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Topic: Sankt Petersburg

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Sankt Petersburg bercenicity

Randari cu viitoare statie Бухарестская (traducere aproxmativa "Bucurestiului") din Sankt Petersburg (o statie relativ anosta); urmeaza sa se deschida in acest an.

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-03.jpg (281.41 KB; downloaded 6590 times)

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-04.jpg (168.83 KB; downloaded 6559 times)

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-05.jpg (149.58 KB; downloaded 6557 times)

Cu mol deasupra (intrarea este in partea stanga a cladirii, sub simbolul albastru):

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-02.jpg (136.99 KB; downloaded 6558 times)

Foto cu peronul in constructie:

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-01.jpg (201.67 KB; downloaded 6574 times)

Statie are numele bulevardului sub care se afla (al doilea ca lungime din oras). Au existat discutii in vederea redenumirii statiei, dar se pare ca nu s-a luat nicio decizie in acest sens.

O perspectiva cu bulevardul (larg, tipic cartierelor dormitor sovietice) cu tramvai pe mijloc:

st.petersburg-bukahrestskaya-00.jpg (54.94 KB; downloaded 6574 times)


Re: Rusia - altele Aron

Iata ce am gasit pe :
Ziu in dubla tractiune :shock:

Interesant este cat de greu era sa manevrezi asa ceva. Oare mai greu decat rocarul nostru dublu articulat? :D  Daca mai gasesc informatii despre asta o sa postez
Orasul cu pricina este Sankt Petersburg


  • ADY881
  • Posted:

Re: Rusia - altele ADY881

In Sankt Petersburg au cumparat 3 noi tramvaie de la Alstom, scurte de acest tip:
Aceste tramvaie trebuiau initial sa fie pentru Moscova, insa acolo licitatia a fost castigata de catre PESA, si acum francezii s-au focusat pe capitala de nord a Rusiei.
Interesant este pretul, cu care a fost cumparate aceste tramvaie, francezii au vandut fiecare unitate cu ~ 1.100.000 de euro, desi primariei Moscovei ii cereau 1.600.000 euro. Scaderea pretului a avut loc datorita faptului ca Alstomul nu vrea sa piarda piata rusa.
PS De ce primaria Bucurestiului tot insista sa produca tramvaie  doar  la URAC, cand am putea sa facem si la noi si sa cumparam spre ex asa tramvaie franceze cu AC, 100% LF si cu toate cele ?


Re: Rusia - altele Aron

In Sankt Petersburg a venit iarna adevarata si as vrea sa share-uiesc si eu aceasta poza care e o adevarata capodopera


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg WAYNEN

Incepand cu luna decembrie 2017,au sosit in Sankt Petersburg troleibuze Trolza 5265.08 Megapolis cu baterii reincarcabile,iar trei linii de troleibuz:2,23 si 41 au fost prelungite in cartiere si in zone care nu beneficiaza de retele de troleibuz.
Link cu traseul liniei 2 de troleibuz:  
Link cu traseul liniei 23 de troleibuz:
Link cu traseul liniei 41 de troleibuz:
Trolleybus 2 in Sankt Petersburg.jpg (318.49 KB; downloaded 4575 times)


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg WAYNEN

Pe data de 3 octombrie 2019,s-au dat în folosință încă 3 stații de metrou în Sankt Petersburg de pe magistrala 5 de metrou:Prospekt Slavy,Dunayskaya și Shushary.Primele două stații sunt subterane și sunt situate pe strada București,iar a treia este la suprafață și se află dincolo de Șoseaua de centură a orașului.În momentul de față,metroul din Sankt Petersburg are 5 magistrale și 72 de stații.

Atașez și câteva poze cu noile stații de metrou.
Stația de metrou Prospekt Slavy(peron central):
Sankt Petersburg metro station Prospekt Slavy 1.jpg (490.37 KB; downloaded 4062 times)

Sankt Petersburg metro station Prospekt Slavy 2.jpg (498.49 KB; downloaded 4064 times)

Stația de metrou Dunayskaya(peroane laterale):
Sankt Petersburg metro station Dunayvskaya 1.jpg (497.93 KB; downloaded 4071 times)

Sankt Petersburg metro station Dunayvskaya 2.jpg (493.01 KB; downloaded 4066 times)

Stația de metrou Shushary(peroane laterale):
Sankt Petersburg metro station Shushary 1.jpg (490.44 KB; downloaded 4069 times)

Sankt Petersburg metro station Shushary 2.jpg (442.06 KB; downloaded 4065 times)

Sankt Petersburg metro station Shushary 3.jpg (442.16 KB; downloaded 4063 times)


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg PTMZ

St. Petersburg will become the first city in Russia to receive unique domestic trams with an aluminum body
The Russian developer and manufacturer of modern urban electric transport PK Transport Systems (PK TS) decided to supply St. Petersburg with two three-section 100% low-floor innovative trams 71-931M Vityaz-Leningrad, whose bodies are made of aluminum, instead of the standard Vityaz-M models.

This was stated by the president of PK Transport Systems Feliks Vinokur during an organized press tour at the Nevsky Electric Transport Plant named after F.L. Pirotsky, where the presentation of new trams for St. Petersburg took place.

As a reminder, PK Transport Systems will supply 13 trams to St. Petersburg by March 2021 within the framework of the contract signed in November 2020: 11 two-section carriages 71-923M Bogatyr M and two three-section models 71-931M Vityaz-Leningrad.

"St. Petersburg is a special city for our company, because it was here that our Nevsky Electric Transport Plant appeared, which made a significant contribution to the revival of the glorious traditions of St. Petersburg tram construction," comments Feliks Vinokur, President of PK Transport Systems. - It was in St. Petersburg that a number of the first models of our products appeared: in 2015, the first Vityaz trams arrived here, in 2017 - Bogatyr and Vityaz M trams, in 2020 - Admiral trolleybuses. This year St. Petersburg will become the first city to receive modified Bogatyr M trams. We are pleased that the city authorities choose only the most modern and advanced equipment when renewing the rolling stock of public transport and trust our products. We decided to reciprocate and supply the city with a unique product that no one in Russia makes. Vityaz-Leningrad is today the safest, most durable and comfortable domestic tram. This is a new step in the history of the domestic tram industry, and St. Petersburg will now become a part of this significant event."

The innovative model Vityaz-Leningrad is based on the tram Vityaz M, which is well known to the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and is its improved modification. Due to the modernization of the tram bogie, the movement of the car will become even smoother and more quiet. The exterior design and ergonomics of the cabin have also undergone restyling: LED lighting lines, more modern climate control system, media system for broadcasting route information, as well as USB connectors for recharging mobile gadgets and access to a new type of Wi-Fi. The car will also be equipped with modern control systems, video surveillance, GLONASS/GPS position sensors, comfortable stainless steel seats and wide doors with a memory function. Number of seats: 70. Total passenger capacity: 185 people.

The aluminum body is 20% lighter than the steel one, which reduces the load on the rails, and thus increases the service life of the tracks. Aluminum does not lose its flexibility and retains its shape for a long time, unlike steel, which wears out faster and can change shape under the influence of natural and physical factors. Aluminum alloys are highly resistant to corrosion, which makes it possible to almost double its service life (more than 30 years) and reduce repair and maintenance costs: during operation, it is not necessary to change tram body units due to the increased fatigue resistance of welded seams.

At the initiative of PK Transport Systems, a passive safety system was installed in trams - an emergency crash system of our own design, which is designed to reduce the risk of injury to passengers and other road users, as well as to protect the main parts of the car structure in the event of an emergency collision. Installed energy-absorbing body elements and hydrodynamic crash elements on the front and rear bumpers of the tram will absorb kinetic energy. In Russia, this technology is not yet used on tram bodies.

The Vityaz-Leningrad tram got its name as a sign of respect for the glorious traditions of St. Petersburg tram construction. For a long time this city was the tram capital of the world with the largest tram system, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It was here that the first inventor of the tram, Fedor Pirotsky, lived and worked, after whom the Nevsky Electric Transport Plant, which is part of the PK TS, was named in his honor in September 2020.

Over the past five years, PK Transport Systems has delivered 45 trams to St. Petersburg: ten models 71-931 "Vityaz", three models 71-923 "Bogatyr" and thirty-two models 71-931M "Vityaz-M". In addition, the company delivered 87 Admiral trolleybuses to the city on the Neva, the final assembly line of which was opened at the Nevsky Electric Transport Plant named after F.A. Pirotsky in September 2020.

Sursa: PK TS
Fotografiile din comunicat:
v-l1.jpg (148.87 KB; downloaded 3306 times)
v-l2.jpg (173.16 KB; downloaded 3270 times)
v-l3.jpg (148.12 KB; downloaded 3269 times)
v-l4.jpg (147.45 KB; downloaded 3269 times)
v-l5.jpg (144.1 KB; downloaded 3269 times)
v-l6.jpg (131.49 KB; downloaded 3270 times)


Rusia - Sankt Petersburg Andrei Andraș

Despre ceva de genul (fără secțiunea B) ar trebui să vorbim și în cazul "produsului Pașcaniului" ofertat la București.


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg PTMZ

Sau modelul nou 71-921 "Corsar", care are 20m:
dscf5888.jpg (226.11 KB; downloaded 3235 times)
dsc_4161.jpg (378.03 KB; downloaded 3230 times)

Sursa foto: PK-TS


Rusia - Sankt Petersburg Andrei Andraș

Cerându-se min. 17m și max. 21m, da, despre el (Bogatyr-M) o fi vorba.

Edit: Corsair este pentru ecartament îngust: „Tram car 71-921 Corsair is the first Russian narrow-gauge 100%-low-floor tram car.”


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg bercenicity

Se cereau boghiuri pivotante. Boghiul 2 e fix.


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg andreiiul

VIDEO. Accident bizar în Rusia. Călătorii nu vor uita prea curând experiența
Pasagerii unui autobuz din Rusia nu vor uita prea curând experiența trăită, după ce au simțit pe propria piele urmările unui accident mai puțin obișnuit. S-a întâmplat în Sankt Petersburg, unde șoferul a pierdut controlul volanului. Prin urmare, autovehiculul a pătruns pe trotuar și a lovit în plin un stâlp, pe care a rămas pur și simplu suspendat.
Martorilor nu le-a venit să creadă ce au văzut și după ce și-au revenit din uimire s-au repezit să-i salveze pe oamenii din interior. Nu au reușit, așa că au așteptat sosirea pompierilor.

Zece pasageri erau în acel moment în autovehicul, iar patru din ei au suferit răni grave și au fost transportați la spital. Poliția bănuiește că accidentul s-a produs după ce șoferului i s-a făcut rău.


Re: Rusia - Sankt Petersburg andrei11

Se cunoaște că-i stâlp rusesc, a rezistat !


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