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Topic: Autobuze

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Autobuze Costin

Intentia mea e sa prezint cateva noutati si curiozitati din domeniu. Nu voi face un inventar al modelelor de autobuz, si nici o prezentare a fiecaruia. Astfel, o sa incep cu autobuzele electrice VDL ale operatorului Unibuss. Chiar in aceasta perioada au inceput sa fie livrate atobuzele articulate BYD pentru Nobina, dar sunt inca putine si doar in teste, deci le va veni randul cand vor fi "accesibile" calatorului de rand :)

Revenind. Unibuss, unul dintre operatorii "mari" din Oslo, detine 40 de autobuze VDL Citea 12m si le foloseste, printre altele, pe acest traseu. Am pus linkul GMaps pentru biciclete ca sa se vada elevatia, pentru ca mi se pare impresionant cum aceste autobuze pot urca fara probleme o asemenea rampa, si inca par a fi conduse foarte "infipt". In acelasi timp, cu aerul conditionat pornit la putere destul de mare (stilul norvegian - 27° afara si 20° in autobuz).

In fine, sa vedem cateva imagini. Stilul lor de indicatoare de statie (prezentat in topicul de generalitati) face incadrarea foto destul de grea... in fine, prima poza este in statia Ekeberg camping, iar restul sunt la Mortensrud (in imagini sunt de fapt doua vehicule, daca sunteti atenti la numarul de parc :) ambele surprinse in timp ce se incarcau rapid). Ambele statii sunt prezentate la "generalitati".
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Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Aici putem vedea un autobuz MAN NG 313 al UniBuss care "stie" sa mearga pe linia de tramvai si sa si opreasca la refugiul respectiv. De mentionat ca atat soferii de autobuz cat si vatmanii sunt cam "tematori" cand se intalnesc in asemenea statii si merg cu viteza redusa, si adevarul este ca doua vehicule, indiferent de tip, sunt foarte apropiate...

Ca o curiozitate, sub semnul de circulatie "ocolire prin dreapta" este un semn aditional care spune "nu se aplica autobuzelor in serviciu comercial". Deci, la retragere, merg prin dreapta :)
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Re: Oslo - Autobuze punmeister

La Oslo mai trebuie sa vina si 17 autobuze Volvo 7900 Electric ale Norgebuss.


Re: Oslo - Autobuze cris_m

Ar fi interesant daca ai masura cumva distanta dintre acele refugii. Sa vedem si noi cat ar mai fi nevoie la noi pentru o astfel de solutie :)


Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Google Earth spune ca, in cazul statiei din poza de mai sus, este o distanta de fix 6.24m din bordura in bordura.

Cu ruleta nu ma duc sa masor :no:


Re: Oslo - Autobuze cris_m

Ok, mersi. Ma duc eu sa masor pe aici :)


Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Cred ca te poti baza pe Google Earth, totusi :) oricum, ochiometric, pare mai larg spatiul decat in Bucuresti. Cu putin, dar asa pare.


Re: Oslo - Autobuze punmeister

Ieri BYD a livrat 23 de e-busuri de 12 metri pentru Unibuss.
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Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Luna aceasta a fost incheiata livrarea catre UniBuss a 127 de autobuze MAN Lion's City de 12, 15 si 18 m pe biocombustibil pe baza de ulei vegetal. Nu am gasit informatii despre cand a fost plasata comanda initiala, insa masinile sunt pe caroseria veche (model 2015 ish).

Ca aspect interior si exterior sunt perfect identice cu modelele mai vechi pe aceeasi caroserie. In mers nu am constatat mari diferente, insa am prins un bus din noua generatie doar o singura data, si atunci a fost cu probabil cel mai prost sofer din lume (smucit, urca busul pe trotuar, de cateva ori era sa uite sa faca stranga/dreapta sau sa opreasca in statie si  a facut manevre bruste etc), deci greu de format o opinie...

16 Oct 2020

The 127 MAN Lion’s City buses will be powered by HVO biofuel. The move represents a significant statement in terms of public transport operator Unibuss's commitment to protecting the environment. The delivery comprises 71 MAN Lion's City L LE, 33 MAN Lion's City LE and 23 MAN Lion's City GL buses, ranging from 12 to 18.75 metres in length.

These solobuses and articulated buses can seat between 43 and 57 passengers. The first buses of this order were delivered at the end of June – the entire fleet is now making its rounds on the streets of Oslo. The city buses will be deployed in several areas in and around the city of Oslo, including Vestre Aker, a district in the north-west of Oslo, Nesøya, a small island in the municipality of Asker, and Bærum, a municipality in the Norwegian county of Viken. The first lot of new MAN Lion's City buses have been out on the streets of the Norwegian capital since the end of June. All 127 vehicles were put into operation by the start of autumn. "We have had an excellent working relationship with MAN. We are impressed that the buses were delivered on schedule despite the fact that factories were closed due to the coronavirus pandemic," said Øystein Svendsen, CEO of Unibuss.

Each of the articulated, low-floor buses is powered by a D2066 LUH diesel engine. MAN Truck & Bus also handed over 33 MAN Lion's City LE buses to Unibuss. These 12-m-long, solobuses can seat 43 passengers. They are powered by a 290 hp (213 kW) D0836 LOH diesel engine, which also runs on HVO biofuel. All three bus types meet the Euro 6 emission standard. ... for-oslo


Re: Oslo - Autobuze punmeister

Oslo va avea 183 de autobuze Solaris Urbino 18 Electric echipate cu baterii High Energy de 500kWh, valoarea contractului este de 100 de milioane de euro.

Almost 200 Solaris Urbino electric to run in Oslo for Unibuss. The largest e-articulated contract in the bus builder history

Unibuss AS has signed a contract for as many as 183 Urbino 18 electric buses. They’ll be in operation in Oslo. The total value of the contract, concluded as a result of a tender, stands approximately €100 mln euro. It is the largest contract for Solaris for battery articulated vehicles completed so far, being the second one the commission of 130 vehicles from MZA Warsaw. The Unibuss AS has signed a contract for as many as 183 Urbino 18 electric buses. They’ll be in operation in Oslo. The total value of the contract, concluded as a result of a tender, stands approximately €100 mln euro.

It is the largest contract for Solaris for battery articulated vehicles completed so far, being the second one the commission of 130 vehicles from MZA Warsaw.

The zero-emission Urbino 18 electric buses will replace the older Solaris Urbino model that is used in the city traffic in Oslo. The new buses will be in operations in April 2023, according to schedule. Another major e-bus order for the Norwegian capital concerns a fleet of 102 VDL Citea Electric.

500 kWh on board of Solaris e-buses for Oslo

The buses to run on the streets of Oslo will be fitted with High Energy batteries with a total capacity of over 500 kWh. They will be recharged using a plug-in charger. A central motor with a power of almost 250 kW will be responsible for the drive.

The inhabitants of Oslo will have an opportunity to experience how comfortable daily urban life can be thanks to all the features supported by the articulated Urbino 18 electric vehicles. They include, among other things, availability of USB chargers, special ambient lights or a double ramp for people with disabilities. With the current pandemic situation in mind, special, reinforced filters will be used in the air conditioning system to provide additional protection against viruses. The presence of zero-emission Urbino electric buses in the centre of Oslo will translate not only to more comfortable travelling but also to better safety for all urban traffic participants.

Solaris – Unibuss: zero emission buses for Oslo

“We are extremely proud of the trust that Unibuss AS has again placed in us and we are really looking forward to further expanding our collaboration. A contract for such a large delivery of e-buses is also ample proof of the zero-emission revolution becoming reality. The residents of Oslo will soon have the opportunity to see it for themselves when travelling on comfortable Urbino 18 electric buses”, underlined Sverre Skaar, Managing Director of Solaris Norge AS.

“Unibuss is very pleased with the selection of Solaris as the supplier of the largest busfleet in any tender in Norway. Unibuss in close cooperation with Solaris will provide Ruter with a stable and high quality busfleet in the capitol of Norway. Unibuss and Solaris has a long standing relationship, and we are happy to develop this further”, emphasises Øystein Svendsen CEO of Unibuss. ... unibuss/


Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Din aceeasi categorie. Unibuss s-a retras din sudul orasului si e inlocuit de Norgesbuss, care a intrat pe trasee cu un lot nou de VDL Citea electrice. Tranzitia nu e completa, inca circula in paralel Norgesbuss si Unibuss, urmand ca Unibuss sa dispara complet in perioada urmatoare. Probabil vor prelua trasee in nord-estul orasului (de unde vine Norgesbuss).

102 Citeas for Oslo South: largest VDL Bus & Coach electric bus fleet in Europe

The largest electric bus fleet to be supplied by VDL Bus & Coach will take to Oslo’s roads  from January 2022. With the delivery of 102 Citeas, VDL Bus & Coach is contributing to an important objective of the Norwegian city: by 2028, public transport must be completely emission-free. The 83 Citeas SLFA-180 Electric and 19 SLF-120 Electric will cover a total of approximately 7 million clean kilometres per year. ... n-europe


Re: Oslo - Autobuze punmeister

Oslo devine primul oras beneficiar al noului Urbino 18.75 Electric!

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Urbino 18.75 electric – tried and tested quality in any conditions

The second vehicle presented by Solaris at Transexpo 2022 is the articulated electric bus that was extended to 18.75 metres. This articulated Urbino vehicle is the second most popular bus among Solaris electric solutions. The vehicle displayed in Kielce this year is the first 4th generation model with extended body of 18.75 metres.

The bus is locally emission-free, and its 240 kW central traction motor ensures smooth acceleration and silent operation. The increased bus interior provides for optimal driving range and higher passenger capacity. The vehicle is equipped with high-capacity batteries of over 520 kWh. At the same time, due to its longer body, the vehicle boasts three bays for wheelchair-bound passengers and 138 passengers, in which 41 seated aboard the bus.

Similarly to the 12-metre bus, also here the manufacturer paid attention to a very well equipped interior to ensure comfortable and safe journey for passengers. In addition to the MobilEye system and cameras that replaced classic mirrors, the driver can use wide-angle cameras that deliver the 360 degree bird’s eye view. This ensures an even higher safety and comfort to the driver. Besides, the bus is equipped with the dusk and rain sensor, as well as an automatic device to detect driver’s fatigue.

The bus presented this year was designed to operate in the most severe weather conditions and is equipped with a special Scandinavian thermal insulation package. It consists of such solutions as additional insulation of the side walls and roof as well as of the chassis around the wheel arches, double-glazed side windows and heating mats installed in the floor, in the door area. It improves passengers’ thermal comfort and decreases energy consumption on frosty days. In addition, snow chains can be installed on the Urbino 18.75 electric bus, as these are often part of the standard equipment of city buses in Scandinavia.

It is worth mentioning that the Urbino 18.75 electric bus is one of 183 similar units ordered by carrier Unibuss AS from Oslo. This has been so far the biggest order for Solaris articulated electric buses. ... 022-1847


Re: Oslo - Autobuze Costin

Ultima generatie de autobuze diesel de la ei - 2019 - are destul de multe probleme: ploua in ele, instalatia electrica auxiliara se comporta imprevizibil, finisaje de calitate proasta cu elemente care se rup sau desprind usor etc. Sa speram ca aceste autobuze electrice vor reprezenta revenirea la calitatea si atentia pentru detalii cu care Solaris a devenit cunoscuta.


Re: Oslo - Autobuze Andrei98

Ce este instalat in partea dreapta sus la prima poza cu interiorul? Nu am mai vazut pana acum la vreun solaris asa ceva.


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