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Topic: Decembrie 2017

4 posts, 3181 views
Decembrie 2017 Gabi23

13 decembrie

Se lucreză în ritmul tradițional, adică lent, practic se bate apa-n piuă!  :evil:

Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (1).JPG (340.94 KB; downloaded 3022 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (2).JPG (283.36 KB; downloaded 3021 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (3).JPG (454.83 KB; downloaded 3023 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (4).JPG (426.36 KB; downloaded 3022 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (5).JPG (406.41 KB; downloaded 3020 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (6).JPG (447.67 KB; downloaded 3024 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (7).JPG (403.78 KB; downloaded 3022 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (8).JPG (275.31 KB; downloaded 3021 times)


Re: Decembrie 2017 Gabi23


Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (9).JPG (380.68 KB; downloaded 3019 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (10).JPG (404.38 KB; downloaded 3018 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (11).JPG (292.51 KB; downloaded 3019 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (12).JPG (252.52 KB; downloaded 3029 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (13).JPG (332.24 KB; downloaded 3021 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (14).JPG (329.84 KB; downloaded 3019 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (15).JPG (368.55 KB; downloaded 3018 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (16).JPG (346.53 KB; downloaded 3018 times)
Ciurel - 13.12.2017 (17).JPG (201.62 KB; downloaded 3019 times)


Re: Decembrie 2017 Gabi23

18 decembrie

Mici progrese...

Ciurel - 18.12.2017 (2).JPG (323.31 KB; downloaded 2639 times)
Ciurel - 18.12.2017 (3).JPG (295.68 KB; downloaded 2636 times)
Ciurel - 18.12.2017 (1).JPG (427.65 KB; downloaded 2637 times)


Re: Decembrie 2017 Gabi23

În cursul zilei de joi, 28 decembrie, au mai montat două secțiuni metalice:

Ciurel - 29.12.2017.JPG (363.04 KB; downloaded 2100 times)


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