Regiunile RomânieiCrișanaJudețul AradTransportul în comun din municipiul Arad (SC CTP SA)


Topic: Tramvaiele Tatra (T4R si T4D/B4D)

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  • Utilizator anonim
  • Posted: Thursday, 06.12.2012, 16:29

Tramvaiele Tatra (T4R si T4D/B4D) Utilizator anonim

Cateva poze din luna martie...

IMG_5299.JPG (403.51 KB; downloaded 9325 times)

IMG_5342.JPG (354.98 KB; downloaded 9085 times)

IMG_5344.JPG (452.84 KB; downloaded 9079 times)

IMG_5364.JPG (426.28 KB; downloaded 9101 times)

IMG_5366.JPG (347.88 KB; downloaded 9051 times)


  • Gabi23
  • Posted: Sunday, 09.12.2012, 23:29

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Gabi23

1046, 1115, 1124 in vara anului 2010

Tramvaie CTP Arad - August 2010 (3).JPG (326.98 KB; downloaded 9014 times)

Tramvaie CTP Arad - August 2010 (9).JPG (226.46 KB; downloaded 9014 times)

Tramvaie CTP Arad - August 2010 (10).JPG (196.12 KB; downloaded 9008 times)


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 28.06.2014, 21:09

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Tatre pozate in perioada 25-27 Iunie 2014 la Arad in diverse locuri ...

De mentionat faptul ca 140 este singurul model TATRA T4R care mai circula in orasul din vestul tarii ...a iesit recent de la RK.

De remarcat remorca 150 ...

Maine revin cu poze din Depoul UTA + celelalte tramvaie din oras daca reusesc.

Partea I

140 lateral.JPG (243.76 KB; downloaded 8794 times)

140.JPG (296.85 KB; downloaded 8817 times)

150.JPG (318.65 KB; downloaded 8798 times)

1046 Teatru.JPG (242.98 KB; downloaded 8801 times)

1046.JPG (254.5 KB; downloaded 8814 times)

1069 Primarie.JPG (310.65 KB; downloaded 8796 times)

1069.JPG (312.41 KB; downloaded 8797 times)

1069+150.JPG (280.15 KB; downloaded 8806 times)

1100 Gai6.JPG (268.2 KB; downloaded 8798 times)

1100 GaleriileArad6.JPG (255.63 KB; downloaded 8807 times)

1100 Romana6.JPG (242.92 KB; downloaded 8796 times)

1111 MViteazu16.JPG (307.99 KB; downloaded 8801 times)

1115 CET15B.JPG (246.77 KB; downloaded 8826 times)

1115 UTA15.JPG (288.51 KB; downloaded 8796 times)

1120+199 Teatru.JPG (307.84 KB; downloaded 8808 times)

1120+199.JPG (239.05 KB; downloaded 8818 times)

1129 Dunarea1.JPG (221.8 KB; downloaded 8795 times)

1129 Gai.JPG (168.46 KB; downloaded 8792 times)

1129 Gai1.JPG (205.33 KB; downloaded 8795 times)

1129 Gai4.JPG (204.02 KB; downloaded 8812 times)


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 28.06.2014, 21:10

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Partea a-II-a
1165 Teatru.JPG (309.33 KB; downloaded 8794 times)
1165 Teatru3.JPG (271.93 KB; downloaded 8816 times)
1165.JPG (272.54 KB; downloaded 8790 times)
1170 CET.JPG (289.7 KB; downloaded 8794 times)
1170 CET2.JPG (287.15 KB; downloaded 8793 times)
1170 CET16B.JPG (303.66 KB; downloaded 8810 times)
1170 Teatru16B.JPG (262.19 KB; downloaded 8795 times)
1170.JPG (394.8 KB; downloaded 8798 times)
1179 MViteazu6.JPG (290.79 KB; downloaded 8797 times)
1179 Revolutiei6.JPG (256.88 KB; downloaded 8792 times)
1179.JPG (203.19 KB; downloaded 8792 times)


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Thursday, 22.06.2017, 21:12

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Cateva Tatre de la mijlocul lunii iunie surprinse in Arad ... Din pacate, din ce in ce mai putine ...

1100 - Linia 6 -  Primaria Arad - 15 Iunie 2017

1124+175 - Linia 3 - Bulevardul Revolutiei - 16 Iunie 2017


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 07.04.2018, 22:05

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Numarul lor e din ce in ce mai mic in Arad, dar raman cele mai fiabile, sigure si bune tramvaie pe care orasul din vestul tarii le-a avut.

Din pacate, singurul "exemplar" Tatra T4R care a mai supravietuit (140) este defect si nu circula in clipa de fata.

Sa urmarim cateva cadre cu tramvaiele gasite la traseu vineri, 06 Aprilie 2018.

Pentru inceput, cateva cupluri.

1046+215 - Linia 3 - Piata Podgoria

1069+150 - Linia 7 - Fat-Frumos

1120+199 - Linia 18B - Strada Condurasilor

1120+199 - Linia 18B - Fat-Frumos

1120+199 - Linia 18B - Billa Micalaca

1124+175 - Linia 18B - Strada Mucius Scaevola

1126+209 - Linia 3 - Bulevardul Revolutiei

1126+209 - Linia 3 - Strada Stefan cel Mare (Aradul Nou)

Cateva cupluri la "pachet" la Fat-Frumos ...

1046 + 1069

1069 + 1120


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 07.04.2018, 22:07

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Tatre solo.

1170 - Linia 6 - Calea Aurel Vlaicu

1174 - Linia 6 - Piata Podgoriei

1174 - 6 - 06.04.2018 (3).JPG (272.04 KB; downloaded 8105 times)

1174 - 6 - 06.04.2018 (5).JPG (251.11 KB; downloaded 8141 times)

1179 - Linia 18B - Strada Dornei


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 07.04.2018, 22:09

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Cateva remorci (150 si 215) si interiorul tramvaiului 1069.

De mentionat faptul ca 150 este singura remorca din Arad care detine usi pe ambele parti.

150 - 7 - 06.04.2018 (2).JPG (270.87 KB; downloaded 8135 times)

150 - 7 - 06.04.2018 (3).JPG (307.81 KB; downloaded 8106 times)

150 - 7 - 06.04.2018.JPG (223.88 KB; downloaded 8117 times)

215 - 3 - 06.04.2018 (2).JPG (285.93 KB; downloaded 8127 times)

215 - 3 - 06.04.2018 (3).JPG (313.21 KB; downloaded 8119 times)

1069 interior - 06.04.2018.JPG (275.74 KB; downloaded 8111 times)


  • GPS
  • Posted: Saturday, 04.08.2018, 07:57

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) GPS

1046 + 215 - linia 3 - 26.07.2018


  • R936
  • Posted: Wednesday, 19.09.2018, 17:41

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) R936

1087, 1111 și 1129
1087.jpg (577.66 KB; downloaded 7897 times)
1111.jpg (665 KB; downloaded 7852 times)
1129.jpg (331.36 KB; downloaded 7851 times)


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Sunday, 26.05.2019, 21:11

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

903 + remorca - Linia 18B - Bulevardul Revolutiei - Mai 2019

1129 - Linia 7 - Calea Aurel Vlaicu


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Monday, 17.06.2019, 20:50

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

1085 - Linia 6 - Bulevardul Revolutiei - 13 Iunie 2019

1115 - Linia 18B - Cimitirul Pomenirea - 12 Iunie 2019

1174 - Linia 6 - Strada Dunarii / Gai  - 13 Iunie 2019

1179 - Linia 16 - Bulevardul Revolutiei / Podgoria - 13 Iunie 2019


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Saturday, 13.07.2019, 10:48

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Cateva imagini din aceasta saptamana de la Arad cu tramvaiele Tatra.

903+ 213 - Linia 18B - Podgoria

1085 - Linia 6 - Gara Arad

1100 - Linia 6 - Teatru

1170 - Linia 6  

1189 - Linia 18B - Primaria Arad / Bulevardul Revolutiei


  • Victor92
  • Posted: Wednesday, 31.07.2019, 21:50

Re: Tramvaiele TATRA (T4R si T4D/B4D) Victor92

Ca si noutate, tramvaiele Tatra circula din nou prin Cartierul Gradiste  :love:

1115 - Linia 6 - Bulevardul Revolutiei

1180 - Linia 16 - Bulevardul Revolutiei


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