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Topic: Île-de-France: tramvaie

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Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Robert24

Linia T8 este exploatata de RATP si este situata in suburbiile pariziene din nord (in zona 3).
A fost inaugurata in decembrie 2014.
Lungimea liniei este de 8,5 km, are doua ramuri, iar timpul de parcurs mediu al unei semi-curse este de 14 min pe o ramura si 22 min pe cealalta.

t8.PNG (170.81 KB; downloaded 8497 times)

Parcul circulant actual este format din 20 tramvaie Citadis 302 (identice la exterior cu cele de pe T7), fabricate de Alstom (801-820).
Lungimea unui tramvai este de 32.7m si are 5 sectiuni.

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Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Robert24

O noua comanda pentru linia T4

In numele Autoritatii de transport regional din Paris (STIF), SNCF a comandat 15 tramvaie-tren Alstom Citadis Dualis. Comanda anuntata azi, 5 ianuarie, este in valoare de 75 milioane euro si acopera optiunea suplimentara din contractul semnat in 2007.

Tramvaiele vor fi livrate incepand cu octombrie 2017, iar intrarea acestora in serviciu se va face in 2019 odata cu extinderea liniei T4  de la Gargan la Montfermeil.



Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) shoppy

T6 a fost prelungit cu statiile subterane, cred ca si conducerea se face automat iar mecanicii doar claxoneaza si franeaza cand intersectiile nu sunt libere.
De afara este foarte-foarte silentios si se misca bine, din interior sistemul pneuri + sina de ghidare creaza niste smucituri laterale deranjante si aparent fara motiv(chiar si cand linia este in aliniament).


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Dragos31

In Decembrie 2019 au intrat in circulatie pe linia

cele 15 noi rame Alstom Citadis Dualis, concomitent cu darea in folosinta a celei de-a doua ramuri a acesteia (Gargan - Hôpital de Monfermeil).

Astfel, parcul de tramvaie destinate acestei linii ajunge la 30 (15 Siemens Avanto S70 + 15 Alstom Citadis Dualis), iar numarul total de statii la 20 (11 intre Bondy si Aulnay-sous-Bois si 15 intre Bondy si Hôpital de Monfermeil).

Doua imagini cu noile tramvaie.


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Un videoclip care cuprinde cele doua inaugurari (a celor 15 tramvaie Alstom si a noii portiuni de linie) - 14 Decembrie 2019.


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Dragos31

O (relativ) noua linie de tramvai despre care nu s-a scris in acest topic, inaugurata in anul 2017.


este operata de catre Transkeo, fiind situata in suburbiile pariziene din nord - zonele 3 si 4, avand ca data de inaugurare 1 Iulie 2017. Astfel, numarul de linii de tramvai din Ile-de-France ajunge la 10 (T1, T2, T3a, T3b, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T11).

Lungimea traseului este de 11 km si are 7 statii, iar timpul mediu de parcurs al unei semicurse este de 15 minute.

De luni pana vineri, la orele de varf, frecventa tramvaielor este de 5 minute, interval ce ajunge pana la 10 minute in zilele de weekend.

Harta T11 Paris.png (121.59 KB; downloaded 6124 times)

Parcul circulant este alcatuit din 15 tramvaie Alstom Citadis Dualis, care au in compunere 4 sectiuni.


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Sursa informatii:
- ... press-1589
- ... 11_Express


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) PTMZ

Alstom a anunțat pe 16 noiembrie că a primit o comandă pentru 13 tram-trains noi, din care 11 sunt pentru T4 și 2 pentru T12:
Alstom has received an order to supply 13 additional Citadis Dualis tram-trains to Île-de-France Mobilités and Transilien SNCF, for the sum of approximately 70 million euros. Île-de-France Mobilités will cover 100% of the investment cost of these trains. In total, 11 trains are destined for line T4 (Bondy/Aulnay-sous-Bois and Montfermeil Hospital), and 2 trains for line T12 (Massy/Evry). This exercise of options is part of the tram-train contract signed in 2007 with Transilien SNCF for the delivery of up to 200 tram-trains.

"Following the entry into commercial service of the Citadis Dualis tram-trains on line T4 in December 2019, and as we currently produce the trains for line T13, I am delighted that Alstom is continuing to deploy the tram-train solution in the Île-de-France region. This new exercise of options points to the relevance of this versatile transport solution and to the renewed trust of our customers, Île-de-France Mobilités and Transilien SNCF," said Jean-Baptiste Eyméoud, President of Alstom in France.

Designed to meet the increased need for mobility between urban and suburban networks, the Citadis Dualis tram-train links the centre of town with the suburbs without any break in continuity, by combining the advantages of the train with those of the tram. Based on the design of Alstom's Citadis tram, the Dualis version retains the fundamental characteristics that made Citadis so successful: modularity, accessibility and reliability. Citadis Dualis can run on a tram network just as easily as on a regional rail network thanks to certain adaptations in power, safety and comfort. This configuration makes it a versatile means of transport: it has the same gauge as a tram, meaning it can circulate in town, while its performance, the same as that of a train, enables it to carry passengers at nearly 100 km/h in outlying areas without having to change transport modes. Citadis Dualis plays a role in sustainable mobility by revitalising urban spaces and enhancing the architectural heritage of cities.

To date, 78 Citadis Dualis tram-trains are in operation in France. This includes 30 in Île-de-France, 24 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and 24 in Pays-de-la-Loire. In 2018, Alstom received an order to supply 34 additional Citadis Dualis tram-trains to Île-de-France Mobilités and Transilien SNCF, with Île-de-France Mobilités covering 100% of the investment cost of the trains. 23 tram-trains are destined for the T12 Massy/Evry line and 11 for the T13 Express Saint-Cyr/Saint-Germain line. These trains are currently being developed and manufactured at Alstom's Valenciennes Petite-Forêt site.

Seven of Alstom's sites in France are involved in the design and manufacture: Valenciennes for the trains and project management, Ornans for the motors, Le Creusot for the bogies, Tarbes for the traction drive components, Villeurbanne for the on-board computerised systems and passenger information, Petit-Quevilly for the transformers, and Saint-Ouen for design.

In Europe, more than 200 Alstom tram-trains (Citadis Dualis and Regio Citadis) have already been sold, covering more than 50 million kilometres. This Alstom technology is also being exported via the Citadis Spirit, adapted to the North American market and adopted by the cities of Ottawa and Toronto in Canada in 2013 and 2017.

Sursa: Alstom


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Dragos31

Astazi, 10 Aprilie 2021, a fost inaugurata a unsprezecea linie din sistem, T9: Porte de Choisy - Orly-Gaston Viens.

Aceasta are 10,3 km si deserveste 19 statii in Paris si Île-de-France, fiind operata de catre Keolis. Durata unei semicurse este de 30 de minute, iar intervalul minim dintre doua tramvaie este de 5 minute.

T9 harta - 10.04.2021.jpg (302.73 KB; downloaded 2870 times)

Parcul circulant este alcatuit din 22 de rame Alstom Citadis 405. Lungimea unui tramvai este de 45 de metri si are 7 sectiuni.


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Sursa foto: ... amos.JPG


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) PTMZ

Ile-de-France Mobilités and RATP awarded Alstom a EUR 130 million contract for the supply of 37 Citadis X05 tramways for the T1-Line to replace the existing fleet.

The contract includes an option for 83 additional trams to reinforce the transport offer and meet the needs related to the extension of the line.

With a length of 33 metres and a width of 2.40 metres, the new trams will be able to accommodate 15% more passengers than the current vehicles.

They will be equipped with six double doors of 1.30 metres per side, including doors at the end of the trams, to make it easier for passengers to get on and off.

The new trains will also be 100% accessible to all passengers. A new swivelling bogie profile under the cabin will minimise the space between the doors and the platforms and will improve accessibility for people with reduced mobility at all stations, particularly at the end.

To improve passenger comfort, the Citadis X05 tramways will be air-conditioned and equipped with an efficient passenger information system with 18 screens spread throughout the vechile, which represents a level of passenger information never achieved before on a tramway.

The dynamic information system will be complemented by interior and exterior lighting and audio information. With 40 USB sockets, the trams will also offer the possibility of recharging mobile devices. A video-protection system will ensure the safety of passengers.

The new vehicles are designed to reduce energy consumption by at least 30% compared to current tram fleet, thanks to a reduction in mass, a new motorisation with better efficiency, efficient management of climatic comfort and a 100%-LED lighting. These trams are eco-designed, 95% recyclable and 99% recyclable.

The innovations of the Citadis X05 trams for the T1-Line will also benefit the operator in regards to maintenance.

Maintenance requirements have already been considered with a reduced number of spare parts references, improved accessibility of components, as well as sensors distributed throughout the tram to allow real-time diagnosis of the equipment, making it possible to anticipate and optimise periods of downtime and offer optimum availability.

The T1-Line offers transport connection between the Quatre-Routes crossroads in Asnières-sur-Seine and the Noisy-le-Sec station.

Sursa: Railway PRO


Re: Reteaua de tramvai din Île-de-France (Paris) Dragos31

Miercuri, 06 Iulie 2022, a fost inaugurata linia T13: Saint-Cyr - Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Aceasta deserveste 12 statii in Île-de-France, fiind operata de catre Transkeo. Durata medie a unei semicurse este de 32 de minute, iar lungimea traseului de 18,8 kilometri. La orele de varf, intervalul dintre doua tramvaie este de 10 minute (20 de minute in restul timpului).

Harta T13 - 13.07.2022.png (116.2 KB; downloaded 2174 times)

Parcul circulant este alcatuit din 11 rame Alstom Citadis Dualis, compuse din 4 sectiuni.


Lisière-Pereire_T13_Express_2022_01.jpg (322.94 KB; downloaded 2174 times)

Sursa foto: ... 2_01.jpg


Re: Rețele de tramvai franceze ctln1991 ... 179.html ... rmeilles
De cand a aparut autobuzul electric, extinderea retelei de tramvai nu mai e asa la moda.
Grenoble, Bordeaux,Nancy,Reims, si regiunea parizeana au renuntat la multe extinderi.


Re: Rețele de tramvai franceze punmeister

Au uitat de Bluebusul al RATP care a fost topit anul trecut :popa:


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