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Topic: Autobuze

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Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

TMB testeaza in urmatoarele luni un autobuz electic VDL Citea, cu incarcare rapida prin pantograf.
Autobuzul va circula pe linia H16 - singura linie care are statii de incarcare rapide la capete.


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Solaris Urbino IV 18 Electric 8611 - inmatriculat in august 2018 - incarcare rapida la capatul liniei H16 din Zona Franca (

8611_H16.jpg (1.5 MB; downloaded 3936 times)

8611_H16a.jpg (1.32 MB; downloaded 3932 times)

Statia de incarcare rapida la celalalt capat al liniei H16 - Forum

St inc Forum.jpg (1.3 MB; downloaded 3932 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Robert24 wrote:
TMB a lansat ieri o noua licitatie pentru 210 autobuze care ar trebui sa fie livrate in perioada 2022 - 2025.

Lot 1 - Electric Articulat - 29 buc - 955.900 EUR / buc - 27.721.100 EUR
Lot 2 - Electric Standard - 25 buc - 617.705 EUR / buc - 15.442.625 EUR
Lot 2b - Electric Standard - 24 buc - 617.705 EUR / buc - 14.824.920 EUR
Lot 3 - Hibrid GNC Standard - 85 buc - 393.250 EUR / buc - 33.426.250 EUR
Lot 4 - Hibrid GNC Articulat - 23 buc - 517.880 EUR / buc - 11.911.240 EUR
Lot 5 - Hibrid diesel Etajat - 24 buc - 533.005 EUR / buc - 12.792.120 EUR
Valoare totala estimata: 116.118.225 EUR cu TVA inclus

Pentru fiecare dintre loturi, primele bucati se vor livra in aprox 1 an de la data atribuirii contractelor, iar urmatoarele pana maxim la sfarsitul lui 2025 (in functie de lot).
Termenul maxim de depunere a ofertelor: 26 februarie 2021
Publicat la data: 15 februarie 2021, ora 12:00

Avem primele rezultate: loturile 3 si 4 au fost atribuite catre MAN, iar lotul 5 catre Volvo.
Pentru primele 3 loturi este bataie intre 9 fabricanti.


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze punmeister

Intre timp au sosit si primele autobuze Mercedes-Benz Citaro G NGT Hybrid.

TMB Mercedes Citaro G NGT Hybrid by Miniautobusero, on Flickr


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze PTMZ

TMB va testa timp de un an un autobuz electric MAN Lion's City 18E, începând cu luna iulie:
From this July, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) will launch a year-long test of the Lion’s City 18E electric bus, an articulated bus manufactured by MAN that stands out for its extensive range and zero emissions.

Barcelona will become one of only two cities in Europe (the other being Cologne, Germany) to have a test unit of this -metre long, high-capacity bus that can carry out a day’s service with only an overnight charge of its batteries.

The 18-metre articulated bus is powered by two central electric motors located on the second and third axles. Unlike electric motors that are located close to wheel hubs, their position facilitates accessibility for mounting and allows for a simpler design of the entire drive system. The configuration of its electric powertrain, which does not require a transmission system between axles, benefits the space available on board and optimises the rear of the vehicle so that the bus can carry up to 120 passengers.

A total of eight battery packs are located on the roof of the vehicle where, as with the motors, easy access reduces maintenance costs.

The new vehicle is equipped with a DC fast-charging system using the Combined Charging System (CCS) standard, which achieves an average output of 100 kW (150 kW peak), enabling it to be ready for operation in just four hours. According to the manufacturer, the Lion’s City 18E has a range, guaranteed for the life of the batteries, of 200 kilometres on a mixed route and up to 270 in favourable conditions.

This is key since the most efficient articulated electric buses marketed so far in Europe combine night-time charging with charging during rest time at terminal stops, which means equipping the network with charging infrastructure.  

TMB’s Bus Engineering Department has had the Lion’s City 18E on loan from MAN since the beginning of the month and has been equipping and adapting it for its entry into commercial service next July. It will initially provide passenger transport services on the H16 line, on which other articulated electric buses operate, to allow for comparison of their operating data and performance. It will later provide service on other high-demand lines in the TMB network.

Barcelona’s bus network is in the midst of a transition towards decarbonisation and greater efficiency. The roadmap for the adoption of green energy anticipates acquiring 210 battery electric vehicles in the 2021-2024 period. Three high-demand bus lines – H16, H12 and V15 – will switch to e-vehicles in the short term. TMB says its aim is for 50 per cent of its fleet to run on electricity by 2030.

Sursa: Intelligent Transport


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze PTMZ

Before the end of the year Solaris will deliver low-emission vehicles to Catalonia. The city carrier Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) has ordered 30 Urbino 12 hybrid buses which will boost the fleet of the Area Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) and join the nearly hundred buses of Solaris currently deployed in Barcelona and its suburbs.
At the end of March, TMB, the public transport operator in Barcelona, determined the winner of the tender for the supply of 30 hybrid buses, whose final user will be AMB operator. The contract was awarded to Solaris which committed to supply environmentally friendly vehicles by the end of 2021. The final signing of the contract will take place in the coming weeks. This is yet another substantial order coming from Spain secured by Solaris in the past weeks. Apart from the 30 hybrid vehicles going to the capital of Catalonia, the producer will supply some 250 CNG-fuelled buses to Madrid.

The hybrid drive of the vehicles commissioned for Barcelona will consist of a Euro 6 standard-compliant engine of 151 kW and of an electric traction motor. Moreover, the vehicles will feature supercapacitors that make it possible to store and then use recovered energy. This solution allows for a considerable reduction of fuel consumption (compared to buses with conventional drives), and, at the same time, for minimising pollutant emissions into the air.

Additionally, the Solaris Urbino 12 hybrids will be equipped with the Arrive & Go system that controls the operation of the diesel engine. This function allows to turn off the bus engine upon approach of a bus stop, and it turns the engine on again when the vehicle sets off. This, in turn, makes it possible for the bus to run in electric motor mode only, which reduces noise and emissions on site, for the benefit of passengers. What is more, while in the Arrive & Go mode, the vehicles will use the Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS), which generates warning sounds to alert pedestrians to the presence of a vehicle with an electric drive.

The comfort of the bus ride will be ensured among other things by an air-conditioning of the whole vehicle, a state-of-the-art passenger information system, USB ports accessible to all travellers and also white LED screens. Solaris’ concern to raise the safety of passengers has compelled the company to cover the plastic elements of passenger seats with an antibacterial layer. The drivers will have a range of solutions at their disposal that improve their work comfort; these will include a closed driver cabin adjusted to individual client needs. Road safety will be enhanced by devices such as the MirrorEye system which replaces conventional side mirrors with cameras that ensure improved visibility in bright sunlight as well as during rain or after nightfall. Meanwhile, the Eco Driver Advisor system will be in charge of controlling and supporting economical driving.

The first Solaris buses appeared in Barcelonal in 2014. At present, nearly 100 of these vehicles are in use in this city, most of them featuring a hybrid or electric drive. Solaris is a European leader in the production and sales of low- and zero-emission buses. So far, Solaris has brought over 900 electric buses and over 760 hybrid buses to the streets of European countries.

Sursa: Solaris


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

A fost pus in circulatie primul Man Lion's city CNG Efficient Hybrid. Vor fi 30 de bucati cu numerele 1840-1869.



Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Prezentarea noilor autobuze TMB

Primarul Barcelonei si totodata presedintele Autoritatii de Transport Metropolitane - Ada Colau, impreuna cu oficiali din provincia Catalunya si cu managementul TMB au prezentat azi noile autobuze electrice si hibride (CNG + electric)

Cele 23 de autobuze electrice sunt articulate, 14 Solaris si 9 Irizar, si sunt echipate cu pantografe care permit incarcarea rapida a bateriilor.
Acestea sunt destul de similare cu cele 7 autobuze electrice existente (4 Irizar si 3 Solaris) inca din 2019.
Astfel, Barcelona detine in prezent 30 de autobuze electrice articulate.
Deja o mare parte dintre acestea circula pe linia H16, linie care va deveni zilele urmatoare full-electric (parcul circulant prevede 22 de autobuze in timpul saptamanii).
Urmatoarele linii care vor fi deveni full-electric vor fi H12 (Gornal / Besòs Verneda) si V15 (Barceloneta / Av. Tibidabo), care vor fi prevazute cu statii de incarcare rapida la capete, similare cu cele de pe linia H16.
Intre timp, in weekend, o parte dintre autobuzele articulate vor circula provizoriu pe liniile 7 (Fòrum / Zona Universitària) si 33 (Zona Universitària - Verneda).

Tot azi, TMB a prezentat si 46 de autobuze hibride (electric + CNG) - 30 sunt standard de 12m, si sunt fabricate de MAN, iar 16 sunt articulate de 18m si sunt fabricate de Evobus.

Astazi, din totalul de 1,140 de autobuze aflate in flota TMB, 350 (31%) sunt hibride (majoritatea diesel - electric), si  408 (36%) sunt cu motoare CNG.

flota noua.PNG (170.33 KB; downloaded 3673 times)

Iata si dosarul de presa in lb. spaniola:
busos-elec-hib-gnc-090621_v5_es.pdf (323.42 KB; downloaded 155 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Incepand de maine, 14 iulie, serviciul Aerobus va fi operat de Monbus cu doua tipuri de autobuze de 15m - Scania Castrosua Magnus Hybrid (27 de autobuze) si King Long PEV15 LE Electric (6 autobuze, care vor fi folosite preponderent pe noile servicii de noapte).
Iata doua imagini preluate de la Enrique Cepeda Gonzalez @miniautobusero

51306119847_332c8c2d78_k.jpg (861.13 KB; downloaded 3514 times)

51306125362_11d2bed479_k.jpg (821.35 KB; downloaded 3514 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

PTMZ wrote here:
TMB va testa timp de un an un autobuz electric MAN Lion's City 18E, începând cu luna iulie:

Barcelona este unul dintre cele doua orase europene (celalalt este Koln), care participa la testarea in conditii reale de trafic si incarcare, inainte de inceperea productiei.
Conform MAN, autobuzul Lion ‘s City 18E are o autonomie intre 200 si 270 km. Autobuzul nu detine sistem de incarcare rapida prin pantograf.

Dupa cateva saptamani de testare fara calatori, autobuzul (nr.1112) a fost deja introdus de cateva zile pe linia H16, linie deservita in prezent de autobuze articulate electrice Solaris si Irizar iTram. Ulterior, autobuzul va fi testat si pe alte linii cu grade de incarcare mai mari, dar si cu conditii de relief mai deosebite.

Iata o imagine cu el, surprins acum 2 zile pe linia H16:
Autor: Miniautobusero (
51306113167_4c9d183736_k.jpg (749.83 KB; downloaded 3466 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Asa cum spuneam si ieri, incepand de azi avem un nou operator pe Aerobus cu autobuze noi hibride si electrice.
Pretul ramane acelasi, ca diferenta va exista si un bilet combinat aerobus + 1 calatorie metrou sau bus la 7.10 eur.

Principala noutate e programul. Va fi non-stop!!!
A1, catre T1 va circula intre 5:00 si 1:00 la un interval intre 4 si 7 minute, iar intre 1:00 si 5:00 la 20 de minute.
A2, catre T2 va circula intre 5:00 si 1:30 la un interval de 10 minute, iar intre 1:30 si 5:00 la 20 de minute.

Acesta e noul site de unde se pot cumpara si bilete:


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Terminalul Aerobus de la Pl. Catalunya, destul de plin.
Ziua circula autobuzele hibride, iar noaptea cele electrice.
Aerobus (Large).jpg (770.59 KB; downloaded 3332 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Cateva imagini cu cele mai noi modele operate de TMB

Irizar i2e18 Tram si Solaris Urbino 18 Electric la Forum
8538_8618_TMB (Large).jpg (877.13 KB; downloaded 3331 times)

8618_TMB (Large).jpg (871.44 KB; downloaded 3331 times)

Man Lion's City CNG Efficient Hybrid
1842_TMB (Large).jpg (700.52 KB; downloaded 3331 times)

Mercedes Citaro G NGT Hybrid
6409_TMB (Large).jpg (483.35 KB; downloaded 3331 times)


Re: Barcelona - Autobuze Robert24

Un MAN Lion's City Efficient Hybrid (Diesel+Electric) al operatorului Baixbus
3164_Baixbus (Large).jpg (612.79 KB; downloaded 3318 times)


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