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Topic: Autobuzele MAZ 103 (2004-2020)

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Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92

Am aflat intre timp. BV 13 FIO are numarul de parc 644...


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92

Cateva MAZ-uri de ieri pe care le-am intalnit la Brasov...

621, 625, 635, 639, 656
621.JPG (197.81 KB; downloaded 6710 times)
625.JPG (192.97 KB; downloaded 6810 times)
635.JPG (194.55 KB; downloaded 6671 times)
639.JPG (193.76 KB; downloaded 6671 times)
656.JPG (193.68 KB; downloaded 6671 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Robert24

640, 651, 658 si 659
bv 640_24.jpg (312.31 KB; downloaded 6635 times)
bv 651.jpg (315.69 KB; downloaded 6657 times)
bv 658_31.jpg (379.69 KB; downloaded 6634 times)
bv 659_36.jpg (353.31 KB; downloaded 6635 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92

626, 630, 631, 640, 643, 649, 651, 657
626 Linia6.JPG (167.7 KB; downloaded 6590 times)
630.JPG (235.88 KB; downloaded 6589 times)
631.JPG (210.36 KB; downloaded 6609 times)
640.JPG (210.94 KB; downloaded 6598 times)
643 ValeaCetatii32.JPG (237.51 KB; downloaded 6594 times)
649.JPG (195.52 KB; downloaded 6587 times)
651.JPG (207.98 KB; downloaded 6587 times)
657.JPG (183.94 KB; downloaded 6589 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92

620, 629, 638, 642, 646, 655, 659
620 Bd.Garii35.JPG (247.22 KB; downloaded 6561 times)
629.JPG (272.15 KB; downloaded 6559 times)
638.JPG (212.76 KB; downloaded 6561 times)
642.JPG (218.54 KB; downloaded 6574 times)
646.JPG (188.14 KB; downloaded 6562 times)
655.JPG (215.26 KB; downloaded 6559 times)
659.JPG (228.92 KB; downloaded 6560 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Robert24

632, 643 si 657

Bv 632.jpg (162.35 KB; downloaded 6471 times)
Bv 643.jpg (162.72 KB; downloaded 6476 times)
Bv 657.jpg (171.63 KB; downloaded 6472 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92

616, 628, 629
616 - 34 - 10.10.2014.JPG (274.94 KB; downloaded 6431 times)
628 - 1 - 10.10.2014.JPG (218.67 KB; downloaded 6423 times)
629 - 14- 10.10.2014.JPG (274 KB; downloaded 6426 times)


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ Victor92





Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ 19jimmy84

Brasov, Livada Postei, septembrie 2015

973 by 19jimmy84, on Flickr


Re: RAT Brasov - Autobuze MAZ sorinache96

#654(autobuzul lovit de tren) si #656 au fost casate in aprilie 2018
#644 - defect cu cutia de viteze(cutie luata de pe #654 si care a rezistat doar 1 an) a inceput sa fie descompletat


Re: SC RATBV SA - Autobuze MAZ sorinache96

#644 a fost casat in luna decembrie 2018

#625, #627 si #629 asteapta autogenul. 27.12.2018
#625.jpg (229.43 KB; downloaded 5202 times)
#629 si #627.jpg (239.96 KB; downloaded 5184 times)


Re: Autobuze MAZ (2002-201x) micutzu

Cate din ele mai sunt active dupa sosirea noilor autobuze Menarini?


Re: Autobuze MAZ (2002-201x) alex83

Din ce am vazut eu, de la garajul de pe Harmanului (adica cele galbene), saptamana trecuta: #616, #617, #621, #622. #620 l-am vazut cu cateva saptamani in urma, la fel si #628. Si cred ca astea sunt toate care mai misca din cele 15 de acest tip. Dar motivul pentru care mai sunt atatea nu e fiindca au sosit noile autobuze, ci fiindca atatea au supravietuit. Si cred ca mai stau cel putin pana vor intra primele unitati de 12m de Menarini in garajul de pe Harmanului.


Autobuze MAZ (2002-201x) Andrei Andraș

Game over pentru 658.  :popa:  A fost respins la ITP și respins va rămâne.
50931738_940741292982955_5621496910629044224_o.jpg (179.12 KB; downloaded 4994 times)


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