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Topic: Stiri, noutati, perspective

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  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Thursday, 24.08.2017, 05:25

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06


Un avion de lux cu turiști care se află într-un sejur exclusivist ce include și Bucovina, a aterizat pe Aeroportul Suceava
Turismul de lux în Bucovina se consolidează în ultima perioadă, iar miercuri, un avion de lux, cu turiști care se află într-un sejur exclusivist a aterizat la Suceava.

Turiștii, care parcurg un traseu exclusivist în mai multe țări, prin compania TCS World Travel, unul dintre cei mai importanți organizatori de excursii cu avioane private, au venit miercuri la Suceava cu un Boeing 757 modificat.

Potrivit unor surse din turism, în timpul vizitei în Bucovina, turiștii au fost la Mănăstirea Voroneț și au mers apoi la o pensiune din apropierea orașului Gura Humorului care oferă mâncăruri tradiționale bucovinene realizate din produse organice.

Este pentru a doua oară în acest an când acest operator în turism include Bucovina în circuitul exclusivist într-un turneu ce cuprinde țări din Europa și Asia, costul unui sejur fiind de circa 80.000 de euro de persoană.

Președintele Consiliului Județean Suceava, Gheorghe Flutur, declara, luni, că județul Suceava trebuie să se pregătească pentru a avea o ofertă pe măsură pentru turismul de lux în condițiile în care Bucovina a fost inclusă în trasee exclusiviste.


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Thursday, 24.08.2017, 17:34

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Sursa+stirea completa:

Airbus Helicopters şi IAR consolidează parteneriatul pentru H215M cu un acord pe 15 ani
Acordul a fost semnat astazi în prezența Președintelui francez Emmanuel Macron, aflat in tara noastra, și a Președintelui român Klaus Iohannis.

Airbus Helicopters și IAR, liderul industriei aerospațiale din România, au decis să extindă cooperarea lor exclusivă pentru elicopterul multirol H215M. Conform acestui acord general, IAR va deveni principalul contractor pentru H215M pentru orice comandă viitoare primită de la Ministerul Apărării din România pentru înlocuirea vechii flote. Semnat iniţial pe 5 ani, acordul a fost extins la 15 ani, ceea ce subliniază încă o dată angajamentul pe termen lung dintre Airbus Helicopters şi IAR de a contribui în comun la modernizarea flotei de elicoptere multirol a forțelor armate române.

Anunțul a avut loc în timpul vizitei oficiale a președintelui francez Emmanuel Macron la București și în prezența președintelui român Klaus Iohannis. “Suntem mândri că am extins acest acord ca rezultat al încrederii dintre IAR și Airbus Helicopters”, a declarat Neculai Banea, director general al IAR. “IAR a construit peste 360 de elicoptere sub licență Airbus Helicopters în ultimele decenii, ceea ce ne face încrezători în viitorul succes al H215M”, a completat aceasta.


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Thursday, 31.08.2017, 14:44

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Sursa+stirea completa:

Failed tyre tread penetrated wing of Jetstar 787-8
A Jetstar Boeing 787-8 suffered damage to its left wing and flap system after one of its main landing gear tyres delaminated while taking off from Singapore Changi International airport on 13 May.

As the aircraft, registered VH-VKA, was climbing through 3,000ft enroute to Melbourne, the captain set the aircraft’s flap setting to flaps 1. That triggered a ‘Flaps Drive’ caution alert, indicating a fault with the system. In response, the crew notified air traffic control and levelled off at 6,000ft to complete a fault checklist. Thereafter, a decision was made to return to Singapore.

The aircraft landed safely and taxied to the gate escorted by emergency service vehicles. Before the flight crew left the aircraft, an engineering staff member advised that they found damage to the left wing. Ground staff meanwhile reported that there was debris on the runway the aircraft had taken off from.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) says that examination of the aircraft’s main landing gear showed that the tread on one of the tyres had delaminated, penetrated the left under-wing panel, and broke a flap torque tube, triggering the warning. “The delamination on take-off likely occurred at the southern end of the runway, when the tyre was at high speed, which provided sufficient energy for the tread to penetrate the left under wing panel and break a flap torque tube,” it adds.

Manufacturer Michelin examined the failed tyre, and concluded that the tread had been undercut due to the aircraft mostly operating on grooved runways.


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Friday, 29.09.2017, 13:35

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Va ridic mingea la fileu cu cel mai mare scandal din aviatie la momentul actual, intre Boeing si Bombardier. Mai jos se afla o analiza extrem de interesanta (dupa parerea mea, evident, altii poate zic ca e spam, stiu eu?). Pe de o parte avem Boeing care sustine ca Bombardier face concurenta neloiala, de cealalta parte, Bombardier care sustine opusul. Eu tind sa fiu de partea lui Bombardier si a programului CSeries.


ANALYSIS: Bombardier faces latest setback with trade ruling
The US government's preliminary decision to impose hefty import duties on Bombardier's CSeries could mark a notable setback for the Canadian manufacturer, which had framed a CSeries order from Delta Air Lines as a major win and door-opener to deals with other major US carriers. Though several important steps remain before duties become reality, the initial decision raises questions about additional US sales and has furthered an already fiery trade dispute between the US and top allies.

“The US values its relationships with Canada, but even our closest allies must play by the rules,” US Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross said in a media release announcing the agency's decision. The US Department of Commerce on 26 September determined that Bombardier received government subsidies equal to 219.63% of the value of CS100s imported into the USA. The agency recommends that US customs charge Bombardier cash duties equal to that amount.

"Subsidies enabled Bombardier to dump its product into the US market, harming aerospace workers in the United States and throughout Boeing’s global supply chain," Boeing says. “Global trade works only if everyone plays by the rules."

In a statement to FlightGlobal, Bombardier notes that the decision is preliminary and says it will continue fighting against import duties. A final determination is expected on 18 December, followed by a possible import duty order next year.

"This is one step in a multi-step process, so we remain focused on continuing to defend ourselves in the process. We believe the facts [are] on our side, so once the ultimate decision is rendered next year, we are confident we’ll come out on top," Bombardier tells FlightGlobal.

Delta, likewise, stands behind Bombardier, predicting US regulators will eventually conclude that the CS100 poses no threat to US industry.

The Commerce Department does not specify a dollar amount for the duties, but notes that Bombardier in a 2016 media release pegged the value of Delta's 2016 purchase of 75 CS100s at more than $5 billion. Bombardier specifically said the Delta sale had a list price value of $5.6 billion; at that amount, the deal's total import duties would total $12.3 billion, or about $164 million per aircraft.

"I believe if you add 220% to the current list price of the aircraft it will give you an idea of what this means," says a Bombardier spokesperson.

However, it is possible the duties could be less. A Commerce Department spokesperson says the tariffs will be based on the sales price. Bombardier has not disclosed that price, but Boeing estimated in its petition that Bombardier actually sold the aircraft to Delta at $23.3 million each, which would equate to a duty of $51.2 million per aircraft. The proposed duties are also subject to findings of a concurrent investigation by the US International Trade Commission into whether Bombardier's sale to Delta harmed Boeing and the broader US industry. The Trade Commission issued a preliminary ruling in Boeing's favour, and will release its final decision on 1 February 2018. If both agencies uphold those rulings, the Commerce Department will issue a duty order on 8 February. However, no duties will be imposed if either agency reverses course, says the Commerce Department.

"The real decision will come in 2018," says Delta in response to queries from FlightGlobal. "We are confident the [Trade Commission] will conclude that no US manufacturer is at risk because neither Boeing nor any other US manufacturer makes any 100-110 seat aircraft that competes with the CS100."


“We strongly disagree with the Commerce Department’s preliminary decision. The magnitude of the proposed duty is absurd and divorced from the reality about the financing of multibillion-dollar aircraft programs," the Montreal-based company said in a 26 September statement.

"Boeing is seeking to use a skewed process to stifle competition and prevent US airlines and their passengers from benefiting from the CSeries," it added. "The US government should reject Boeing’s attempt to unfairly tilt the playing field… and to impose an indirect tax on the flying public."

The ruling marks another milestone in an effort Boeing launched in April, when it alleged in a petition to US trade officials that a heavily-subsidised Bombardier dumped CS100s in the US market with the Delta sale. Boeing estimated in its petition that Bombardier benefitted from more than $4.5 billion in equity infusions, launch aid and other subsidies. According to Boeing's math, CS100s cost more than $30 million each to produce, and Bombardier sold them to Delta at a loss of about $10 million each. Boeing alleged that the roughly 108-seat CS100 competes with its 737-700s and 737 Max 7s, which carry at least 130 passengers.

Bombardier has long denied the allegations, claiming the practice of offering discount prices to large customers buying new aircraft is common. The company also insists the CS100 does not compete with any 737s, and says Boeing exited the 100-seat market years ago when it stopped producing the 717.

Delta has supported Bombardier on the same grounds, and other airlines like Spirit Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Sun Country Airlines have rallied in Bombardier's defense.

"Boeing had the chance to compete with Bombardier for Delta’s purchase of aircraft in this size range, but Boeing’s only proposed alternative to the CS100 was to offer Delta used Brazilian-made regional jets," says Delta. "Boeing has no American-made product to offer because it cancelled production of its only aircraft in this size range – the 717 – more than 10 years ago," Delta adds.

Though far from final, a 220% import tariff would certainly raise significant problems for Bombardier, which has not landed a large new CSeries customer since the deal with Delta last year. Bombardier designed the CSeries from scratch on the belief that demand existed for a technologically-advanced and fuel-efficient aircraft to occupy the segment between 76-seat regional jets and 130-seat narrowbodies. But Bombardier faced fierce competition from Airbus and Boeing, which have responded by promoting the smallest versions of their narrowbody aircraft.

To date, Bombardier has received firm orders for 342 CSeries, enough to keep the production line humming until around 2020, according to executives and Flight Fleets Analyzer. Meanwhile, Bombardier has suffered several programme setbacks, including a delay in deliveries due partly to problems suffered by engine maker Pratt & Whitney.

Bombardier seemed to gain sales momentum last year when it landed the 75-aircraft Delta deal and an order from Air Canada for 45 larger CS300s. Executives described those deals as "marquee" sales that would likely spur interest from other major US airlines.

It remains unclear, however, what impact the trade ruling might have on such interest, though Bombardier strikes a confident note. "We are very encouraged by the discussions we are having on the CSeries with potential customers around the world including in the US," the company says.


The Commerce Department investigation had drawn in the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom. On 27 September, the office of UK prime minister Theresa May said it was "bitterly disappointed" at the ruling. "The government will continue to work with the company to protect vital jobs for Northern Ireland," it says. Bombardier makes CSeries wings in Northern Ireland.

Canada prime minister Justin Trudeau also said he is "disappointed", and transport minister Marc Garneau said Boeing feels threatened, according to reports. Trudeau's comments came days after he outright threatened to cancel Canada's plans to purchase Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets should Boeing continue its campaign against Bombardier. "We have obviously been looking at the Super Hornet aircraft from Boeing as a potential significant procurement of… new fighter jets, but we won't do business with a company that is trying to sue us and put our aerospace workers out of business," Trudeau said during a press conference.

But neither May's or Trudeau's comments appeared to sway the US administration, which has taken a more-protectionist stance under Trump. "The subsidisation of goods by foreign governments is something that the Trump administration takes very seriously, and we will continue to evaluate and verify the accuracy of this preliminary determination,” said the Commerce Department in its 26 September release. "Enforcement of US trade law is a prime focus of the Trump administration."

Voi ce parere aveti?


Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective Puss in Boots

Din ce stiu scandalul nu e de ieri de azi, in Le Monde stiu ca vazusem ceva despre asta acum multe luni in urma. Si eu tin cu canadienii ca nu-i suport pe americani, dar e o chestie subiectiva :D


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Friday, 29.09.2017, 14:26

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Asa este, insa am citit aceasta analiza foarte bine scrisa care pune cap la cap toate informatiile si nu m-a lasat inima sa nu v-o arat si voua, mai ales ca acest subiect nu a fost abordat deloc pe forum. Avem reactia Boeing, reactia Bombardier, reactia instantelor de judecata si reactiile de pe plan extern. Uitati cat de bine se vede cum se propaga ecoul in lumea aviatiei. La finalul zilei, toate se leaga intre ele, ca intr-un ecosistem. Un scandal aparut in SUA poate afecta economia Irlandei de Nord, de exemplu, ca si multe alte economii pe plan mondial. Fascinant!

Eh, acum legat de americani, eu tot timpul am fost si sunt fan Boeing, dar nu imi place reactia lor si mi se pare ca se intind mai mult decat le e patura. Desi ei nu detin nisa 100-seater jet, tot sar la gatul rivalilor. Sa moara si capra vecinilor... urat.


Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective Puss in Boots

Globalizare :) Daca Bombardier ipotetic o sa intre in belele si mai mari, maine poimaine se inchide centrul de operatiuni din Cluj si se relocheaza activitatea in India. Joburi pierdute etc. Si daca vorbim de Irlanda de Nord, Michelin inchide fabrica din Ballymena unde sunt aproape 1000 de angajati pt ca linia de productie de acolo (anvelope tonaj greu) nu merge bine la nivel mondial. Asta asa ca paranteza.


Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective bercenicity

UE si SUA se lupta de multa vreme referitor la subventiile acordate Boeing si Airbus

Iar Airbus a facut si un joculet "WTO warriors":
unnamed.png (308.15 KB; downloaded 9683 times)


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Friday, 29.09.2017, 15:09

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Trebuie sa dai subscribe pe Financial Times ca sa poti citi articolul, dar celelalte sunt suficient de explicative.  :bere:


Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective bercenicity

De pe pagina de search google merge accesat articolul

US and EU both claim victory in Boeing-Airbus state aid dispute

Appeals could delay resolution of multibillion dollar WTO battle for at least a year

The US and EU have both claimed victory in a 13-year World Trade Organisation battle over illegal state aid to Boeing and Airbus. But appeals could delay final resolution of the multibillion dollar dispute for at least another year.

The WTO’s compliance panel on Friday rejected several EU claims that the US had failed to withdraw all illegal subsidies to Boeing. However, it also found that the US had not complied with a previous ruling to abolish illegal tax breaks by Washington state. 

Officials on both sides of the Atlantic and Boeing and Airbus executives are aware that their battle over state aid has distracted them from fighting off new competitors in China and Russia, which are hoping to break the duopoly that dominates the global commercial aircraft market.

At a time of growing tensions over trade between Donald Trump’s administration and the EU, both groups have also said privately that a settlement should be reached in the protracted dispute. But both sides have refused to budge from their entrenched positions.

Both sides are likely to appeal against parts of Friday’s ruling. That would take the EU case to the WTO’s appellate body, which is already considering a separate US case over state aid to Airbus. 

The US hailed the WTO’s finding that all but one of the 29 tax incentives and other subsidies identified by the EU were in compliance with global trade rules.

It is time for the EU to stop making excuses and instead to join us in negotiating a settlement to remove all WTO-inconsistent subsidies

US officials added that they planned to appeal against the WTO’s finding that there was one illegal subsidy — a Washington state package of tax breaks. But they said it amounted to only a small portion of the roughly $100m a year provided by the state, out of more than $10bn in alleged subsidies. 

“The WTO report confirms what we have always said: the US does not provide subsidies even remotely comparable to the uniquely large and uniquely harmful EU subsidies to Airbus,” said Robert Lighthizer, the US Trade Representative.

“It is time for the EU to stop making excuses and instead to join us in negotiating a settlement to remove all WTO-inconsistent subsidies so that our world-class aircraft manufacturers can compete on a level playing field.” 

But the EU seized on the WTO’s finding that the US had failed to comply with a previous ruling as well as its identification of other subsidies. 

Cecilia Malmström, EU trade commissioner, called the ruling “another victory for the EU, its industry and EU workers in this strategic sector”. 

“The panel agrees that the US has simply ignored existing WTO rulings and has continued to subsidise Boeing,” she said, adding that Brussels would continue to “firmly defend our industry”.

The European Commission said that its lawyers were considering an appeal. 

Airbus said that the US’s failure to withdraw tax breaks as well as benefits that Boeing extracted from research and development by Nasa and the department of defence had cost it the sale of some 300 aircraft in the past five years at an estimated value of $15bn to $20bn.

Overall, Airbus said that illegal state support for Boeing had cost it sales worth roughly $100bn over time. 

Tom Enders, Airbus chief executive, described the WTO ruling as a “great victory for fair trade” but Boeing said it was a “resounding defeat” for the European group and the EU.

The US group blamed illegal subsidies for Airbus’s A320 and A380 wide-body jets for its loss of billions of dollars in sales.

The panel agrees that the US has simply ignored existing WTO rulings and has continued to subsidise Boeing

“It is finally time for them to comply with their global trade obligations and eliminate and remedy the $22bn of launch aid and other illegal subsidies that are harming US aerospace companies and American workers,” said J. Michael Luttig, Boeing’s general counsel.

Friday’s WTO ruling coincided with a decision by the US International Trade Commission to proceed with an anti-dumping case filed by Boeing against Canada’s Bombardier.


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Friday, 29.09.2017, 15:20

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective WT_fan06

Foarte interesant! In una dintre cele mai competitive industrii din lume se sare mult calul pentru comenzi/bani.
Oricum, fiti pe faza, ca Boeing lucreaza la un avion nou, de tip MOM (Middle Of the Market) care sa faca puntea dintre 737MAX si 787. Sa vedem ce subventii dau americanii acolo.  :mrgreen:


  • WT_fan06
  • Posted: Sunday, 10.12.2017, 16:11

  • TibiV
  • Posted: Wednesday, 03.01.2018, 09:36

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective TibiV

2017, cel mai sigur an din istoria aviatiei comerciale

Potrivit Aviation Safety Network (organizatie din Olanda fondata in 1996), anul trecut au avut loc doar 10 accidente aviatice, facand din 2017 cel mai sigur an din istoria aviatiei comerciale atat ca numar de accidente, cat si ca persoane decedate. Cele 10 accidente aviatice s-au soldat cu 44 de pasageri decedati si 35 de persoane care au murit la sol.

Comparativ, in 2016 Aviation Safety Network a inregistrat 16 accidente si 303 de vieti pierdute.

Cinci dintre cele 10 accidente de anul trecut au implicat avioane cargo si 5, avioane de pasageri. Daca ne raportam la traficul aerian global, 36.800.000 de zboruri, avem un avion de pasageri pierdut intr-un accident cu victime la 7.360.000 de zboruri.


  • Gabi23
  • Posted: Tuesday, 26.06.2018, 10:11

Re: Stiri, noutati, perspective Gabi23

TAROM a vândut două avioane Airbus A310

După ce a ţinut la sol aproape un an şi jumătate cele două avioane Airbus A310, Tarom a reuşit să le vândă. Au ajuns la o companie aeriană din Armenia şi au adus în conturile liniei de stat 5 milioane şi jumătate de dolari. Astăzi, doi piloţi au dus noului client aeronava care, la noi, a purtat numele Moldova.
Airbusul 310 a ajuns la Erevan după ce a purtat 26 de ani sigla TAROM şi o mulţime de emoţii ale pasagerilor şi piloţilor.
Pilot: Las o urmă de tristeţe că am trăit momente frumoase cu avionul ăsta. Cu ăsta pentru mine a fost frumos un drum spre Ţara lui Moş Crăciun.
Chiar şi preşedinţii au amintiri legate de avionul plecat astăzi pentru totdeauna din România.
„ Zona aceasta este una încărcată de istorie pentru că aeronava a fost şi aeronavă presidenţială pentru aproximativ cinci ani. Aici au stat Traian Băsescu dar şi Klaus Iohannis. Este adevărat că pentru a modela întreaga zonă se făceau câteva modificări. De exemplu aceste două banchete erau scoase în vreme ce acestea erau întoarse invers iar în această zonă era biroul presidenţial pe timpul zborului”, relatează Cristi Pop, jurnalist Digi24.
Airbusul 310 a zburat mult timp spre New York şi Beijing. După ce TAROM a renunţat la aceste destinaţii, aeronava a făcut legătura dintre Bucureşti şi Timişoara, dar mergea în pierdere.
Zborul costa compania 1.300 de euro de pasager, în vreme ce biletul nu era vândut cu mai mult de 100 de euro.
Acest timp de avion a provocat şi cea mai mare tragedie aviatică din ultimii 29 de ani. 60 de oameni au murit în 1995 când o aeronavă s-a prăbușit la Balotești. Ancheta a arătat o defecțiune la sistemul automat de tracțiune.

Sursa: ... 310-953015


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