Transportul în lumeEuropaSerbia / Srbija


Topic: Belgrad - generalități

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Belgrad - generalități shoppy

Cabride in Belgrad, foarte frumos, 6km de tunelele, 3 km de poduri


Re: Belgrad shoppy

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Old Sava Bridge to be moved to land
What the Old Sava Bridge might look like at the Usce Park (Photo:
The result of the anonymous citizen survey on the website of the City of Belgrade is for the Old Sava Bridge to be moved to the Usce Park and for a new bridge for cyclists and pedestrians to be built upstream, Alo writes, as reported by Beta.

The head urban planner of Belgrade, Marko Stojcic, said that “most citizens chose the option of moving the structure of the Old Sava Bridge to the Usce Park and having a a new bridge built, which will connect New Belgrade with Ada Ciganlija”.

He added that it was “just the beginning of the idea about the new functions of the bridge”.

Stojcic said that the selected option “entails several interventions, the development of which is yet to take place” and added that he hoped that there would be more concrete plans after two weeks.

The citizens chose the option which entails two phases – the construction of a new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists as an extension of Omladinskih Brigada Street to Ada Ciganlija and the disassembly of the Old Sava Bridge and its re-assembly in the location between the Usce Shopping Center and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

The bridge would act as a sculpture in the Usce Park, 4.5 meters above the ground, and the space underneath the bridge would have “cultural, commercial and entertainment features”.

The investment value of the works is around RSD 1.7 billion (EUR 15 million).

The survey was open until December 15. ... ed-to-land
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