Transportul în lumeEuropaMarea Britanie / United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondra


Topic: Autobuze

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Re: Londra: autobuze Robert24

VDL Bus SB200 LF Fuelcell Wrightbus Pulsar 2 - autobuz cu hidrogen - Tower Transit - 2013

Bus_TT_LJ13JWP_WSH62996.jpg (220.92 KB; downloaded 4492 times)


Re: Londra: autobuze Adrian.B

Mercedes-Benz Citaro MEC 22:

Mercedes-Benz Citaro MEC 27:


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06

Poze facute vara trecuta (august 2017):


London Bus by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT189 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT57 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus EH21 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT41 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

DSCF8438 by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT66 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

DSCF8443 by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus WHV125 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bonus: poza facuta in august 2015

Bus LT41 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06


Bus in central London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT311 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT437 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT450 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT503 London (2) by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT503 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bouns: 2 poze din august 2015

Bus LT280 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT444 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06


Bus LT612 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT624 London (2) by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT624 London (3) by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT624 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Bus VLA 55 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Buses in motion in London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus 2535 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Bus DN33785 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06


Bus L128 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT124 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT131 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT142 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus VH45199 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bonus: poza din august 2015

Bus LT83 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Bus LT038 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT101 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT727 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr

Bus LT807 London by WT_fan06, on Flickr


Re: Londra: autobuze Chev Celios

Trebuia sa te bagi in seama cu soferii. O buna parte sunt fosti RATB-isti.


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06

:lol: nici nu stii cat de greu a fost sa fac aceste poze in primul rand. Eu efectiv fugeam cu grupul, stateam 2 secunde, faceam poza, nici nu verificam (ce-o iesi o iesi...) si fugeam mai departe ca sa prind din urma grupul care deja avansase considerabil. Eram in circuit cu liceul si, evident, trebuia sa facem sprint intre obiective turistice, sa comasam cat mai multe, ca asa e in circuit... Noroc ca profesorul ne dadea liber la pranz o ora sa mancam, timp in care most likely mai ieseam la o tura de pozat.  :bere:


Re: Londra: autobuze drbm

Frumoase poze, succes pe mai departe.


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06

Mersi super mult pentru feedback!  :bere:


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06

Citate de aur  :lol:

"We wouldn't go on the night buses because people vomit all over you, really, and we are too old for all that malarkey. And we don't go on the 6xx buses, because they're school buses, and people might say we are peculiar."

"We were on the 122, and, without any warning he said <<This bus terminates here!>> and we climbed off with not a shop, not a wall, just a bleak area... and we say <<What do we do now?!>>; he said <<I don't know, I'm going off duty!>> and drove off..."

"And then we're going to have a long conversation about what do we do next, cause Lucy was suggesting every graveyard in London; we might coincidentally be there when we die, might we?"


Re: Londra: autobuze WT_fan06

The Unlimited Bus Hopper
- înainte puteai să folosești două autobuze/tramvaie consecutiv într-o oră, pentru £1.50
- acum poți folosi oricâte autobuze/tramvaie într-o oră, nu neapărat consecutiv, adică poți folosi și schema autobuz - metrou - autobuz pentru £1.50 + taxă metrou
- ora are de fapt 70 de minute


Re: Londra: autobuze Adrian.B

Compania frantuzeasca RATP asteapta 195 de autobuze electrice BYD / ADL pana la sfarsitul anului dintre care 68 single-deckers si 127 double-deckers pentru rute atat castigate de la alti operatori cat si pentru rute pe care le-au recastigat datorita performantei (tin sa precizez ca fiecare ruta are un termen pentru fiecare companie iar spre final fiecare companie, cu garaj in apropiere desigur, liciteaza pentru ruta respectiva). RATP ajunge cea mai mare companie cu flota electrica spre finalul anului. RATP mai are in flota inca 36 de autobuze electrice "SD" din 2018 pentru rutele 70 si C1 si 29 "DD" din 2019 pentru ruta 94, ambele BYD/ADL.


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