Transportul în lumeEuropaGermania / DeutschlandBerlin și Brandenburg (VBB)Berlin


Topic: Autobuze

10 posts, 3818 views
Autobuze R936

Diverse autobuze fotografiate în Berlin

Scania Citywide
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MAN Lion's City DD #3287
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VDL Citea #2463
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Mercedes Citaro
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Re: Berlin: autobuze R936

Autobuze turistice
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MAN Lion's City, Mercedes Citaro 2 și Mercedes Intouro în fața intrării sudice a Messe Berlin
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Din cauza unor lucrări la rețeaua S-Bahn, pe liniile S41 și S42 s-a făcut transbordare cu autobuze între stațiile Ostkreuz și Schönhauser Allee.
Câteva dintre autobuzele cu care s-a efectuat transbordarea:
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Re: Berlin: autobuze WT_fan06

Au sosit primele Citaro comandate de BVG

Primele două autobuze Citaro C2 euro 6 au sosit - unul solo și unul articulat. 948 urmează, dintre care 20 ajung anul acesta. La final vor fi 600 articulate și 350 solo, conform busworld.

Link: ... bvg-berlin


Re: Berlin: autobuze Robert24

Azi a fost livrat catre BVG primul autobuz electric eCitaro. Vor fi 15 bucati.

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Re: Berlin: autobuze punmeister

GERMANY: Daimler Buses handed over the first of 15 eCitaro battery buses to Berlin transport operator BVG on March 27. BVG placed the order last year.

The buses are equipped with 10 battery modules providing a total capacity of 243 kWh, which will be charged using plug-in equipment at the depot. These enable a range of between 150 km and 250 km.

The air-conditioned buses are fitted with a thermal management system to lower energy consumption, as well as 15 double USB ports, three passenger information displays, multifunction spaces, and exterior and interior CCTV cameras.
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Re: Berlin: autobuze punmeister

BVG a inceput turul de forta cu autobuzele electrice, tocmai au dat o comanda de 90 de autobuze celor de la Solaris.
Finantarea vine din partea Ministerului Federal al Transporturilor si al Infrastructurii Digitale (cum e la noi cu MDRAP si AFM).
Berlin electric bus fleet ‘grows up’ thanks to a new order for no less than 90 Solaris Urbino 12 electric. They’ll be delivered to BVG from spring 2020 on and will feature electric heating system and pantograph for fast charging. The contract, including charging infrastructures, is worth some 61 million euros. ... c-ordered/ ... ahren.html


Re: Berlin: autobuze Dragos31

De astazi soferii de autobuze din Berlin nu mai vând bilete călătorilor, în contextul riscului de infectare al acestora cu noul coronavirus.

Astfel, urcarea și coborârea se efectuează doar pe la ușile 2 și 3(unde aceasta există), ușa din față rămânând închisă.

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Sursa foto și informație: ... 342182312/


Re: Berlin: autobuze PaulIP

Traiasca peretele despartitor "full-width"!


Re: Berlin: autobuze PTMZ

The supervisory board of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) has given the go-ahead for the purchase of 90 more electric buses. The vehicles are 12-metre-long battery monoplanes that will be charged in the depot.

The winner or winners of the process will be announced after the legally required objection period has expired – so it is still unclear which manufacturer the vehicles were ordered from. As the “Tagesspiegel” writes, the order is said to have gone to the Dutch electric bus and charging infrastructure manufacturer Ebusco. It would be BVG’s first order with Ebusco.

BVG states that by charging the buses in between, their “daily mileage can be maximised”. However, this will not involve rapid charging at terminal stops by pantograph. As a spokeswoman explained to the Tagesspiegel, the use of the buses will be controlled in such a way that they will travel to the depot between the scheduled trips and be loaded there.

The approved budget for the 90 new vehicles, including the required charging infrastructure, is around 65 million euros in total. The delivery of all buses is scheduled for the end of 2022. This will increase BVG’s fleet to 228 electric buses.

Up to now, BVG’s electric bus fleet has largely consisted of vehicles from the Polish manufacturer Solaris: 122 Solaris electric buses are currently on the road in the capital. In addition, there are 13 eCitaro from Mercedes-Benz.

The Dutch manufacturer had presented its Ebusco 3.0 in October 2019. So far, the company is mainly represented in the Netherlands and Scandinavia. In Germany, some Ebusco are on the road in Frankfurt, Munich and Bad Tölz.



Re: Autobuze macheta218


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