, 049 rece la roata

91 53 0 474028-4 RO-SNTFM by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Thursday, 27.05.2021, 20:00

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) Utilizator anonim

070 spre Constanta
20210527_162039.JPG (501.21 KB; downloaded 3449 times)


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Thursday, 27.05.2021, 20:46

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) Utilizator anonim

Sunt retrase - 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 33, 34.

Utilizator anonim wrote:
EDurile 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 sunt in curs de retragere din circulatie fiind retinute de ANAF pentru plata datoriei CFR Marfa catre stat.


  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Friday, 04.06.2021, 17:23

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) Utilizator anonim

ED 050 in Craiova
20210604_134445.JPG (432.91 KB; downloaded 3334 times)


  • TonyGFR
  • Posted: Friday, 11.06.2021, 15:49

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) TonyGFR

832 azi la linia 9 Campina, inca se afla acolo de aproape 24 ore, la roata e 077

91 53 0 470832-3 RO-SNTFM by tonygfr22, on Flickr


  • shoppy
  • Posted: Saturday, 12.06.2021, 07:11

Re: Locomotive clasele 47x de marfa (470, 474, 476) shoppy

77 s-a stricat in Predeal, astepta pe tragere sa vina 832 sa o ia sa o duca in Ploiesti, pana la urma a reusit sa se manevreze singura dar a intrat la roata si a fost apoi adusa rece, probabil i s-a intepenit vreo osie.
La o companie normala care activeaza dupa regulile economiei de piata si nu doar terfeleste banul public ar fi inadmisibil sa ti se strice al 77-lea exempalr al unei "modernizari", pana la al 77-lea s-ar fi descoperit toate punctele slabe si s-ar fi eliminat, la CFR Marfa insa "modernizare" inseamna vopsit cu vopsea de gard direct peste rugina sau vopseaua anterioara umflata / inflorita cu rugina, evident ca in cateva luni a inflorit rugina si prin vopseaua noua.
73 a fost impingatoare pe Predeal si s-a intors la Brasov.

(Nu pot sa va pun poze ca zice ca mi-am depasit limita de upload.)


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