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Topic: Filmari DPS Romania

211 posts, 131883 views
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Re: One way - Railway DPS

A mai trecut un sezon estival, aproape ca a mai trecut un an...


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Re: One way - Railway DPS

Atentie, se inchid usile !


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Re: Filmari DPS Romania DPS

Sarbatori fericite, multa sanatate si drumuri bune, oriunde veti calatori !. Vizionare placuta !


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Re: Filmari DPS Romania DPS

Un nou clip de la Baneasa, include show de goarne de "electrica", doua trenuri cu Dacii, cazane, cereale, prelate, alumina etc. CFR Marfa, GFR, CTV, DB, Tim. Vizionare placuta !


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Re: Filmari DPS Romania DPS

Weekend-ul acesta calatorim pe ruta....


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Re: Filmari DPS Romania DPS

Vizionare placuta !


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Re: Filmari DPS Romania DPS

Pentru un sezon estival asa cum vi-l doriti !


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