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Topic: Lisabona - tramvaie

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Lisabona - tramvaie ANTENA

Vagoane retro. Au functionat si Bucuresti prin anii '70. Prin Lisabona sunt acum mai mult in scop turistic.
Se observa ecartamentul mult mai ingust, cam ca cel din Iasi.
Acest tip de vagon e echipat cu pantograf obisnuit si cu captator de troleibuz. In zona centrului istoric se mergea cu captatorul de troleibuz. In restul orasului, cu pantograf normal.
2011-07-10 10.45.31.jpg (122.22 KB; downloaded 6774 times)
2011-07-10 10.46.41.jpg (163.89 KB; downloaded 6789 times)
2011-07-10 12.04.28.jpg (159.67 KB; downloaded 6776 times)
2011-07-10 14.01.12.jpg (168.08 KB; downloaded 6779 times)



Si vagoane Siemens, model ce se poate regasi in mai multe capitale europene ...
2011-07-10 14.23.25.jpg (173.39 KB; downloaded 6794 times)


  • Dr2005
  • Posted:

Re: PORTUGALIA - Lisabona Dr2005

ANTENA wrote:
Vagoane retro. Au functionat si Bucuresti prin anii '70.

Vagoane Brill nu au existat niciodată în Bucureşti. Şi nici vagoane cu captator. Vagoanele Siemens/Duewag sunt făcute pe comandă pentru Lisabona.


Re: PORTUGALIA - Lisabona Dominatrix

ANTENA wrote:
Vagoane retro. Au functionat si Bucuresti prin anii '70. Prin Lisabona sunt acum mai mult in scop turistic.
Popular se numescRemodelados :P Majoritatea au fost modernizate cu motoare Skoda. Interesant ca in ele se urca numai prin usa din fata, iar vatmanul vinde bilete si verifica legitimatiile de calatorie, spre deosebire de vagoanele moderne Siemens la care urcarea si validarea se face in mod obisnuit.
ANTENA wrote:
Si vagoane Siemens, model ce se poate regasi in mai multe capitale europene ...
Vagoanele Siemens (10 in total) circula numai pe linia 15 (Algés - Praça da Figueira), fiindca e singurul traseu pe care se incadreaza in gabarit.
ANTENA wrote:
Se observa ecartamentul mult mai ingust, cam ca cel din Iasi.
La Iasi (si Arad) se foloseste ecartamentul de 1000 mm. La Lisabona ecartamentul este de 900 mm. Din cate cunosc, acest ecartament atipic e folosit in doar 2 locuri in lume la tramvaie: Lisabona si Linz (Austria).


Re: Portugalia - Lisabona Robert24

Tramvaie Siemens pe linia 15E

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Re: Portugalia - Lisabona Robert24

Tramvaiele "istorice"

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Re: Portugalia - Lisabona Robert24

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Re: Portugalia - Lisabona Robert24

Cateva astfel de tramvaie sunt rosii si sunt folosite pe un tur turistic oficial. De fapt linia turistica coincide cu linia 12 si parti din linia 28, doar ca pretul e mult mai mare :)

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Re: Portugalia - Lisabona Robert24

O "reproducere" a unei picturi superbe! :)
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Re: Portugalia - Lisabona punmeister

CAF va livra 15 tramvaie Urbos AXL la Lisabona.
PORTUGAL: CAF has won a competition to supply 15 trams to Lisboa bus and tram operator Carris. CAF’s proposal was selected ahead of a bid from Stadler, whose offer was around €1·5m more.

The €45m procurement was launched in April 2018 and includes €5m for maintenance activity. The tender specifications stipulated that the trams needed to be ‘bigger and have more capacity’ then the current Carris fleet.

The first of the 15 vehicles is expected to enter service in 2021 with the remaining cars arriving over the course of 2022-23. The tram procurement is the first to be undertaken by Carris since 1995, when it ordered 10 articulated LRVs from Siemens. The operator retains a fleet of 38 heritage cars which are widely regarded as a symbol of the city.

The CAF trams are primarily being ordered for use on Line 15, the largely segregated riverside route which links Praça da Figueira, Cais do Sodré, Belém and Algés. However, the procurement will also support Carris’ long term objectives to expand the tram network; this is a core objective of Lisboa municipality which took control of Carris from the national government in 2017.

Among the initial expansion plans is a proposal to lengthen Line 15 at both ends, westwards from Algés to the Oeiras district and eastwards through the city centre to an interchange with main line and Blue Line metro services at Santa Apolonia. Carris saw ridership growth of 2·8% in the last financial year. ... 05.article
La prima vedere din randari, seamana foarte mult cu tramvaiele Flexity Swift de la Melbourne.


Re: Portugalia - Lisabona bercenicity

Chiar ele sunt. Le-au schimbat schema de culoare. Randari demne de firma de aprtament.


Re: Portugalia - Lisabona punmeister

Ba e posibil sa ia cu copy-paste designul tramvaielor Flexity Swift, cum au facut  la Amsterdam cu ramele Inneo M7/8 care arata identic cu Alstom Metropolis M5/6.


Re: Portugalia - Lisabona punmeister

PORTUGAL: On January 24, Metropolitano de Lisboa selected a consortium of Stadler Valencia and Siemens Mobility Unipessoal to provide rolling stock and signalling equipment under contracts worth €114m.

Stadler will supply 14 three-car metro trainsets, while Siemens’ CBTC is to be installed on the Blue, Yellow, and Green lines, replacing legacy equipment dating from the 1970s. This will enable services to be automated in the future. The offer from Siemens and Stadler was chosen ahead of a rival bid from CRRC and Thales.

The contract includes preventive and corrective maintenance of all equipment for a period of three years, which can be extended for another two years after the acceptance of the trains and signalling equipment.

According to the operator, the new rolling stock will increase passenger comfort and accessibility while also providing enhanced communications, security, and video surveillance systems.

The investment programme is intended to sustain the strong growth across the network, which saw a 9% year-on-year increase in ridership in 2018-19. ... 49.article


Re: Lisabona - Autobuze Aron

Cateva poze facute in fuga, la scurta mea sedere in Lisabona
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